Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 952: : My favorite is to make insidious tricks

"Chen Hui, immediately shut down half of the accounts of users using external plug-ins, including those who recharged."

Although Allen has average experience in operating online games, he has a clear view of the top politics.

Although a series of other competitors use various means to engage them, they may not die.

But if the boss wants to **** you, you will definitely die.

Moreover, there is a very appropriate reason above.

The hero of the storm that was good, has now turned into a se, love game.

Although Blizzard has no ideas in this regard.

However, they do not attack the sky full of plug-ins, which also contributes to the harm caused by se and love.

Although yesterday there was no specific statement on what measures would be taken against them in Blizzard China.

But obviously.

Just a word, Blizzard China is nothing.

"Mr. Allen, half-sealing may not solve the problem."

Chen Hui is extremely serious.

He sees the influence of the above more clearly than Alan in the country.

Although blocking half of it can scare many players, there are still many players who will continue to use plug-ins.

Unless a perfect game environment is created like Huanyu Technology.

But this is not an overnight effort.

"Chen Hui, what do you mean?"

"Looking at the meaning of the above, if we didn't take an effective way, we might..."

Chen Hui did not continue.

But Allen knows the relationship.

"Is there no other way?"

"If it was before, we could adopt batches of titles, but now it's too late."

Chen Hui also sighed.

Although he had persuaded Alan before, he was not determined at the same time.

And he was thinking that after the destructive power of the external plug-in is more powerful, it will not be too late for them to be strict.

But Chen Hui had been playing games for so long, and he couldn't expect that this plug-in could still play like this.

Originally it was just a cheating plug-in, but now they turned their Heroes of the Storm into a so-called color qing game.

If Blizzard doesn't deal with it as soon as possible, Heroes of the Storm will almost be here.

Of course, even so, Heroes of the Storm suffered a big loss after this.

"All right, Chen Hui, you can handle this matter."

"By the way, I decided that you will be responsible for the operation of Heroes of the Storm for some time to come."

"Mr. Allen, what are you?"

Chen Hui was extremely excited.

"Why, don't you believe it?"

Allen said with a smile: "Professional things are handed over to professional people. This time the plug-in incident can be regarded as a vivid lesson for me. From now on, Heroes of the Storm will rely on you."

"Yes, Mr. Allen."

Chen Hui nodded excitedly.

He waited too long for this day.

"Mr. Allen, don't worry, I will not let you down."

Said to Allen solemnly, and Chen Hui returned to his office.

have to say.

Chen Hui's ability is still good.

After this plug-in incident, although Heroes of the Storm has been banned, the number of simultaneous online users has dropped to half of the original number, only 200,000. But Heroes of the Storm still has potential, and the windows market is extremely large. Under Chen Hui's operation, Heroes of the Storm went online again from the original 200,000, and once again rose to 400,000.

"Chen Hui, nice job."

In the office, looking at the data that had rebounded, Allen heaved a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, you are here, otherwise, our Heroes of the Storm may be over."

"This is my duty."

"It's all my fault. If it weren't for me, our number of simultaneous online users should have exceeded 600,000. By the way, how many simultaneous online people are in the League of Legends of Huanyu Technology?"

"2.5 million."


Allen vomited blood.

Originally, he had great confidence to catch up with the League of Legends.

Although Allen does not think that their Heroes of the Storm is worse than the League of Legends.

But compared with the figure of 400,000 and the figure of 2.5 million, this is not comparable at all.

"Chen Hui, do you think we can surpass Huanyu Technology's League of Legends?"

"It's hard."

Chen Hui told the truth.

"Is it because of the last plug-in incident?"

The influence of the plug-in incident is far from over.

Heroes of the Storm, who has been tagged with the color.qing game label, inherently limits his online number.

Although he can still continue to maintain a certain growth.

But this growth is limited.

When he reaches a certain number, he will certainly not be able to rise.

"not completely."

Chen Hui shook his head, and then exclaimed: "Huanyu Technology is very strong."

"Huanyu Technology."

Allen also read the name of Huanyu Technology.

However, Chen Hui continued: "Mr. Allen, in fact, we don’t have to compete with Huanyu Technology. The market for online games in China is very large. Even if it can’t surpass Huanyu Technology, we can still be very mixed in this market. Good. Just like Netease, Ninetowns, and Shanda. Maybe Heroes of the Storm cannot be compared with League of Legends for the time being, but Blizzard will not only have this game in the future."

"Chen Hui, it seems that I was not wrong in poaching you."

Allen looked at Chen Hui with satisfaction: "You’re right, we don’t have to compete with Huanyu Technology for a short-term fame. Even if Heroes of the Storm loses, the road ahead is still very long. By the way, I am next month. Maybe I have to go back to the United States."

"Back to America?"


