Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 670: : Mr. Chen, I want an order for 100 million chips

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"Chen Yu, does your Tianwen chip integrate mp3 into the chip?"


"There seems to be a radio."


Chen Yu nodded: "Our Tianwen chip not only integrates mp3 and radio functions, but we also built a complete set of multimedia solutions into the chip."


"You make me think about it."

At the beginning, Zhang Rujing just thought that this was just a small idea, and he didn't have much skill.

Just thinking about it, he discovered that it was definitely not that simple.

Generally speaking, he does not integrate these multimedia solutions like chips.

The chip designer only needs to deal with program operation, information processing, calculation, control and so on.

As for multimedia, this is designed by hardware manufacturers.

But Chen Yu built all of these into the chip. Is this for the convenience of manufacturers to design?

On the surface it looks like it is.

If a series of multimedia solutions are built into the chip, this is indeed convenient for manufacturers.

But thinking about it further, Zhang Rujing suddenly realized and said two words: "Production cycle."

"Zhang's eyes are indeed for the production cycle."

Chen Yu nodded.

"Awesome, Mr. Chen, your trick is amazing."

If Zhang Rujing was still ashamed before, but now, his heart is full of enthusiasm.

He clearly knows what it means.

You know, hardware production is cycled.

For example, to launch a certain product, it usually takes more than half a year from R&D design to production.

It will take 2-3 months to be the most powerful, which is still the trick used by Huanyu Technology at that time.

But is it faster?

Basically it's impossible, no matter how fast it is, it won't take long.

Take the mobile phone as an example.

Mobile phone manufacturers must first conduct product research and development to produce a mobile phone type.

In product development, ui design, application software integration, debugging... and a series of tasks are required.

This series of tasks will take a long time.

This is why it takes a very long period of time for a product from R&D to finished product.

But now.

If there is a chip that provides a series of multimedia solutions on its own, it can almost be said that more than half of the mobile phone research and development work has been done.

It originally took half a year to produce mobile phones, but this time it only takes 3 months.

It originally took 3 months to produce finished products, but this time it only takes one and a half months, or even one month.

If you don't need mass production, you can get it out in a few days.

This is the cycle.

Once the cycle is greatly shortened, the efficiency of mobile phone research and development will increase rapidly.

At the same time, his production costs will also drop rapidly.

Such a chip, even if its performance is mediocre, Zhang Rujing is foreseeable, as long as he is out, I am afraid that countless mobile phone manufacturers will instantly grab it.

"Chen, when will we start producing Tianwen chips?"

Very excited, Zhang Rujing asked.

"What do you mean."

Chen Yu smiled and replied.

"Of course I want the sooner the better."

"no problem."

Chen Yu nodded: "As long as there is no problem with Center International, I can hand it over to Mr. Zhang for production now."

"Mr. Chen, thank you, this time you have brought our Center International back from the edge of death."

Tightly, Zhang Rujing held Chen Yu with both hands.

Originally, he was not particularly optimistic about Chen Yu's investment in Center International.

Even if Chen Yu became a shareholder, he only thought it was absorbing funds from Huanyu Technology.

In addition to funding, their Center International should not get much help from Huanyu Technology.

Unexpectedly, at the moment of life and death of Center International, there was no way from above, but Chen Yu rescued Center International.

With this chip, even if Taiwan-based Power cuts the 0.25-micron foundry cost by half, he has no fear.

"Everyone, inviting everyone here today is an important matter to discuss with you."

Huanyu Technology, Chen Yu rarely invited the heads of a number of domestic mobile phone manufacturers to come to the company.

Huawei, Gionee, Golden Certificate, Backgammon, Amoi, Bird...

However, there is no association.

As a new force in the mobile phone industry, Huanyu Technology's strength has also been recognized by a number of domestic mobile phone manufacturers.

"Mr. Chen, let's talk about it, everyone is very curious."

It was Ren Zhengfei who said this.

Of course, in fact, Ren Zhengfei does not have to come.

Huawei has a lot of business, and Yu Chengdong is in charge of the mobile phone business.

But Chen Yu's unusual invitation made Ren Zhengfei feel unusual, so he came with Yu Chengdong.

When Chen Yu just said, Ren Zhengfei took the words and said.

"Yes, Mr. Chen, come on, everyone is waiting for you to pay the benefits."

Although it has not been long since Huanyu Technology entered the mobile phone business, the strength of Huanyu Technology is obvious to all. Moreover, after these few fights, everyone unconsciously moved closer to Huanyu Technology. As for why, the reason is very simple. Looking at this period of time, it is unlucky for you to fight with Huanyu Technology. However, the business that is the closest to Huanyu Technology is developing very well. For example, BBK... Recently, with the help of Huanyu Technology, the sales of mobile phones have risen.

In addition, they also reached a lot of cooperation with Huanyu Technology some time ago, such as dual card dual standby technology, mobile version input method, mobile version YY... etc. These are all earlier than Samsung and Nokia. Through this time difference, the sales of a number of domestic mobile phone manufacturers have also increased a lot, narrowing the distance with foreign mobile phone manufacturers.

