Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 876: : Tomorrow, I will definitely grab the four generations of Pears back

"Can the outside world get a 4th generation pear?"

"Not yet."

"Can't get one of them?"


After the press conference of the 4th generation of Lizi, the major electronics manufacturers were extremely nervous.

They certainly know what the release of the 4th generation of Lizi means.

Although he does not seem to be an electronic product in the traditional sense, he has every reason to sell it globally because of his innovation and technology. In particular, they believe that if the 4th generation of Pears is sold globally, there is no doubt that Pears will completely build their own brand.

In the future, even if they only take Pears to PK with other world brands, they will have no difference.

"The positioning function should be better studied, and we can also introduce a parent mode. As for the pedometer function, certain experiments may be required, and it should use some electronic components such as an acceleration sensor and a gyroscope."

"But their screen monitor is probably a bit hanging."

In fact.

According to many manufacturers, the most high-tech thing is the screen display.

Although he does not seem to be the most innovative, at least some users may not care very much.

They are more concerned about positioning and step counting.

Or you would say that this high-definition screen is just that Huanyu Technology is showing muscles.

But this is not.

Perhaps the user does not particularly care about the high-definition of the screen or not, but if other products compare with him.

Whether the screen is high-definition or not will immediately become a choice for them to buy or wait and see.

This is just like a copycat machine and a branded machine.

The counterfeit machine has all functions than the brand machine, and even more functions than the brand machine.

But is the brand machine that users buy the most?


The answer is undoubtedly that copycat phones are far inferior to branded phones in terms of workmanship and screen clarity.

Especially the clarity of the screen can be found at this glance.

The Pear series is originally a high-end mp3 bracelet brand, if you wear a very low bracelet.

At that time, let alone pretending to be coercion, I am afraid that people will be ridiculed directly.

"Huanyu Technology is very confidential and will not let any prototypes circulate for the time being."

"We can only look at their first sales."


Major manufacturers can only stare.

They couldn't study it completely without getting the actual machine teardown test.

At the same time, on the other side, Huanyu Technology also began to do global simultaneous sales.


This time the 4th generation of Pears, Chen Yu means that it will be sold globally.

However, for the first wholesale sale, Chen Yu adopted a direct sales method, that is, sold through an e-commerce platform.

The domestic side naturally has its own Huanyu Mall.

There are also Amazon and eBay abroad.

Of course, for the 4th generation of Pears, countless fans and **** fans around the world are looking forward to it.

As long as the 4th generation of pears are on the market, they will be the first to buy.


Time passed quickly.

The 7 days mentioned by Huanyu Technology have passed, and the 4th generation of Pears is officially on sale.

"Hahaha, 10,000 yuan is ready, just wait for the 4th generation of pears."

"Me too, who are you buying for?"

"I buy it for myself, and I also consider whether to buy one for my daughter."

"I think so too, but it's expensive to buy two at once."

Although 9999 is already considered a conscience price, 9999 is really not cheap.

However, in such a big country, he has many consumers with good family conditions.

In particular, this is still global sales.

The price of 9999 is relatively expensive in China, but in some developed countries in North America and Europe, the price cannot be said to be not expensive at all, but at least they can afford it.

Speaking of.

At that time, Chen Yu almost wanted to get 12,000 RMB directly from foreign prices.


What Chen Yu wants to earn most is the money of the gringo.

I just think about it later and forget it.

The 4th generation of Pear has to pave the way for future smart phones.

If the price is too high, the smartphones of Universal Technology will not be well priced in the future.

At 13:00, this is the sales time of the 4th generation of pears set by Huanyu Mall.

When the time points to 13:00, thousands of users instantly enter the Huanyu Mall.

In other words, they have already opened the sales page of the 4th generation of Pears in Huanyu Mall. They only waited for the 4th generation of Pears to be released, and they immediately clicked the button to buy.

"Brothers, it's on sale, go ahead."

"Everyone, hurry up, buy."

"Don't be so nervous, they should have a lot of inventory when they first started selling."

"'ll know in a while."

We chatted for a while in the group, and it took 1 minute.

Many netizens in the group were forced: "Grass, I didn't buy it."

"I didn't buy it either."

"I said, brother didn't buy it either."

They thought that the fourth generation of pears was just starting to sell, and the quantity must be sufficient.

Unexpectedly, this is only 1 minute, and the fourth generation of pears will be gone.

"Hahaha, let me just tell you to stop talking nonsense and start robbing early."

"I didn't expect, how could this happen?"

"Tell you, this is the most disgusting sales routine of Huanyu Technology. They will deliberately control the amount of sales that day, and then sell out, and then you can't buy it. If you want to buy it, you can only buy it tomorrow or a few days later. ."

"My day..."

In an instant, they remembered Huanyu Technology's most disgusting marketing routine.

Selling mobile phones back then was like this.

The cheap ones are not available online, so I had to buy an extra 200 at the physical store.

But it was still good back then. At least you can't get it online, and you can buy it in physical stores. Although it cost an extra 200, the price-performance ratio of Huanyu mobile phone as a price butcher is still good. Even if it costs an extra 200, it is more cost-effective than other mobile phones.

But what's going on with the 4th generation of pears now?

The price is so high, and the physical store is temporarily unavailable. Isn't Huanyu Technology disgusting?

However, this time, Huanyu Technology not only used such a routine in the country.

Again, this time, he also used it abroad.

"Hey, buddy, as soon as Amazon Pear 4 is on sale, we will start looting it directly, don't think about it."


"If you think about it, you will find that the 4th generation pears are sold out?"


"It's not impossible. There has been news from China, and 100,000 units have been sold in one minute."

"God, this is impossible."

Naturally, some crooked people do not believe it.

However, soon, they tasted the taste of not being able to buy the 4th generation of pears.

"**, how did it sell out?"

"I just started to click the mouse and it's sold out."

"Huanyu Technology...I...%%"

A series of classic curses kept coming.

But Huanyu Technology doesn't care about this at all.

Although the muscle starvation marketing makes people vomit blood, its effect is just right.

No matter how many people scold, it will not affect the hot sale of Pear 4th generation.

On the contrary, the more consumers scolded, the more popular the pear 4th generation became.

The more consumers cannot buy it, the more they want to buy it.

The more he wanted to buy, the more he stimulated the sales of Pear 4th generation.

Loop like this...

In particular, this move is placed abroad, and the effect is even more sensational.

For those enthusiastic foreign enthusiasts, they almost wanted to smash the computer when they found out that they hadn't grabbed the 4th generation of pears.

However, it was precisely because they did not grab it that the panic buying that broke out later became a sensation.

They can't stand a lot of friends showing up in front of them?

Isn't it a matter of money? It's not nothing.

Tomorrow, tomorrow, I must grab back the 4th generation of Pear...

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