Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 943: : Blizzard, you are going to die! ! !

Allen is not surprised that Universal Games is listed.

Having been suppressed by Microsoft, it is normal for Huanyu Technology to be short of money.

It is a good idea to relieve Microsoft's pressure through listing and financing.


When Allen saw the profit of Universal Games in the third quarter, Allen was not calm at all.

5 billion.

This is the third quarter profit of Universal Games.

If you add up the first to third quarters, that would be a profit of 15 billion.

Allen almost thought this profit was false, but after a closer look, it was true that this profit was not false, but real.

"Oh My God……"

Allen's heart suddenly became excited.

They have long known that Huanyu Games is very profitable, but they didn't expect it to be so profitable.

Not surprisingly, if the fourth quarter of this year [August One Chinese Website] is added, it will be a profit of 20 billion.

20 billion...

What concept is this?

Nearly 3 billion dollars in profit.

Not to mention that such profits are not comparable to Blizzard, even if it is some Internet giants, they are not comparable.

"Mike, I figured out a way."

Excited, Allen called Mike again.

"any solution?"

"We don't need their agent, we can operate it ourselves."

"Own it?"

Mike was a little surprised: "Allen, although we have mentioned this idea before, it is not the best solution."

"I know. Although finding a local agent can save us a lot of trouble, Mike, do you know how much Huanyu Games will make this year?"

"How many?"

"15 billion renminbi. This year is not over yet. If you include the annual profit, it is estimated to be 20 billion renminbi, or about 3 billion US dollars."

Like Allen, Mike was stunned by the profits of Huanyu Games.

"Alan, is this data true?"

"There shouldn't be much problem. Recently, Huanyu Technology on the Chinese side broke the news that Huanyu Games was going to be listed, and some media exposed the earnings of Huanyu Games."

"Well, I ask the finance side to review it."

Putting down the phone, Mike called Blizzard's chief financial officer over.

They are not experts in finance, but Blizzard naturally has people who understand finance.

After looking through the research, the CFO of Blizzard said: "Mr. Mike, this financial situation is not too problematic. However, there may be some water in the profit here. Here, and this piece, they will calculate some profits in advance. Into the profit of the year. Of course, this is not impossible. If you use the most real data to say? Huanyu Games' profit in the first three quarters of this year is about 13 billion yuan? Not 15 billion yuan."

Professionals are professionals, and Blizzard’s chief financial officer soon discovered that this financial data had certain problems.


Even if there are certain problems? Mike is still extremely excited.

Although RMB 13 billion is 2 billion less than RMB 15 billion? But it is also an extremely attractive profit.

Immediately, Mike called Blizzard's high-level group for a meeting.

The meeting made a unanimous decision? Not to find an agent in China, they go to it by themselves.

Is there such a big profit? Why do you want to share it with others.

Own R&D strength is very strong? Operational level is not necessarily worse than others.

Let's talk about such a huge market in China. Once we succeed in our own operations, let alone make money from Heroes of the Storm, all the games they will launch in the future will be a huge source of profit. And? The Chinese market is far from being fully explored. Think about China's population of one billion people? If all the people are connected to the Internet at that time, their country will be equivalent to a European market.

"Mike, have you decided?"

After receiving a call from Mike again, Allen grabbed his fist.

"No, didn't I decide? This is the unanimous decision of the company."

"Very good."

Allen yelled.

"Allen, don't get excited. There is no agency, although we don't need to be divided again? But we are not very familiar with the Chinese market after all. All the future business, Allen? You have to hurry up on the Chinese side."

"Don't worry, Mike? We must be able to conquer the Chinese market."

A wonderful feeling came.

Get confirmation from headquarters? Allen gently pushed open the window.

Looking at the tall buildings that appeared before his eyes.

He knows? This is a place full of gold.


"President Ding, I don't think we need to talk anymore?"

"Mr. Allen, do you have any misunderstandings about NetEase?"


"Mr. Allen, we can actually consider your split of seven to three."

"No need."

"Mr. Allen..."

Netease Ding Yingfeng was stunned.

He did not expect that although the previous negotiations were deadlocked, there would still be talks.

But early this morning, Allen ended the negotiations with them.


"Mr. Allen, I believe you also know that our Ninetowns are very sincere."

"We do see it."

"We can talk about the agency."

"I don't think this is necessary anymore."

"Eight two, you eight, we two."

"Mr. Zhu, I'm sorry, I don't think there is any need to talk about August 2 now."

"Do you want September 1st?"

Zhu Jun is totally incredible.

But Allen did not give them too much explanation.


Allen replied to Shanda.

"Mr. Chen, it's really not a matter of division."

"Mr. Allen, what can you ask for?"

"Mr. Chen, I don't think we have any need to cooperate now."

"nine one."

Chen Da, vice president of Shanda, reported a nine-one share in the annual report.


It's not that Shanda is really willing to accept September 1st.

He just reported this split to test Blizzard's reaction.


According to his knowledge, Blizzard rejected NetEase and Ninetowns in one fell swoop this year.

Even Ninetowns also offered a share of 92, but Blizzard still did not agree.

In fact, by this time, Chen Danian basically knew that it was impossible to cooperate with Blizzard.

As a well-known game company in China, if they accept the nine-one share of cooperation, it will be a laughing stock in the industry.

But that's the case, but Chen Danian really wants to know, what exactly does Blizzard want?


Allen did not tell Chen Danian the answer.

final result……

Like Netease and Ninetowns, Blizzard ended its negotiations with Shanda.

"President Ding, what's the situation on Blizzard's side?"

"I also want to know."

"Mr. Zhu, Blizzard is not trying to give the agency rights to Huanyu Technology."

"Impossible. If they give the agency rights to Huanyu Technology, Huanyu Technology will definitely hide their heroes of the storm."

"How about it?"

Faced with Blizzard’s unusual reaction, Netease, Ninetowns, and Shanda sat together and exchanged information.

They really don't understand, what exactly is Blizzard doing?

"Could it be that Blizzard wants..."

At this time Zhu Jun suddenly thought of something and said.

"What do you think?"

Chen Danian was taken aback for a moment, and he seemed to have thought of something.

"It's not that they want to run their own operations, right?"

Ding Yingfeng couldn't believe it and said softly.

But after speaking, the three of them can see from their own eyes.


Blizzard rejected NetEase, rejected Ninetowns, rejected Shanda... Is there a better agency than them?

Since there is not.

What does Blizzard want to do?

Don’t you just want to run it yourself?


If it was Blizzard's own operation, the three of them could not help but take a breath: "Blizzard, you are going to die!!!"

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