America Online.

"Head, our ICQ number of people online at the same time was overtaken by MSN."

"Damn Microsoft, their MSN is completely plagiarizing our ICQ."

"Yes, I also think that we didn't get much benefit in the first few lawsuits."

"Your thoughts?"

"I have studied before. In fact, ICQ has always been ahead of MSN before. The reason why we were later surpassed by MSN was only because we contracted in publicity and promotion. My suggestion is to expand our ICQ publicity. As long as there is enough publicity, our ICQ Still very advantageous."

"You know that the headquarters is not only the ICQ business, but also many other businesses."

"But if the promotion of this piece cannot continue, our ICQ may be in an even worse situation."

"Is there a specific publicity plan?"

"Yes, we can put our main propaganda position on is currently the fastest growing website, and it is also the most dynamic website with the most young people. This kind of website crowd coincides with our ICQ crowd. It helps to promote our ICQ."

"But the advertising fee on has never been cheap."

"Head, there is good news. recently launched a more favorable promotional program. They reduced their advertising costs by 50% compared to before."


"Yes, I have confirmed."

"Very well, you do this."



"Mr. Hirai, Microsoft's latest xbox released has good feedback in the market, which has put a lot of pressure on our ps3. Even last quarter, their turnover exceeded ours by 20%."

"Where is the problem on our side?"

"Mr. Hirai, I think our console and game quality and word-of-mouth brand are no worse than xbox, or even surpass them. However, Microsoft has recently increased the promotion of their game console market. For example, they signed dozens of networks. The crazy introduction of Hong on the Huanyu video platform and their recommendation of their xbox has formed a trend among the young gaming community."

"Huanyu Video, the promotion of this website is so powerful?"

"Yes, Mr. Hirai. Huanyu Video is different from other video sites. They feature short videos and precise recommendations. Users can instantly attract a lot of popularity by browsing their favorite short videos. And Microsoft relies on such publicity and promotion , Has gradually caused a wave of turmoil in the North American market. I think we can follow up. And, there is good news recently?"

"What good news?"

"Huanyu Video recently reduced its promotional expenses by 50%. If we follow up now, we can definitely suppress xbox."

"Can't Microsoft increase the promotion funds for Huanyu Technology?"

"Mr. Hirai, maybe you didn't pay attention. Huanyu Technology and Microsoft are competing in China. This time, Huanyu Technology is to deal with Microsoft, so it is excluded."

"It seems that this is indeed good news. You can do this."



"Ellison, the latest survey data shows that our office software business has fallen to 10% of the North American market. Our main competitor, Microsoft Office, has risen to 80%. The above may not allocate funds to you this year. Too much money."

"Mr. Fokker, how can this be? The office software business has always been our core business at Oracle, how can we just give up. Moreover, our office software business was even better than Microsoft's office back then. Give up the difficulty?"

"Ellison, this is not what I meant, this is the decision of the headquarters."

"Mr. Fokker, if the headquarters does this, our office software business may be completely finished. If this is the case, I may agree to the cooperation of Huanyu Technology."

"What does the cooperation of Huanyu Technology mean?"

"Recently, Huanyu Technology sent people to contact us and they proposed a new plan. They suggested that we make our office software business free."

"Free, let everyone use our office software for free."


"Ellison, are you crazy?"

"No, I'm not crazy. In the Chinese market, Huanyu Technology's wps has changed from charging to free. For this reason, their market has skyrocketed to 40% in an instant, and I predict that eventually the wps market share will surpass Microsoft Office."

"Even so, the free market has occupied 100%, what can we do, can we make money?"

"Yes, Huanyu Technology's wps adopts the form of free for ordinary users and fee for members. Ordinary users can use more than 90% of the functions of wps, but some professional functions are charged. I believe that as long as our market share increases, our Member users will also increase."

"Do you think this mode works?"

"I think this is our only way out. Moreover, Huanyu Technology said that they can help us in future publicity and promotion."

"Why does Huanyu Technology help us?"

"Because Huanyu Technology is competing with Microsoft in the operating system business in China."

"It's good for us. Okay, Ellison, I need a detailed report."



Huanyu Technology has no way to use Microsoft's operating system on the Chinese side for the time being.

However, in the global market, that is not necessarily the case.

With two major websites, and Huanyu Video, Chen Yu has two trump cards.

Whether it is or Universal Video, it is now a global website.

Moreover, in order not to affect the globalization of these two major websites, Chen Yu even throws out a series of shares and a series of investment bosses.

In addition, these two major websites are still registered in the United States.

Therefore, there has not been too much interference in the globalization of these two major websites.

