Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 572: : 0 degrees, don’t make trouble, okay?

It doesn't really matter whether 360 Security Guard is anti-virus software or not.

Importantly, Baidu has already taken action against Huanyu Technology.

The first is the media.

When the media exploded that Huanyu Technology was suspected of monopolistic operations, the crowds were confused on the spot.

"What's this?"

"Huanyu Technology Monopoly?"

"When did Huanyu Technology monopolize?"

In terms of monopoly, everyone is most impressed, of course, Microsoft has bound MSN before.

At that time, the media exploded like this.

At that time everyone was extremely angry.

Why did it happen that after a few days, Huanyu Technology had a monopoly.

Is Huanyu Technology not a victim?

How did it become a monopoly?

Is there any misunderstanding in the middle?

It has to be said that Microsoft's previous monopoly has made Huanyu Technology a sympathizer.

At that time, many people supported Huanyu Technology incomparably and hoped that they would hold on to it.

This is normal.

Although Microsoft is awesome, it is a foreign company in the end.

Huanyu Technology is a domestic enterprise.

It is natural to support local enterprises if it is based on emotions and reason.

However, the truth of the matter was quickly dug through by the media.

It turns out that Huanyu Technology is suspected of being a monopoly because Huanyu Technology has engaged in a 360 security guard.

They use 360 ​​Security Guard to monopolize the browser and bind their Easy Search search engine.

"I seem to understand a little bit."

"Huanyu Technology is counterattacking Microsoft's core business."

"Microsoft attacked Huanyu Technology's YY, and Huanyu Technology used their Internet Explorer."

The media broke the news and didn't know when it was led astray.

Originally, Baidu exploded Huanyu Technology because of the monopoly of Huanyu Technology.

But after looking through the situation, everyone began to watch the war between Huanyu Technology and Microsoft.

In particular, it was discovered that Huanyu Technology has not recognized such a strong binding in Microsoft, and not only did not recognize it, but also started the idea of ​​Microsoft browser... Such a strong counterattack strategy suddenly attracted a lot of netizens. Sought after.

"Idol, Huanyu Technology is definitely my idol."

"Yes, man, kill Microsoft."

"Enjoyed. I thought that Huanyu Technology would recognize it. I didn't expect to be so stiff, I would like such a man."

Many people actually hate Microsoft.

The reason I hate it.

It is because of Microsoft's monopoly.

Because of its monopoly, Microsoft is simply meeting the gods and killing the gods and the Buddhas.

In the IT field, Microsoft almost has no rivals.

but now……

There is actually a domestic company that is courageous with Huanyu Technology. Regardless of the result, this courage is worthy of admiration.

And it seems that Huanyu Technology's counterattack is no worse than Microsoft's binding.

Do you dare to play binding, I dare to bind.

Moreover, I bind more thoroughly than you.

"Brothers, brothers, I found a more powerful news."

"what news?"

"Huanyu Technology and Microsoft are completely engaged."

"Cut, I think why the news, as everyone knows, it started fighting in the browser."

"No, no, not just the browser, but Universal Technology has also joined Microsoft in the office software business."

"Brother, don't you say it's that wps?"

"Yes, this is it."

"Isn't wps Jinshan's?"

"WPS belongs to Kingsoft, but Huanyu Technology has become a major shareholder of WPs. It is said that the president of Huanyu Technology personally found Qiubojun and talked with Qiubojun for several days and nights, and then this battle began."

All the truth is revealed.

It turns out that Huanyu Technology hasn't been silent before.

It's not that there is no counterattack.

It's that they have already quietly laid out.

Huanyu Technology not only gave Microsoft a heavy blow in the browser market.

At the same time, in the office software business that no one could resist before, it also broke a blood path.

For example, this wps.

The promotion of wps in recent period can be described as rapid.

Relying on free and a variety of awesome functional services, the market share of wps is almost like a rocket launch, out of control. Especially after knowing that WPS Huanyu Technology is a major shareholder, the market share of WPS has exploded.

For nothing else.

It is to support Huanyu Technology.


Do you think you are digressing?

Didn’t this media news focus on the monopoly of Huanyu Technology?

Well, it really is.

But unfortunately.

When countless users learned about all this, they left messages one after another.

"Then what, Baidu man, Huanyu Technology is fighting outside to kill the enemy, you are dragging him here, sorry?"

"That is, President Li, can you think about it more for the country?"

"Excuse me, Baidu, did you unite with Microsoft to engage in Universal Technology?"

Seeing this, Baidu CEO Li Yanhong almost vomited a mouthful of old blood.

He felt that some of these netizens were crazy.

He is the biggest victim.

However, after calming down, he also understood that Huanyu Technology had taken a very clever move.

They took advantage of the opportunity to fight against Microsoft, not only to increase their market share, but also to create their own brand.

Once this brand is recognized, the future position of Huanyu Technology in the eyes of the Chinese people will be just like the position of Microsoft in the eyes of Americans.

After all, as it is now.

Huanyu Technology is the only one who dares to fight against Microsoft.

For this reason, Li Yanhong put his hopes on the relevant departments above.

After all, things like this kind of monopoly are not a problem as long as they are handled by the top.

Naturally, when Baidu complained to the relevant department, the relevant department sent an inspection team.

"Chief Liu, this is the specific situation."

Li Yanhong introduced to the inspection team the specific situation of Huanyu Technology's suspected monopoly.

The inspection team Liu Zheng, who was former Section Chief Liu of the Network Information Administration, hesitated for a while, and then asked: "Mr. Li, I understand the specifics. I want to ask, does your company have an anti-virus software business?"


"So is there a browser business?"

"Not yet."

"In that case, Mr. Li, it must be said that the monopoly of Huanyu Technology is somewhat illogical."

"But Chief Liu, you have also seen their Easy Search search engine bound to their 2345."

"We have seen this. However, President Li, as far as we know, your company's hao123 website navigation is also bound to your engine."


Li Yanhong didn't even know how to answer this question.

In fact, their engine is indeed bound in hao123.

You are bound before, can't others learn from you?

Isn’t this fifty steps laughing a hundred steps?

Seeing that Li Yanhong was a little embarrassed, Liu Zheng also knew that he was a little bit sideways just now.

Then he said very seriously: "Of course, Mr. Li, we are just investigating and understanding the situation, whether the specific Huanyu Technology is suspected of being a monopoly, it still needs to be verified and analyzed by the expert group."

"Mr. Li, then we will go back first. As soon as there is any news, I will notify you as soon as possible."

With an extremely happy mood, Liu Zheng left Baidu.

That's After Liu Zheng discovered that Huanyu Technology and Microsoft's real swords and guns were working together, he had already favored Huanyu Technology.

The above has long seen Microsoft not pleasing to the eye, but no matter how strong he has been, he has been unable to do anything about it.

What embarrassed them even before was that Microsoft hadn't birded their warnings.

They thought they could only swallow this breath temporarily, but they didn't expect that Huanyu Technology would actually release a big move.

One attack was Microsoft's browser.

The other is Microsoft's office software business.

These two businesses are Microsoft's core businesses.

Although it is impossible to predict the future results, the existence of such a company is actually the prosperity of the country.

At this time, Huanyu Technology is fighting to death and life with Microsoft. Not to mention whether Huanyu Technology has a monopoly or not, even if it does, it is impossible for them to give specific handling opinions for the time being.

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