Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 913: : Changing the PC industry pattern

"Brother, you won't be fooled by Chen Yu, will you?"

"Flicker? Some of them were indeed fooled by him."

"Then you still?"

"Don't you think this is an opportunity?"

Shi Zhenrong said: "Microsoft cannot always monopolize, and we cannot always bind with them."

"But the problem is that Microsoft is now monopolizing. If it is not good, Acer's pc business will be greatly affected."

"This is exactly what I am worried about, otherwise, I will directly agree to him."

"It's too risky, brother, isn't this your style?"

Shi Congtang still shook his head: "It is best to maintain the existing cooperation with Microsoft."

"Congtang, do you know that when you left Acer, I kept asking, did I do something wrong?"

"Brother, why did you mention what happened back then? Isn't it over?"

"It's indeed passed, of course, I don't always remember it. I'm just thinking, if I listened to more of your opinions back then, maybe you wouldn't come to Asus."

Shi Congtang's personality tends to be open, while Shi Zhenrong's personality tends to be conservative.

At that time, Shi Congtang believed that Acer could use its PC market to enter the motherboard business.

But because Shi Zhenrong believed that this piece would offend Intel, he did not enter.

Angrily, Shi Congtang left Acer and joined ASUS.

Moreover, after entering ASUS, through a series of efforts, ASUS defeated Intel's motherboard business and ranked first in the world.

"Hehe, Congtang, speaking of it, you were the most courageous among our brothers back then."

Shi Zhenrong smiled and said: "It stands to reason that Chen Yu came to you, you should think about it."

"It's probably getting old."

Shi Congtang was taken aback.

This reminded him of the Fenghua past.

Although everyone was not optimistic about their competition with Intel at that time, he defeated the powerful Intel by relying on his incomparable belief.

But the time has passed, and the bravery of that year has gradually faded.

But the dramatic thing is that Shi Zhenrong, who had always been conservative at the time, gradually opened up.

"Yes, I'm old."

Shi Zhenrong also sighed: "We are all old."

It was just a change in the conversation, Shi Zhenrong said again: "But just because we are old, there are not many opportunities left for us."

"Brother, have you thought about it?"

"Although I didn't fully think about it, I think I will agree to Chen Yu."


Seeing Shi Zhenrong's expression, Shi Congtang knew that Shi Zhenrong had already decided.

"Chen Yu is really amazing."

Inwardly, Shi Congtang said.

He did not expect that Chen Yu could persuade Shi Zhenrong.

However, he still wanted to know why.

"Brother, can I ask, why did you agree?"

This is definitely not trying to fight.

This is not a slap in the face.

"Brother still understands me."

Although Shi Zhenrong wanted to fight, he did not lose his reason.

It's not that he doesn't know the horror of Microsoft.

He wanted to fight, in addition to wanting to give Acer a chance, more because of Huanyu Technology.

"Brother, do you know Huanyu Technology?"

"I don't know how to say it. Although I think this is a promising technology company, there is still a big gap between them and Microsoft."

"There is indeed a big gap, but their earning power is not bad at all."

"The Internet is innumerable. Everyone knows that the bubble is too serious."

Shi Congtang meant that the valuations of and Huanyu Video were too high, and he was not worth the price.

"Leave aside this, let's talk about the PC business of Huanyu Technology. They didn't have a PC business back then, but they invented the netbook."

"The netbook is not an invention, it is actually a notebook."

"Although it is not an invention, but he avoided the competition with us and suddenly let him break into the PC field."

"But this market is not big."

"It's really not big, but they invented the game book shortly after."

"The gaming notebook can only be regarded as a high-end notebook."

"It's the same in theory, but doesn't it bring them a lot of market share."

"In fact, when the two are added together, their share is not high."

"What if they invent a new pc product?"

"Invent a new pc product?"

Shi Congtang's eyes widened: "What innovations are there on pc products?"

"Chen Yu talked to me about this business last time. As for what this product is, my brother, I can only keep it secret from you for the time being. After our new product comes out, you will know it at first glance."

At this time, Shi Congtang thought alone.

In his heart, he naturally admires the innovative ability of Huanyu Technology.

Although the PC products he mentioned above that Huanyu Technology is just a different concept, it is actually a notebook.

But even if it is to change a concept, his market is enough to make a pc company make a lot of money.

Unexpectedly, after netbooks and gaming notebooks, Huanyu Technology has a new product born.

Although he doesn't know what this new product is for the time being.

But looking at Shi Zhenrong’s expression, he believes that the market share of this new product is definitely not lower than netbooks and gaming notebooks.

Even higher.

If this is the case, then it seems okay for Acer to take a risk.

However, this is not critical.

Shi Congtang also knew that Shi Zhenrong was not telling him this.

The meaning in the words is obvious.

Huanyu Technology can produce a series of innovative products one after another.

Maybe after a while, he has a new product born.

When these innovations continue to appear, he may surpass the traditional pc market share at any time.

Even in the future, there will be a PC product that will be eliminated, or a variety that exceeds PC products will appear...

Is this possible here?

Naturally there is no such possibility when it does not appear.

Once appeared.

That is the change of the entire industry structure.


"Chen Yu, this is Shi Zhenrong."

After returning to Shencheng for a few days, there was no news from Acer, and Chen Yu secretly sighed that there might be nothing in this regard.

Unexpectedly, Shi Zhenrong called Chen Yu at noon.

"President Shi, have you considered it clearly?"

"Mr. Chen, how did you know that I thought about it clearly instead of rejecting you."

"Rejecting it is impossible for me to call me personally. It's too, Chen Yu, you are very interesting."

Shi Zhenrong said: "Yes, I have considered it."

"Great, President Shi, I know you will make the most correct choice."

"I don't know if it's the most correct choice for now, but I'm also uneasy now."

"President Shi, you can rest assured that although Microsoft is very strong, as I said before, Microsoft is not invincible."

"According to what you said. However, I cannot fully agree to the conditions you said before."

"President Shi, you said."

"It is impossible for 30% of the share to carry your Huanyu system. This amount is too large, and we cannot afford such market consequences."

"President Shi, what do you mean?"

"Five points."


Chen Yu did not have any bargaining and agreed directly.

In fact, the 30% share he said last time was just an infinite increase.

Not to mention that Acer did not dare to do so, and Shenzhou, which Chen Yu acquired, did not dare to do so.

Although the market share dropped from 30% to 5%, it is indeed a lot.

Even 5% of the market share is too small.

But in terms of Acer's size, the 5% share is no small.

However, more importantly.

In fact, whether it is a 5% share or other proportions.

Even with a 1% market share, Chen Yu will agree.

As long as Acer has a traditional PC on the market equipped with the Huanyu system, this is enough.

Microsoft's powerful Chen Yu knows clearly.

How could it be possible to kill him all at once.

But if Acer comes in, it will be a direction indicator.

Even if it is one, this will have a profound impact on the existing PC industry structure.

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