Chen Yu has no way to deal with Microsoft's operating system.

But to deal with a series of other core businesses of Microsoft, Chen Yu can still move.

Office software business, game business, and instant messaging business are all core businesses of Microsoft.

Although these core businesses are not as important as operating systems, if something goes wrong, it is enough for Microsoft to drink a pot.


In Huanyu Technology, it is just an action. Oracle, AOL, Sony... and so on, some global leaders have followed up.

Although in this, AOL, Sony is actually a competitor of Huanyu Technology.

But in today's globalization, it is normal to have cooperation in competition and competition in cooperation.

What's more, the cooperation provided by Huanyu Technology is too tempting.

Take instant messaging, for example.

Huanyu Technology does not have instant messaging services in North America for the time being, but he can help any of them.

For example, ICQ.

As long as Friend Network introduces ICQ information, his market share can instantly surpass MSN.

As for the gaming business.

That's too simple.

Huanyu Video’s precise recommendation of short videos is the biggest highlight.

But when the business is competing, Huanyu Video will crazy recommend Microsoft's xbox.

When there is usually no competition, Microsoft relies on a series of network celebrities to cooperate, and it is no problem to use recorded short videos to promote their xbox from time to time. Then, when there is competition, Huanyu Video directly restricts the flow of Microsoft xbox. Don't think that Huanyu Technology is so shameless. Such shameless methods are actually too civilized. It is not bad that Huanyu Technology has not directly screened the Microsoft xbox.

Everyone is a competitor. Chen Yu doesn't want to use this trick against other competitors at home, but he is not welcome when he is abroad.

In fact, this is also normal operation.

Just like Microsoft has been binding IE and MSN in its operating system.

As for office software, Huanyu Technology is much more generous.

At most, some advertising and promotion are provided in the front, and it is up to these companies to work **** their own.

But in the office software business, Huanyu Technology is already quite familiar with it.

Ah, you still don’t know how to play for free?

It's ok.

We Huanyu Technology will teach you.

Huanyu Technology can fully teach Oracle's experience in office software in the domestic market.

Don't thank you, it's too kind.

You ask why you want to help you this way.

There is no reason.

To ask why, that is, please call me **.

Of course this is a joke.

Huanyu Technology is not a **, and Chen Yu is not so generous.

Naturally, other companies have also seen the strategy of Huanyu Technology.

However, to see is to see, but when the interests are tied together, everyone knows in their hearts.


"Bill, I think we are in trouble."

"Steve, what's the matter?"

"Our team with top security companies did not get much effect."

"Oh, Huanyu Technology made their Huanyu system so safe?"

"Nor can it be said that there are still many loopholes in the Huanyu system. However, Huanyu Technology has used a series of methods to make our attacks useless."

Steve introduced to Bill the latest secret security card, IP address lock, Internet cafe management software one-key restore... and so on.

Hearing it behind, Bill gave a wry smile: "I have to say that Huanyu Technology's understanding of the Internet is far above us."

This is not humility.

Although Microsoft is very powerful.

But the outside world has always regarded Microsoft as a software company.

Microsoft actually lacks Internet genes.

Although Bill has been working hard in this area, the gains have been minimal.

At present, only msn has performed better in the global market, and other Internet businesses have fallen sharply.

"It's true."

Steve also nodded: "But this is not our worst."

"Steve, is there something more serious?"

"At present, Huanyu Technology has combined with Sony, Oracle, AOL... and other companies to launch attacks on our game business, instant messaging business, and office software business."


Bill was shocked.

You know, these rivals that compete with them are not just a single regional market.

Take the China side, for example.

In fact, even if any business fails on the Chinese side, it is only a regional market, and it will not affect the world.

But Sony, Oracle, AOL... their series of businesses are global.

Once some of these businesses are overtaken by them, it will have a huge loss to Microsoft's cash flow.

In fact, there was something like Microsoft's attack on Universal Technology's gaming business at that time.

Although the core of Microsoft is the operating system.

But the operating system business may not be the most profitable.

In other words, although the operating system business is profitable, their investment in this area is also very large ~ ~ Microsoft must also rely on a series of other businesses to provide them with profit support.

For example, instant messaging, office software, and even game businesses relying on operating systems.

If these businesses are hit, it will also affect Microsoft's operating system business.

"Huanyu Technology made a good move."

"Yes, they started to counterattack."

"Steve, contact Chen Yu of Huanyu Technology, I want to chat with him."

"Bill, let me go."

"No, I have to go personally."

"okay then."

Steve knew that Bill was nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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