Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 609: : Moments in WeChat

"What, Goldman Sachs suspends signing?"

"President Shi, I just received a call and fax from Goldman Sachs."

"What reason?"

"They said that Huanyu Technology launched their YY space."

"Huanyu Technology launched their YY space, but Goldman Sachs is afraid that it will be like this?"

Shi Yuzhu almost vomited blood.

He has some doubts whether this venture capital company is too amateurish.

As soon as a competitor comes up, just don't vote.

I deeply regretted how I chose Goldman Sachs in the first place.

However, it is useless to regret now.

The most important thing now is to study the YY space of Huanyu Technology.


On the other hand, Chen Yu of Huanyu Technology convened Li Nan's high-level instant messaging team to start a social networking course.

"Li Nan, tell me, what is SNS?"

"Chen, SNS refers to social networks. It includes social software and social websites. Our instant messaging YY can be understood as social software, and our YY space is a social website."

"The summary is okay."

Chen Yu nodded, but then asked: "If this is the case, then what is the difference between our YY space and 51 net?"

" and our YY space are both types of social networking sites. As for the difference, it is not obvious at present."

"Not obvious?"

Chen Yu shook his head helplessly: "Since it is not obvious, that is to say, the two are the same? If this is the case, how can our YY space defeat the 51 net and rely on our binding?"


Li Nan was a little embarrassed.

His first thought was this.

Yy space and YY are bound to each other, which has a natural advantage.

Even if they do nothing else, they can beat the 51st net.

However, Chen Yu didn't want to see this.

Although the ecosystem created by YY can wipe out a series of competitors without any effort, if this is the case, it also hinders the evolution of Huanyu Technology. It may be possible to play this way in China, but if you enter a foreign country without binding, what should you do?

Chen Yu wants to engage in social networking, not just for the domestic.

"To answer this question, we have to learn the theoretical basis of social networks."

Although Li Nan's answer made Chen Yu unsatisfied, Chen Yu also knew that social network applications like this had only recently emerged, and many things were still being tried and studied. Not to mention that Li Nan didn't know much about social networks, and Shi Yuzhu didn't know much about it either. Even Facebook, which is as far away as the United States, may not know it well.

Everyone crossed the river by feeling the stones.

But some people succeeded in touching the stones, and some died after touching the stones.

"We all know that the theoretical basis of social networks is the six-degree segmentation theory proposed by the professor of psychology at Harvard University. This means that you will not have more than 6 people in contact with any stranger. Simply put, you can pass Six people know anyone in this world. So our social network was born."

Chen Yu briefly introduced the six-degree segmentation theory.

Of course, everyone understands this theory.

But it is not easy to put this theory into application.

Chen Yu continued: “Then, according to this theory, we can launch our social software and social network to connect a series of people we didn’t know before. But what is the purpose of the connection? The purpose is naturally to make friends, that is, mutual The interaction between them. Let’s take a look, our YY space and are not doing well in this area. The main business of the two is the personal display. For example, I upload photos, and I conduct my own space. Dress up, I just want everyone to see me, recognize me, and pay attention to me. Although there is indeed interaction in this, this kind of interaction is relatively shallow interaction, it is a kind of display interaction. It is not like our life Similarly, everyone will say hello when they meet, and you will share with everyone what you did yesterday."

The previous life Qzone made this mistake for a long time.

They created the QQ space for display, not for interaction.

Therefore, most of the time, many netizens who played QQ space dressed up their space very beautifully.

In order to show themselves as much as possible, many users use a series of methods to brush page views.

The more views, the more it proves that my space is popular.

This is about the same as the number of fans in Douyin.

But the YY space is completely different from Douyin.

Yy space is just a need for face, basically it can't bring much benefit to yourself.

But in addition to satisfying vanity and recognition, Douyin can also gain benefits.

However, although Qzone made big mistakes before, because of the super-powerful ecology created by QQ at that time, even if it made mistakes, he was able to defeat a series of competitors. I have to say that this is really an embarrassing thing.

It's just that Chen Yu doesn't want this to happen.

Chen Yu cannot recommend wrong applications and gameplay to users because of his own ecology.

Yy Space is not only a platform for self-exhibition, but also a platform for everyone to interact.

"Mr. Chen, what do you mean?"

Although Chen Yu has a lot of them, the theory has always been boring.

No matter how much you say, what you don't understand is still not understood.

Even if Li Nan has been in charge of instant messaging for several years, he still doesn't understand.

This is not a question of personal ability.

This is a problem of limited thinking.

Once this kind of thinking is opened up, elementary school students will be able to understand.

However, when thinking is restricted, no matter how high the IQ is, people can't figure out the doorway.

"Use our circle to speak."

Chen Yu gave an example: "Why can our circle succeed?"

"Because our circle has a variety of topics, and can bring everyone together to communicate."

Although Li Nan is not responsible for the circle business.

But the circle business Huanyu Technology has been operating for many years, let alone Li Nan, ordinary netizens can sum it up.

This is the benefit of being opened up.

"So, that means I post a topic in the circle, and there are various netizens discussing and interacting with me, right?"

"Yes, President Chen."

"However, our YY space does not seem to have this function."

"Mr. Chen, we also have it. For example, when we publish a log, users can enter the log to read and interact with the user. We upload a picture, and the user can also enter the album, and then perform Comment."

"Why do you want to enter the log? Why do you want the user to enter the album? Isn't this an extra action?"

"Mr. Chen, what you mean is to skip this step and let everyone see the logs and photos posted by your friends."

"Yes or not."

Chen Yu nodded, then shook his head again.

"We didn't save this step to save our operation. We went back to just now. As I said just now, the current more services of YY Space and are to provide users with a platform for self-exhibition. It is not for social services. . The real social networking is when you upload a picture, and your friends can view it immediately."

"Add a reminder function?"

Li Nan understood quickly.

"You can say that, but it cannot be called a reminder. It should be called a friend status. In this friend status, you can see any thing that happened to your friend, whether you posted a log or uploaded a photo, what log was posted, and what happened? What kind of photos. At the same time, I can also interact with the logs and pictures I am interested in. However, the most meaningful is not this, but, even if I do not interact, I do not comment, but I can be in this state I saw in the column what all my friends were doing. Where did he go, what he ate, and how he felt..."

Be more image.

This is actually the circle of friends in WeChat.

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