Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 937: : Look for Blizzard against Huanyu Technology

The technology of barrage is very simple, and the technology has been developed in the background.

However, it is applied to the whole site.

Regarding the effect of the barrage font, the optimization of the barrage's network speed, etc., all have to be considered.

Three days later, the Huanyu Video Game Channel launched the barrage function.

"What is this? How come fonts appear on the video."

"Hey, I seem to be able to post one too."

"Haha, fun."

Netizens who like to watch videos immediately liked this function as soon as the new barrage function appeared.

While this makes them feel fresh, it also feels very exciting.

"I used to watch the video alone, but now I found out that so many people were watching it with me."

"This feature is really great, I have to top it."

"This game commentator is really fascinating and confident. I agree to like it."

The barrage function is very simple, so simple that everyone knows what it is as soon as it is released.

And, you will be able to participate in it soon.

This gives users a completely new experience.

You must know that before they watched the video is to watch the video, at most, leave a comment in the comment area after watching, there are still some stand-alones.

But now watching the video is not just a person watching it, he can also insert a sentence on the video after watching it.

Sometimes his interruptions are more interesting than the video.

Just like this game video, the commentator was accidentally killed by the opponent at the beginning of the game.

At this time, a netizen wrote directly on the barrage: "Send one blood in anger."


"Send a blood out of anger" suddenly became angry.

So... for the next period of time, the player seemed to be on the hook.

With the support of the barrage function, a series of commentaries appeared one after another.

"Don't be persuaded, just do it if you refuse to accept it."

"The key to go back to the city has been cut off, I won't die and I won't go home."

"Come on, flick."

"Milk me, milk me."

"I've never won five times in an Internet cafe."

The new barrage function instantly made Universal Video's game commentary section popular all over the network.

The original domestic Huanyu Video segment is not too far from Tudou Youku, but with the support of the barrage function, the Huanyu domestic video segment is a great one, leaving the two competitors far away.

It's not only.

Benefiting from the influence of game commentary barrage, more and more game commentary videos are released.

At the same time, a series of influential explanatory stars were born.

Like a beautiful little ***.

Of course, this is not only.

With the emergence of the barrage function, he also led the entire professional league.

In fact, dota had a professional league before it started.

However, the professional league at the time was still a niche group, and the participation of the public was not high.

Moreover, the video website cannot be broadcast live on the same station, so the influence is limited.

But the appearance of the barrage has pushed the professional league to a peak in an instant.

It's not even a professional league.

He attracted the support of thousands of students just because of the campus competition held in the first phase.

"I support Peking University."

"I support Tsinghua."

"I support Nankai."

"Damn, are you bullying us, Da Lan Xiang, no one?"

"In terms of learning, we are not as good as Peking University. In terms of arguing, who has our New Oriental served?"

"Fuck off, I'm not convinced by Beida Jade Bird..."

"Ah, Beida Jade Bird is also from Peking University?"

"This, it seems to be."

Just one month later, the official website of Luah Lu changed from the original 1 million to the current 2 million.

Benefiting from the rapid rise of Luah Lu, even the number of domestic Internet cafes has increased by more than 3,000 in this month.

As for why the growth is so fast?

In addition to more and more users on the Internet.

More importantly, more and more players are flocking to Internet cafes to play games.

Especially yeah yeah.

Basically, people play in groups, sometimes two people, sometimes three people, and sometimes four or five people.

So you can often see a row of connected Internet cafes all playing.

Sometimes even dozens of them can form two teams to start a group.

This kind of access rate has also greatly stimulated the investment passion of many Internet cafe owners, and they have opened new stores one after another.

Of course, it's not just Internet cafes that are affected by this.

For home PC users, many people have slowly moved into the embrace of Huanyu System.

Especially those users who have newly purchased PC computers.

They don't care about windows or windows, they just want to know whether the computer he bought can be played.

If you can play, then you can consider buying it.

If you can't play.

Sorry, what did I buy your computer for?


You said to buy a computer to study?

Feel sorry.

Learning is only secondary, playing games is the most important.

Although many times people buy a computer for the purpose of learning.

But basically most of the time, learning only takes up a very small proportion, and playing games takes up most of the time.

It's like a small bully learning machine.

Is it really for learning to buy Xiaobawang?


"What, He Lefu, did you say that Huanyu Technology's literally broke through 2 million online at the same time?"


"Why do Chinese people like online games so much?"

Microsoft CEO Steve couldn't figure it out.

Even though the two million is online at the same time, it does not threaten the status of Microsoft Windows.

But this has increasingly threatened them.

Even, the breakthrough of 2 million simultaneous online is announcing that Microsoft's previous ban on Huanyu Technology has completely failed.

You can block my game.

Then I don't need your windows system, Universal Technology can also achieve millions of simultaneous online.

Moreover, with the constant popularity of the game, many users have spontaneously replaced windows.

"Steve, Chinese people really love online games more than other countries. Huanyu Technology also takes advantage of this. They want to attack the system through the game ecosystem."

"This is impossible. No matter how popular their game is, can it be played by tens of millions of people around the world?"

"Mr. Steve, although this is impossible, it has already affected our windows market share."

He Lefu took out a document.

The document above is the latest survey of the PC operating system market share in China.

Windows still occupies an absolute dominant position in the market, with a market share of 90%.

The Huanyu system only accounts for 9%, while other systems account for 1%.

However, this is only the statistics of last month.

Only half of this month has passed, and the data has not yet come out.

However, according to the current statistics, the market share ratio of Universal System has increased to 10%.

Although it only adds 1 point, it is already extremely scary.

Especially for this 1 point share, many of them are home PC users.

"He Lefu, is there nothing you can do?"


He Lefu had a headache.

Although he is the president of Microsoft China, he is only responsible for the operating system business.

He really doesn't understand the game

Not only did he not understand, even in the operating system, he was also a headache for Huanyu Technology.

Otherwise, he would not respond to the headquarters.

However, although He Lefu could not help himself, he still had the brain.

After thinking about it, He Lefu said: "I think our strategy of uniting with a lot of game companies in China was right. However, Huanyu Technology is the No. 1 in the game industry in China, and it is difficult to shake their position for a while. We can actually find Cooperation with other game companies..."

"You mean looking for Blizzard?"


He Lefu nodded.

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