Vaguely, although Huanyu Technology is not the leader in the mobile phone industry for the time being.

But many people already feel that Huanyu Technology is already.

"Hehe, everyone is waiting for me to send benefits."

Chen Yu spread his hands.

"Otherwise, Mr. Chen, everyone has come to you all the way, no welfare can make sense?"

Of course this is a joke.

However, the joke is a joke, it all represents everyone's recognition of Huanyu Technology.

"Okay, then get welfare."

Pretending to be unable to do anything, Chen Yu took out a small square iron piece from his pocket.

This iron piece is only as big as a fingernail, and everyone hasn't seen it clearly at first.

After a closer look, I discovered that it was a mobile phone chip.

"Mr. Chen, is this a chip?"


Chen Yu nodded: "This is the chip produced by Huanyu Technology recently. However, there is no mass production yet. We started producing dozens of samples first."

"Mr. Chen, have all started producing chips?"

Backgammon vice president Jin Zhijiang said in surprise.

"It feels that the chip development is not difficult, so I tried it, and I don't want to really get it out. My chip is going to be supplied to major mobile phone manufacturers. Whoever wants it, we can now sign a contract."

After speaking, Chen Yu looked at everyone.

Although everyone was curious, everyone was silent for a while.

The reason for the silence is also very simple.

Things like chips can't be made just by talking.

Although you did it, no one knows how the performance and price are.

Furthermore, they are also worried about the strength of Huanyu Technology.

If the chip developed is not very good, it has a fart effect.

For this, Chen Yu can also understand.

He doesn't blame these people for hesitating, he hesitated when it was him.

However, now that they were all called, Chen Yu was absolutely sure to make them move.

"It's all my fault, I didn't talk about the performance of this chip in advance."

"Let me talk about it first... Forget it, I won't say it."

Halfway through, Chen Yu stopped introducing performance.

"I think so, I have dozens of samples here. Let’s take them home and test them. This way everyone can understand the most clearly, and I don’t need to introduce them. By the way, remember to keep it confidential. For the time being, you can’t tell anything other than what’s here today. Other mobile phone manufacturers revealed. Of course, if you accidentally disclose it, you may lose yourself."

Without further ado, Chen Yu distributed dozens of chips to the heads of mobile phone manufacturers who came to the scene.

With the chip, the heads of the mobile phone manufacturers returned to the company.

Although they are not very optimistic about the mobile phone chips that Chen Yu gave them, they also understand that Chen Yu cannot be idle and ask them to go to Huanyu Technology to play.

Since Chen Yu paid so much attention to it, they tested the chip as soon as they returned to the company.

Same as Zhang Rujing.

After testing the performance of this chip in the early stage, they did not have too many surprises.

For them, this chip can only be regarded as extremely high.

If this is the case, it is not impossible to use the chip of Huanyu Technology, but the price is more favorable.

However, as they continued to test, they soon discovered that the chip integrated a series of multimedia solutions.

What is a multimedia solution? To put it simpler, as long as this chip is used, a series of multimedia functions do not need to be developed by them, and it can be directly applied.

Let alone a mobile phone engineer, call a pupil over to teach him for half an hour, and he can do it.

"I'll go, this chip."

"This is going against the sky."

Although the person in charge of a number of mobile phone manufacturers is not a technical tycoon, they still have a vision.

Even their market vision is even more acute.

Just by looking at it, they knew the uniqueness of this chip.

Although the performance of this chip is average, it is not the performance that is awesome, but it reduces too much research and development and production time for them.

They used to be able to produce a mobile phone in three months, but now it only takes one and a half months, and it only takes one month for a little effort.

Well, this is not clear enough.

Then it's simpler and more understandable.

Originally, the approximate price of a mid-range mobile phone produced in the previous cycle was 1,500 yuan.

So, as long as this mobile phone chip is used, their terminal retail price can be set at 800 yuan.

The huge increase in efficiency and the huge drop in production...This is the charm of this chip.

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Chen, I'm Jin Zhijiang..."

Upon discovering this moment, Jin Bujiang, the vice president of BBK, immediately called Chen Yu.

He finally understood what Chen Yu said at the end. If he tells others, it is their loss.

It makes sense.

If this is told to others, how can he sign a contract with Chen Yu. UU reading www.

He absolutely believes.

As long as other mobile phone manufacturers react, this chip will definitely be sold out.

Then he said to sign the contract, it would be too late.


Jin Zhijiang was a step too late to call.

Because before Jin Zhijiang called Chen Yu, the heads of many mobile phone manufacturers had already returned to Huanyu Technology.

"Mr. Chen, I want an order for 10 million chips."

"Mr. Chen, I want 20 million."

"Mr. Chen, we want 30 million."

"Grass, we want 100 million..."

Chen Yu's office, at this moment, the big mobile phone guys are almost going to fight.

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