Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 902: : Paypass, credit loan

"Chen Yu, you...what about our Shenzhou Computer?"

It doesn't look like Chen Yu is joking, Wu Haijun asked.

"This is also simple, it can be incorporated into our Universal Computer, while at the same time, Shenzhou Computer can still maintain independent brand development."

This is Chen Yu's plan.

This plan looks the same as the previous cooperation, but the facts are different.

In the past, the two parties invested in technology and cooperated with each other, but in fact, the two parties still maintain different operations.

Huanyu Technology sells Huanyu Netbooks, and Shenzhou also sells Shenzhou Computers.

Although the two parties are cooperating, in fact, the two companies are still operating, and the profits of their respective brands are handed over to their respective companies.

But now, the two will be merged into one.

Shenzhou Computer can merge into Huanyu Computer at its current valuation and accept the new shares of Huanyu Computer.

In this way, the entire company is no longer independent of the two, but a brand new one.

Even if it is Shenzhou Computer, it can still be sold, but it is only the operation of a brand under the company.

Although Wu Haijun will attach importance to the development of Shenzhou Computer, he will also attach importance to the development of the entire Huanyu Computer.


Chen Yu found a new head of the computer, and also did not let Wu Haijun lose the Shenzhou computer.

Of course, the truth makes sense, but the key is whether Wu Haijun is willing or not.

If it is an ordinary professional manager, of course I am willing.

But Wu Haijun is the founder of Shenzhou Computer, and he has also made a big name in the industry.

Of course it doesn't matter if you call Chen Yu a brother. If it is merged into Huanyu Computer in the future, it will obviously be under Chen Yu.

"Chen Yu, I have to think about it."

Wu Haijun did not reply immediately.

In this regard, Chen Yu also feels normal.

If it was him, he wouldn't be able to respond so quickly.

Just like his Huanyu Technology.

If anyone wants to acquire them, he is not willing to kill him.

"Okay...Old Wu, this should be considered carefully."

Chen Yu did not immediately ask Wu Haijun to give an answer.

Next, Chen Yu kept running, and after leaving Shenzhou, he went to the headquarters of Minsheng Bank.

"Mr. Chen, you are a rare visitor. You haven't come to sit with me since the last board meeting."

"I want to come too, but I've been too busy, just now, so I took some time to talk to Mr. Liu."

"Chat... Haha, Mr. Chen, would you be as simple as chatting, nothing else?"

"Of course there is, but I want to see if your Minsheng Bank has transferred our money away."

Chen Yu said jokingly.

After PayTong started the transfer business, all the fund accounts of Huanyu E-commerce existed in Minsheng Bank.

Don't think this is just a transfer business, but because of the user's habit, there will be a large amount of idle funds deposited while transferring funds.

One to two things, under the deposits of thousands of users, Minsheng Bank has absorbed tens of billions of yuan in funds.

This is equivalent to a sudden increase of tens of billions of yuan in deposits.

Moreover, this has not stopped, he is still continuously expanding with the expansion of the scale of e-commerce.

"Mr. Chen, depending on what you said, you also hold shares in Minsheng Bank, and you also sent directors to our Minsheng Bank. Minsheng Bank is also your business. Even if we want to delist, we have nothing. This is daring."

"Furthermore, even if you are not a shareholder of Minsheng Bank, we dare not arbitrarily transfer users' funds."

Liu Yong told Chen Yu that he was too worried about their Minsheng Bank.

"Hahaha, Mr. Liu, I'm joking. However, there is one thing I want to talk to Mr. Liu."

"What's the matter, you say."

"I want to ask, can Huanyu Technology develop loan business?"

"Loans, Chen Yu, are you short of money for Huanyu Technology again?"

"No, I mean, we lend to others."

"This is what you said."

Liu Yong understood what Chen Yu meant: "It's probably no show, you can't get a license."

According to the current policy, financial services and licenses will not be issued to private enterprises, nor will they be issued to private individuals.

As for Minsheng Bank, it is a complete exception.

Only when the policy is liberalized in the next ten years or so, all kinds of CMBC enterprises can carry out credit business.

"What about working with Minsheng Bank?"

"That's fine."

Minsheng Bank naturally has loan business.

Huanyu Technology can't do it, but cooperation with Minsheng Bank can advance this.

However, Liu Yonghao is a little strange: "Do you want to enter the financial field?"


"Then whom do you want to lend the money to?"

"Loan to ordinary consumers."

"Ordinary consumer, individual?"

"It's an individual."

"This business... can you tell me more specifically?"

Liu Yonghao has some confusion as to what Chen Yu really means, so he is ready to ask for more details.

Although he feels that the business is not doing anything.

"Let's put it this way."

Chen Yu explained: “We at Huanyu Technology have a lot of electronic products, such as mobile phones, pear series, computers, netbooks... these. But some hardware products are more expensive and some consumers can’t afford it, so I decided to Consumers who can’t afford it for the time being, provide them with loan services, allowing them to pay in installments within one or two years."

