Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 653: : Silly boy, stop talking, it's out of play

, The fastest update to the latest chapter of the rebirth of the network hegemony!

"Mr. Yuanqing Yang, our offer is US$1.25 billion. Below this price, we will not consider selling the IBM personal notebook business."

"Mr. Ward, US$1.25 billion is too high, and you still have so much cash. I think that few companies in the world can come up with so much capital at once, and we can only bid 800 million US dollars at most. "

"I want to buy an IBM personal laptop for $800 million. If that's the case, it's a free gift."

"Mr. Ward, your IBM personal notebook computer business still has 500 million dollars in debt. If we acquire it, we will also have to carry the 500 million dollars in debt."

Three days later, Lenovo and IBM conducted acquisition negotiations again.

Before this negotiation, the two parties had gone through more than a dozen rounds of negotiations.

The attention of the external media on the two has also changed from the original high-profile to a little bearish.

After all, they always talk, but they have never been able to reach a cooperation, which has somewhat chilled the minds of the lively media.

Therefore, both parties actually want to finalize the acquisition through this negotiation.

However, this time the negotiation Lenovo has become extremely tough.

Previously, IBM Global Vice President Ward thought that Lenovo could offer a price of $1 billion, plus 18% of Lenovo's shares.

This is cash + equity acquisition.

After all, IBM's personal computer business is very well-known worldwide, and its business development is also very good.

If the acquisition is entirely in cash, there are indeed some difficulties.

Of course, Lenovo's involvement in equity does not really want IBM to enter their board of directors.

This is also a step in Lenovo's acquisition strategy.

Although Lenovo's domestic brand is not bad, it does not have much reputation in the world.

Lenovo does not want to buy IBM's personal notebook computer business and stop there. He also hopes to jointly expand the global market with IBM. It's just that the company is sold, and obviously it is not possible to join forces. And if the acquisition is made with cash and equity, it is much safer.

In this way, Lenovo does not need to generate too much cash flow.

Secondly, IBM has shares in Lenovo, and will not give up IBM's personal notebook business after the acquisition.

"Mr. Yang Yuanqing, I feel that this time your association is not sincere."

Ward was a little angry. He planned to force Lenovo: "You should know the brand value of IBM's personal notebook business. Once acquired, this will have a huge boost for your Lenovo."

"Nevertheless, there are also huge risks. After our Lenovo acquisition, whether global users will still look for our brand is unknown."

"Looking at it this way, we at IBM can talk to some other buyers."

"Mr. Ward, we are already very sincere. If you still think we are not sincere, please do. Dell or HP, you can talk. Of course, you can also find Microsoft, if Microsoft is interested."

Under the reminder of Head Liu, this time Yang Yuanqing turned his passiveness into the initiative, retreating into advancing.

Although he really wants to acquire IBM's personal laptop business, he also knows that the more anxious you are, the more likely you are to lose this negotiation.

Moreover, in fact, both parties know each other's details.

One is to sell and the other is to buy. This is actually a good acquisition plan.

It's just that Lenovo has been reluctant to make concessions, but this has left Ward in a dilemma.

Ward wanted to end this negotiation, but he knew that he couldn't.

Although IBM's personal computer business is well-known, it is even comparable to Apple's personal computer business.

But to be honest, after entering 2000, IBM's personal notebook computer business has been losing money.

Just as IBM's debt is now, he has accumulated 500 million US dollars.

This is replaced by any company, there are some can not stand it.

Although IBM's personal notebook business is very well-known in the world, IBM's main business is actually not the notebook business. Their main business is server and software business. The personal notebook computer business only accounts for 10% of the overall business, and therefore, the entire IBM board of directors is inclined to sell the IBM personal notebook computer business.

It’s just that although I want to sell, it’s not so easy to find a partner.

For one thing, not everyone has the strength to acquire IBM's personal notebook computer business.

Secondly, there are some powerful ones, but they are not interested in the IBM personal notebook business.

For example, Dell, HP... these two global computer giants.

