Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 569: : Wps free

Whether Chen Yu is fooling them, Qiu Bojun and Lei Jun have the same considerations.

Perhaps Chen Yu is indeed fooling them into the mobile phone.

But it can also be seen that Huanyu Technology will make a big splash in the mobile phone in the future.

Regardless of whether Chen Yu is fooling them or not, they are willing to keep up with Chen Yu's big ship.


"Haupter, are you ready for the technology?"

"I have no problem here."

"OK, update our MSN."

Microsoft headquarters made a strategy, and Microsoft China decided to implement it immediately.

The first step is to bind MSN to the latest version of the windwos system.

Of course, if it is just this, the power is not particularly great.

Because the latest version of windows system has the problem that old users cannot use it.

Therefore, for old users, they adopt the method of system update.

As long as the user updates the system with a patch, the latest version of msn will also be downloaded.

However, although Microsoft made the decision, bad news soon came out.

Almost at the same time that Microsoft China adopted the binding strategy, the major media announced news about Microsoft's alleged monopoly.

The article stated that Microsoft forced the launch of their instant messenger msn with a monopoly on the market, and relevant experts believed that the act was suspected of being a monopoly.

As soon as the news came out, it instantly caused heated discussions among countless netizens.

not only.

Relevant departments also quickly attacked, interviewed the person in charge of Microsoft China, and gave a strong warning.

Even the relevant departments also stated that if Microsoft will continue to monopolize the market, they will cancel Microsoft's operating qualifications in China.

It should be said that this is the biggest crisis Microsoft has encountered in China.

The official said that if it is an ordinary enterprise, it will definitely not hold up.

But Microsoft deserves to be Microsoft. Even in the face of such strong pressure, Microsoft still stated that all their actions are legal and compliant, and they do not have a monopoly. As for the updated MSN, this is just a small program in the operating system. Strictly speaking, MSN is also part of the operating system.


"Microsoft is disgusting."

"Damn, everyone boycotts Microsoft."

Countless netizens are shamelessly angry at Microsoft.

It's just that although everyone shouted for boycott, people in the industry smiled bitterly.

Can you resist it?

It seems like a joke to use Microsoft's operating system to resist Microsoft.

Moreover, not to mention that users can't resist, even the top can't resist.

It is also unrealistic to cancel Microsoft's operations in China.

You cancelled the operation of Microsoft Windows in China, do you still use Windows?

You might say that you can use piracy.


Ordinary people can certainly use pirated copies, but what about the official, major listed companies?

Ordinary people use pirated editions, and Microsoft won't do anything to you.

But if official, major listed companies use a series of pirated copies, Microsoft will tell it.

It is precisely because Microsoft can see that even if you want to resist it, you can't resist it, so they are fearless.

"It's over, Huanyu Technology's YY may be over."

"I didn't expect Microsoft to use such a killer move. Once such a binding is released, how can yy survive?"

"I don't know how Huanyu Technology will respond?"

A group of industry insiders expressed their concerns about Huanyu Technology.

At the same time, the relevant departments at the top also came to Huanyu Technology to express their condolences.

However, just when countless people were looking forward to Huanyu Technology's countermeasures, they discovered that Huanyu Technology did not seem to have done anything.


Huanyu Technology did not publish any condemnation of Microsoft on its official website, nor did it update their YY.

It's like Microsoft's raid, Huanyu Technology doesn't know at all.

"What's the matter, why didn't Huanyu Technology say anything, not even an official reply?"

"I don't know how many times the major media have been exposed, but he is fine, as if this matter has nothing to do with them?"

"You won't be stunned by Microsoft?"

Many people really do not understand.

Microsoft also doesn't understand it.

After Microsoft implemented the binding strategy, they have been paying attention to the actions of Huanyu Technology.

Even Bill always pays attention.

Although Huanyu Technology and their Microsoft are not of the same size, the instant messaging market in China is very important.

"Haupter, is there still no action on Huanyu Technology?"


"Not at all?"


Bill was very strange.

Although he didn't have much contact with Chen Yu, Bill's impression of Chen Yu at the last West Lake Forum on Swords was extremely profound.

He knew that for a genius like Chen Yu, he couldn't do nothing.

Although they are strong in Microsoft.

But the stronger Microsoft is, Bill believes that Chen Yu is more likely to fight with them.


Bill knows the personalities of these talented people.

That was how Apple's Jobs was.

In Bill's eyes, Chen Yu and Job are the same kind of people.

Facing a giant dragon like Microsoft, Chen Yu would definitely be the young dragon slayer.

However, Bill just likes Chen Yu doing this.

He is the evil dragon, and it depends on your ability to slaughter it.

But Chen Yu didn't even make a move, which made Bill a little bit incomprehensible.

"Pay close attention to the dynamic images of Huanyu Technology."


"By the way, how is our MSN operation now?"

"The temporary effect is mediocre, but many users have already joined. However, because of previous positioning errors, we have blocked many accounts, which will have a certain impact on our MSN in the short term."

"It's okay, take your time."

Bill is in no hurry.

As long as they have Microsoft for one day, they will be bound forever.

Instant messaging is a very sticky social software. Even if it can be monopolized, it is impossible to seize the market of Huanyu Technology YY at once.


"We also acted."

Facing the monopoly of Microsoft, it is naturally impossible for Chen Yu to do nothing.

The reason why it looks like Huanyu Technology hasn't made any movement from the outside is just because Huanyu Technology really hasn't moved.

However, the cooperation with Huanyu Technology, such as 360, and Jinshan Company, the two parties are slowly moving.

360 is the most straightforward. When Microsoft binds msn, 360 also binds the Huanyu browser.

As for how to bind, it is also very simple, just update through 360.

Of course, 360 is more than just an update.

If the update is not used by others, there is also a problem.

After the 360 ​​update, 360 has set the Universal Browser as the default browser.

It means as long as you open the webpage, you are using Universal Browser.

As for Jinshan, it is attacking the office software.

The method is also very simple.

Although Kingsoft office software wps has a low market share, it is actually quite famous.

Many people know that in addition to Microsoft's office, Kingsoft also has wps.

Now that it is easy to handle.

One reason for the original failure to promote is that the technology is not as good as Microsoft.

Of course, this is not the most important.

The most important thing is that wps is a fee-based software.

In this case, promotion becomes much simpler.

As long as the fees are turned into free, the channel for the future market will be opened.

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