Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 955: : I get tough, even the accounts of Shanda, Netease, and 9 cities...

"I'm grass, my account seems to have been stolen."

"Advise everyone not to download small movies recently. All small movies now have Trojan horses."

"I said, why have I been hitting a Trojan horse recently? There are still 50G small movies on my hard drive. How can I break them?"

"My grass, you are the poison king of 50 G."

"Hey, why did I download so many small movies without being poisoned?"

"No way, your computer has such a strong anti-virus software?"

"No, I haven't installed anti-virus software."

"Blow you, your computer is already the poison king without anti-virus software installed."

"Sorry, I use the Huanyu system."

The battle between Heroes of the Storm and League of Legends is not a battle between online games, but an operating system battle after all.

After Chen Yu suppressed Heroes of the Storm, he began to hype up the security of the operating system.

This security has actually been hyped before.

The last time the panda burning incense virus hit the world, many people have questioned the safety of windows.

However, this is not enough.

The monopoly of Windows is extremely stable.

If you want a lot of users to abandon windows, then this kind of questioning has to go on all the time.

For this, Chen Yu did not have the slightest mercy.

While frantically hanging up Trojan horses on movie websites of all sizes, Huanyu Portal, YY and other series of doubts about windows are coming.

Of course, this is not limited to domestic.

Internationally, Huanyu Technology has two major media platforms: and Huanyu Video International Edition. In the publicity and hype, it is also a fish in the water.

Especially recently, the international version of Universal Video also added the barrage function. For a while, countless barrage cursing windows in a series of videos have aroused the sympathy of countless users.

"Everyone, I think we should consider not using windows now."

"The Huanyu system of Huanyu Technology is actually very good."

"Although the Huanyu system is not as good as windows in the overall ecology, they have no impact on more than 99% of our operations."

"More importantly, he is more secure than windows."


A series of experts joined in to evaluate windows and Huanyu system.

They commented, why is the security of windows so poor?

In fact, this is related to the architecture of windows.

The architecture of Windows is the whole system as a whole, even if any part will involve the whole system.

Sometimes, such as IE crashes, your system may crash.

So many times a hacker does not need to attack your entire system. He only needs to attack a small part of you and Windows will be finished.

However, the architecture of the Huanyu system is based on Linux, and they are unified and separated from each other.

One part being affected does not affect the entire system.

Therefore, in terms of security and stability, the Huanyu system with linux as the kernel surpasses windows.


At present, more than 99% of viruses or Trojan horses in the world are developed on the windows framework. In other words, if these viruses or Trojan horses are placed on the Huanyu system, they are of no use. This is why some students have installed the Huanyu system. They don't even need to install anti-virus software, and their systems still won't be poisoned or trojan horses.

As for some people, if the Huanyu system is used by many people in the future, many viruses may also appear. Of course? In theory? Yes. However, this is much after a young age.

In addition? The experts also reminded a lot of game players. If you want to experience the most novel games in the future? I advise you to install the Universal System first. Because, judging from the competition between Huanyu Technology and Microsoft? Huanyu Technology will only put their latest games on the Huanyu system for some time to come. This is like the current hottest game League of Legends, if there is no Huanyu system? You can not experience this most popular online game.

"Can't stand it anymore? I will install the Huanyu system now."

"I can't stand it either, shit, my account was stolen three times a week, and windows is too rubbish."

"Anyway, I will only play games of Huanyu Technology? I don't want to play other games anymore."

"Right? It is recommended that major game companies launch games with the Huanyu system version, otherwise, don't blame me for transferring to Huanyu Technology in the future."

The spread of viruses and Trojan horses does not distinguish who is who.

Although Huanyu Technology just wanted to engage in Heroes of the Storm, other online games under the windows framework were also affected by the spread of this series of Trojan horses. All of a sudden, a series of game companies, including Shanda? Ninetowns, NetEase? Perfect..., were also greatly affected.

Some players were forced to do nothing? They had to replace windows.

Such actions also allowed Huanyu System to increase its market share in the domestic market by one point from the previous 10 points, reaching an 11% share.

Although it only increased by 1 point? But it was extremely stimulating to Chen Yu.

This also shows from another aspect that Microsoft's windows may not be invincible.

As long as the timing and method are right, other series of users may not change the operating system.

For example, this time, after a large-scale Trojan entered, some users were forced to join the Huanyu system.

At the same time, this also proves that Chen Yu's previous strategy was correct.

In China, games are the biggest ecology.

As long as they grasp the game, they will have the strength to compete with Microsoft.

"Hey, Mr. Zhu, call me so free?"

Seeing Zhu Jun's call, Chen Yu smiled slightly.

Of course he knew what Zhu Jun did to give him this call.

However, he didn't know what he had to pretend to do.


Zhu Jun said on the phone: "Chen Yu, your strategy of hiring a small movie website to hang a Trojan horse is too dark."

"Ah, Mr. Zhu, what are you talking about?"

"Ah what, don't pretend."

"Mr. Zhu, I don't know anything."

"Don't come here. But, Chen Yu, you just fight with Microsoft. Why do you get involved with us?"

Zhu Jun also vomited blood for a while.

Before that, Huanyu Technology killed Blizzard’s Heroes of the Storm.

But then Huanyu Technology became ruthless, and not only Heroes of the Storm was over, but Ninetowns and Shanda also suffered a series of games.

No, Zhu Jun asked Master Chen Yuxing.

"Mr. Zhu, I really don't know what you are talking about. However, it is said on the Internet that Windows is too insecure. Otherwise, you can develop a version of the Huanyu system."

"My grass, you have pitted us, so you have to let us develop the Huanyu system version?"

"Everyone, I will treat you badly? Besides, developing a version of the Universal System is also good for you. At the very least, you will not lose the players in the Windows section, and you can also take care of the players in the Universal System, right?"

"Fuck, do you pay for the development cost?"

Zhu Jun gave Chen Yu a thumbs up in his heart.

Online games are not like other small programs. It is said that only one version is developed.

For such a big game, you really need to develop a version for a system, which is equivalent to completely re-developing a game.

Who will bear the expenses?

"I'm just suggesting, it's up to you if you don't."

Chen Yu shrugged. UU reading

Anyway, he would not admit to the Trojan horse.

As for whether Zhu Jun is willing to develop the Huanyu system version, he also follows Zhu Jun.

However, after Chen Yu hung up, Zhu Jun really seriously considered Chen Yu's suggestion.

Although it takes a lot of money to develop a brand new version of the Huanyu system.

Depending on the situation, the Huanyu system will really have a longer and shorter strength than windows in the future.

Especially Zhu Jun understands Chen Yu, this guy has too many tricks.

No, they bought the operation of a large small movie website, so that Microsoft has no effort to parry.

If they launch the Huanyu system version of the game ahead of time, they can't really seize the opportunity.

As a businessman, Zhu Jun thought for three days. After Quan Heng's pros and cons, he issued an order to the company to launch a version compatible with the Huanyu system.

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