Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 830: : 撸啊撸

"Mr. Chen, it's not good for us to propagate this way."

"Why is it bad?"

"Some are actually exaggerated."

"How can I not exaggerate? Wouldn't a lot of netizens be beaten up without exaggerating?"

All right.

These are the rhythms of Huanyu Technology.

What a dark moment.

What the most dangerous moment.

Although Huanyu Technology was injured in the contest with Microsoft, the darkest moment is far from coming.

However, even if a person like Chen Yu is prepared for danger in times of peace, even if Huanyu Technology still retains its strength, Chen Yu will have to use twelve points of strength to sell miserably.

Don’t see this miserable sale, many fans have installed the Huanyu system.

Don’t see you crying poorly, a crowd of fans scrambled to intercept windows for their friends.

"Okay, don't be embarrassed, don't think of any embarrassment at the critical moment."

Chen Yu's face is thick, but he has been practicing.

This is nothing.

So, next, Huanyu Technology began a wave of rhythm.

【The cash flow of Huanyu Technology has plummeted, and major businesses are in jeopardy. 】

【All members of Huanyu Technology voluntarily cut their salaries and are willing to overcome difficulties with the company. 】

[The chairman of Huanyu Technology went down the line personally, eating and living with the employees. 】

[Huanyu Technology's game business suffered a blood loss, and the chairman urgently asked for blood transfusion of overseas funds. 】

[Zou Tao, head of the game department of Huanyu Technology, whiteheads overnight. 】

[Li Kaifu, the person in charge of Huanyu system, confirmed terminal illness...]

【Huanyu Technology...】

Such a rhythm is naturally not handled by Huanyu Technology.

However, as the No1 Internet technology, although Microsoft blocked a lot of their games, its influence on the Internet is still extremely terrifying.

In addition to the crazy publicity and promotion on Huanyu Technology's own platform, other media platforms also followed up.

Although some insiders know it, this is all bullshit.

Huanyu Technology is doing well now, not so miserable at all.

Things like voluntary salary cuts were indeed reduced, but each person only dropped 10 yuan.

As for eating and living together, it is indeed the same for a few days.

The Zou Tao you asked turned his head all night?

In fact, Zou Tao himself has gray hair.

What kind of terminal illness Li Kaifu had, it was a few years ago, and it has been cured.

But whether they know the inside story or not.

Regarding Huanyu Technology, they all cooperate spontaneously.

No leader greeted this kind of tacit understanding, nor did any relevant agency above make regulations.

But they have this kind of tacit understanding.

Regardless of whether Huanyu Technology is so miserable or not, in fact, they really want to see a company that can compete with Microsoft.

Although Huanyu Technology has been at a disadvantage now, Huanyu Technology really has the strength to challenge Microsoft, isn't it?

This situation also makes Microsoft a little crazy.

Their windows does monopolize the market, but their Microsoft has done a poor job in the domestic media.

Their browser business has dropped below 30%.

Their MSN almost disappeared.

Their portal business has been delayed in China.

In addition, this kind of blockade on their own was once criticized, and they have nothing to say.


In this situation, another wave of Huanyu system installations has arrived.


"Chen, good news, good news, our League of Legends has been successfully developed."

"Very good."

The rhythm of public opinion is just a move of Huanyu Technology.

This move can only ease Microsoft's suppression.

The real trick is the game.

With dota as the foundation, the development progress of League of Legends is very fast.

In addition, a group of employees also felt the crisis, everyone was beaten up, and many employees worked overtime spontaneously.

This also makes the overall progress one-third earlier than previously expected.

Now, the complete League of Legends has finally been developed successfully.

"Can you try it now?"


"That's OK, I'll play a few games first."

Chen Yu used to be a League of Legends fan.

Rebirth came into this world and hasn't played for several years.

It's impossible to say that your hands are not itchy.

Before the game was released, Chen Yu began to experience it first.

In order for Chen Yu to have a better experience, Zou Tao and Bing Frog also participated.

The two sides are divided into two teams for five blacks.

"President Chen, what hero do you choose?"

"Me, Demacia, Galen."

"Chen, your authority can choose any hero."

"I know, but I like Demacia."

Chen Yu clicked OK, and then said, "Long live Demacia."

Because there is dota as the basis, although the League of Legends is not the same as dota, everyone can play it after a few minutes of hands-on experience.

Although Chen Yu likes to play League of Legends, his skills are average.

It's just that although Chen Yu has very common skills, he never persuaded him.

Seeing someone coming, I rushed to a Q button, and then a set of R buttons for the big windmill.

Either you die or I die.

Back to the city?

What does it mean to go back to the city?

There is no word "return to city" in Chen Yu's dictionary.

"It's fun, it's so fun, Zou Tao, hurry up to publicize and launch our League of Legends."

After the successful development of the League of Legends, Chen Yu also breathed a sigh of relief.

With this game, Chen Yu can not only make this game popular all over the world.

More importantly, Chen Yu can also let this game drive countless players to install the Huanyu system.


That's right.

Relying on public opinion, advertising, and rhythm can also attract some fans of the Huanyu system, but the amount is still too small.

But if there is an explosive game, it's different.

Judging from the history of China's Internet development, more than 50%-70% of netizens contact the Internet because of games.

Also because of the game, they bought the first computer in their life.

This is a strategy from Internet cafes to home PCs.

Although it cannot be said that he who likes to play League of Legends will definitely buy a computer.

But as long as he likes League of Legends and he wants to buy a computer, he will definitely install the Huanyu system.

"Chen, this is our game operation plan this time."

At the end of the trial, Zou Tao handed the League of Legends operation plan to Chen Yu.

Although Chen Yu is not specifically responsible for a certain game, this one is the great **** of the game world.

Even the ice frog, who considers himself a genius, has great respect for Chen Yu.

"Internet cafe strategy."

"Campus Strategy."

"Celebrity endorsements."

"Professional League."

Obviously, for the League of Legends, Zou Tao has been preparing for a long time this time.

The game has not yet started to be released, and a series of operational strategies have already been laid out.

Chen Yu nodded secretly while watching

"Zou Tao, good job, but our game's name is a bit not well publicized."

Chen Yu made a comment to Zou Tao.

"President Chen, are you talking about the name League of Legends?"

"Yes, I think the name is very common, and there is nothing to look at."

Chen Yu nodded and said, "Why don't you give him a nickname, what do you think?"

"Add a nickname?"


"What's that called?"

"Fuck, fuck, what do you think?"

Chen Yu said.

(End of this chapter)

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