Allen nodded: "You know, although I came to China with great enthusiasm, in fact, I am best at making games, not operating. The China area has to be taken care of by the person who knows best. I stay Not only does it have no effect here, but it also limits the development of Blizzard."

"Then the position of the president of China, do you have any one to choose?"

"Chen Hui, you are more familiar with this one in China, you recommend one."

"I think we can dig people from Huanyu Technology."

"Huanyu Technology?"

"How do you think of Huanyu Technology, they are our competitors."

"Huanyu Technology is the leader in the industry, and at the same time we have learned many series of operating concepts from Huanyu Technology. If possible, digging into a middle and high level of Huanyu Technology will be of great help to Blizzard."

"That's what you think?"


Chen Hui said.

"Chen Hui, you are fine."

Allen shook his head: "I have already submitted your name to the headquarters, so work hard."


"Talent, who wants to make those heroes wear no clothes?"

Chen Yu was dumbfounded when he saw the appearance of such a spicy eye function.

Although Huanyu Technology was the first auxiliary mini program initiator of Heroes of the Storm, they did not engage in plug-ins since then.

However, although Huanyu Technology did not engage in plug-ins later, some other people sent the plug-ins of Heroes of the Storm to Yang Guangda.

No, I even thought of the function of not wearing clothes. This was an eye-opener for Chen Yu.

At that time, Chen Yu was very interested in trying out a few of them, and felt very enjoyable for a while.

It's just a pity.

Because of this feature, Blizzard immediately changed its attitude towards external links.

At the same time, the upper part also focused on this piece, and this function disappeared.

Chen Yu wanted to experience this feature again, but couldn't experience it anymore. He could only take screenshots and save a few pictures.

"Hey, Zou Tao, why are you laughing? It won't be you."

"How come it is me, we are not doing plug-ins anymore."

"Then why are you laughing, do you know who did it?"

"Xie Zhang did it."

Zou Tao couldn't help laughing again.

"Xie Zhang got a plug-in?"

Chen Yu said in surprise, "Didn't I say that all people from Huanyu Technology will stop?"

"Mr. Chen, this is the case. This feature was not developed by Xie Zhang, but Xie Zhang came up with this idea. At the time, in the plug-in forum, Xie Zhang made a grumpy idea in the forum, saying whether to develop one or not. The heroic function of wearing clothes. Unexpectedly, these guys really did it."


Chen Yu was too thundered.

"Okay, okay, the plug-in thing is over, don't fix it for the time being."

This wave of plug-in incidents has had a great impact on Blizzard, and Chen Yu's goal has been achieved.

However, although the impact is great, but Blizzard is Blizzard after all, Heroes of the Storm still has a certain degree of playability.

In addition, the domestic market is so big, if you leave Blizzard no longer in charge, even if Heroes of the Storm can't surpass yah yeah, they can mix well in the country.

Once they have accumulated a certain amount of strength, just like Netease and Shanda, they may have the strength to compete with Huanyu Technology at any time.

Of course, the other is that the recent plug-in incident has also attracted the attention of the above.

If they continue to engage in this kind of thing, even if they have been giving them the green light recently, Chen Yu will not be able to deal with them.

Thinking of this, Chen Yu said: "It is said that Blizzard appointed Chen Hui as the president of Blizzard China."

"I heard the news."

"This Chen Hui jumped from Shanda, and he is Chen Danian's subordinate, so his ability should be pretty good."

If Alan continues to be in charge of Heroes of the Storm, Chen Yu probably will leave Heroes of the Storm aside.

Although Blizzard is very good, but Chen Yu also has a clear understanding of Blizzard.

Their game development strength is very good, but in terms of game operation experience, it is not as good as the average domestic small game company.

Especially in an environment where domestic online game competition is so fierce.

Don't look at the small domestic game companies that are inconspicuous, but they have fought hard battles with a series of other game companies in the country.

Such hard battles have also accumulated extremely rich experience in game operation for them.

This is like the Warring States period.

A lot of countries grew up in wars.

This is placed in other markets, can you find such an environment?

"Mr. Chen, that Chen Hui was only under Chen Danian. Chen Danian couldn't do us, let alone Chen Hui."

As if seeing Chen Yu's thoughts, Zou Tao said.

"So, Zou Tao, do you have a way to deal with Chen Hui?"

"Talk about it."

Chen Yu has some expectations.

"Mr. Chen, I still don't want to talk about it."

"Why is mainly because the methods are a little overcast, I'm sorry to say."

"Sorry, let me tell you, my favorite thing is to make insidious tricks."

Huanyu Technology can openly compete with a lot of competitors.

Similarly, Huanyu Technology can also make countless tricks against competitors.

Chen Yu has never defined what Huanyu Technology should be like. As long as the method is good, it does not matter whether it is a secret or an explicit move.

"Well, Mr. Chen, my insidious trick is also very simple."

With some embarrassment, Zou Tao said in a low voice: "My insidious trick, that is, hacking."

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