Although IBM's personal notebook business is well-known globally, for the two best-selling computer brands in the world, they do not feel that their computers are worse than IBM. And the two have always been competitors. They longed for IBM to die. How could they be willing to pay a huge price to buy IBM personal notebook computers.

As for Microsoft... Microsoft doesn't even want IBM's personal computer business.

As for the reason, because Microsoft has strategic cooperation agreements with major computer brands.

After going through the selection, they finally found that one family was interested in them.

This company is Lenovo.

Compared with Dell and HP, Lenovo is naturally unknown.

However, Lenovo is backed by China's huge market. Although it has no technical content, it has developed rapidly.

After several rounds of negotiations, IBM basically figured out Lenovo's ideas.

They originally thought that Lenovo would buy their IBM personal notebook business at all costs, but today Yang Yuanqing's strength has made Ward feel fooled.

"I need to report to the head."

Seeing Yang Yuanqing's insistence, Ward knew that it was basically useless to talk about prices.

He is ready to report this negotiation to his head.

As for whether the talks are close to each other, it is not something he can control.

"BOSS, Lenovo's performance today is very strong, and it doesn't give us a chance to discuss it at all. Their offer is too far from what we wanted."

"As expected, HP and Dell have recently prepared to launch the most top-notch computer brands, and Lenovo should have received the news, so that's why it kept the price down."

"Then we..."

The IBM president is about to agree.

At this time, the assistant hurriedly walked in and whispered in the ear of the IBM president.

Immediately, the IBM president directly ordered: "Ward, don't talk to Lenovo."

This makes Ward a little strange.

But Ward could only obey the orders of the headquarters.

"Mr. Ward, how are you thinking about?"

"Mr. Yang Yuanqing, I'm sorry, this is the end of today's negotiation."

"What's the meaning?"

"It doesn't mean anything."


Yang Yuanqing opened his mouth, he wanted to ask why.

However, he still closed his mouth.

He knew that he had to pretend today's aura.

Who knows if IBM is also installing.

Happily, Yang Yuanqing left the IBM headquarters without looking back.

He didn't want any procrastination to affect Lenovo's impression in IBM's eyes.

"Yuanqing, where is it?"

"Dong Liu, am I still in New York State?"

"What are you doing in New York State?"

"IBM suddenly refused to negotiate. I feel that they want to check our true attitude. I believe that in three days, IBM will agree to our acquisition."


There was a sneer on the phone: "I really don't know how you talked on IBM."

With a click, Liu Chuanzhi hung up the phone.


Yang Yuanqing felt cold behind his back, not knowing where he went wrong.

He carefully recalled today's negotiations.

No problem.

Yang Yuanqing asked himself that today's negotiations have performed very well.

As Liu Chuanzhi said, as the acquirer, Yang Yuanqing seized the initiative this time.

And, judging from the negotiation, that Ward was obviously forced to be at a disadvantage by his own negotiation.

But these are not the main points.

The point is that the head is angry, and the consequences are very serious.

"Old Liu, this is Yuan Qing."

"Yuan Qing, where are you now?"

"New York State, don't you know... Hey, why are you asking where I am?"

Yang Yuanqing called his friend Liu Dajun, who is also the vice president of Lenovo.

He really didn't understand what Liu Dong said on the phone just now.

Liu Dajun was Liu Dong's assistant in his early years, and he knew Liu Dong best.

"I thought you were back, won't you?"

"Still negotiating, what shall I do when I come back?"

"Still negotiating?"

" you sure?"


Yang Yuanqing snorted inwardly, he felt that bad news was about to appear.

"Yuan Qing, you haven't read the news yet."

"What news?"

Yang Yuanqing was a little confused and didn't understand what Liu Dajun was talking about.

"You should watch the news first, you will know when you read it."

Although he didn't understand what Liu Dajun was talking about, Yang Yuanqing logged into Xinlang's portal website.

The first article on the homepage is showing a piece of news: [Heavy, Huanyu Technology has contacted IBM and intends to acquire IBM’s personal notebook business. 】

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