"Buy a computer with a loan or a mobile phone?"


"Mr. Chen, your brain is too big, right."

Liu Yong was dumbfounded.

He has been in finance for so long and has never thought of such a business.

"President Chen, how did you think of this business?"

"Being forced by TSMC, Intel, Samsung and the others to join forces, there is no other way."

"I heard some of this."

Liu Yong nodded.

There has been news in this industry.

Although Liu Yonghao is not in the IT industry, he is familiar with such news.

And through his analysis, he can be sure that Huanyu Technology is definitely under tremendous pressure.

This is also normal.

It is enough to drink a pot if it is replaced by any one.

Even if it were not for Huanyu's strong technological strength, it is possible for ordinary enterprises to close down on the spot.

Unexpectedly, under such tremendous pressure, Chen Yu unexpectedly thought of a way to provide loans to ordinary consumers.

I have to say that this move is very good.

As long as this kind of business is launched, it will bring huge sales to a series of electronic products under Huanyu Technology.

However, after listening to Chen Yu's introduction, Liu Yonghao frowned again.

"Mr. Liu, is there a problem?"

"There are indeed problems. For example, the risks involved. Have you ever thought about lending ordinary consumers, what do they take as collateral?"

"Without mortgage, my model is credit loan."

"Credit Loans?"

Liu Yong naturally knows the credit loan.


Basically no bank dares to push such a business.

Even if there are some who dare to push, they are not just credit loans, they have to add a guarantor on the basis of credit loans. If there is no guarantor, then you use fixed assets as collateral. But even so, there are a lot of risks just by relying on guarantees. Banks are more willing to have low-collateral loans.

This is actually the same as what the previous teacher Ma said, that the bank’s thinking over the past thousand years has been entirely pawnshop thinking.

Only if you put things in the bank as collateral, they will give you a loan.

If not, then I am sorry, the bank will not lend you.

It's like buying a house for mortgage.

Buying a house looks like a credit loan, but it is not at all. Although you can live in the house you bought, your house is not entirely yours if the loan is not fully paid off. In fact, it is still mortgaged in the bank. If you do not have the money to repay the house loan, the bank has the right to take your house back and auction it.

The same goes for buying a car.

Although cars bought with loans can be driven home, cars bought with loans are equipped with GPS positioning.

In other words, the bank knows wherever you drive your car.

Once you don't pay the car loan, they will send someone to drive your car away according to the GPS positioning.

Of course, there are some who do not compulsorily install GPS, but if you do not repay the car loan, some of them will take your car away or take other methods to make you repay the money.

These loans do not seem to have any collateral, but they are actually collateralized.

The bank will never lend you a real credit loan.


When Chen Yu talked about credit loans, Liu Yong was even less optimistic about it.

"Mr. Chen, I think this business is really too risky. Although, this business is really good news for consumers. Many people will not be able to buy a computer for a while. He can pay in installments to increase Your sales. But, you are all ordinary people. If ordinary people don't have a mortgage, they have no credit. Once they don't pay back, what do you do?"

The reason why banks do not engage in credit loans is that there is too much risk.

Where can ordinary people have any credit.

In their eyes, how much is credit worth?

I don't know how many people give up their credit for money.

It's not just a bank loan, it's the same when borrowing money among friends.

As there is a saying in reality, the grandson is the one who borrows the money, and the uncle is the one who repays the money.

You didn't take care of the uncle well, and gave you the money for the ass.

Banks obviously do not want to leave such risks to themselves, because it will increase the rate of bad debts.

At the same time, it has become extremely troublesome for them to recover the money.

Fortunately, if you have a lot of money, the bank can file a lawsuit to force you to pay it back.

What to do if you have less money?

Chen Yu's credit loan is only a few thousand yuan at most, some even a few hundred yuan, to go to court for a few thousand yuan or hundreds of yuan?

And it’s not one person or two people. If there is a breach of contract in the future, there may be tens of thousands of people and hundreds of thousands.

Which bank has so much energy to fight against tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands of people in lawsuits?

But Chen Yu didn't think so.

Seeing Liu Yonghao's refusal, Chen Yu said: "That's why we want the two companies to cooperate. Otherwise, you can engage in loan business. It doesn't matter whether we have Huanyu Technology or not."

"Mr. Chen, credit loans are really very risky, I suggest not to engage in them."

Seeing that Chen Yu did not listen to persuasion, Liu Yonghao said again.

"Mr. Liu, I know the risks involved, but what if we have the means to control the risks?"

"The means to control risk, what means?"

"Mr. Liu, don't forget our Alipay."

Chen Yu said with a smile: "Payment is not just a payment tool, it is also a credit system."

ps: Brothers, add more to send, this chapter is still 3000 words, it's interesting enough.

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