Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 980: : Young people don’t speak martial ethics

Is Boss Joe interested in dealing with Bill?

This is totally nonsense.

What Boss Joe has been doing recently is dealing with Bill.

But Microsoft's monopoly is too strong, even Jobs has nothing to do with Microsoft for the time being.

However, when Huanyu Technology came to the door, boss Qiao still showed great interest.

Speaking of it, although the market value of Joe’s boss, Apple, has fallen horribly now.

But they are still an extremely powerful company.

Judging from their current product line, you can know.

Apple has its own Apple computer.

Apple has its own independent Apple system.

Apple has its own office software pages.

Apple has its own browser.

Apple has its own music player iPod.

Apple has too many products that no other company has at all.

In terms of product line, Apple is more comprehensive than Microsoft.

At least Microsoft only has an operating system, he doesn't have a computer.


Because Microsoft has been monopolizing for a long time, they basically don't have much interest in innovation.

All they have to do is to consolidate their monopoly position.

Because no innovation is more profitable than their monopoly.

If Apple's market share of a series of products increases by a few points, this will be a lot of pressure for Microsoft.

Especially the North American market.

Apple computers are generally sold globally, but they are still selling very well in the North American market.

As long as Huanyu Technology cooperates with it to increase the market share of Apple's computer market, there are not too many problems.


Because Apple's entire product line is very complete.

To increase the sales of Apple computers, he is tantamount to upgrading a series of businesses such as the Apple operating system, Apple office software, and Apple browser.

Of course, this is not only.

After Chen Yu sent Wang Chang to meet with Apple Jobs, Chen Yu ordered Wang Chang to come up with a plan to "kill the Microsoft package".

This package is that as long as all companies that compete with Microsoft's business, you can receive the [Dying Microsoft Package].

Not only does the promotion cost of the dry Microsoft package cost half of the original, but it also has support for various traffic topics.

As soon as this package came out, it instantly caused a sensation in the entire industry.

"Everyone, everybody, Huanyu Technology has launched the Killing Microsoft Package, which is too crazy for Nima."

"I see, this is the rhythm of Huanyu Technology to fight to the death of Microsoft."

"But that package is so tempting. If our business competes with Microsoft, I will definitely be the first to apply."

In fact, many companies have already started to apply.

Although Microsoft monopolizes the world, Microsoft has too many competitors.

In addition to Apple, Oracle, IBM, AOL, Yahoo... these big players, there are also a series of small and medium-sized enterprises.

For example, companies that develop the Linux operating system.


Not only Huanyu Technology, hundreds of companies around the world are developing their own operating systems with Linux as the kernel.

Moreover, these operating systems have achieved good results in certain areas.

It's just that in the big environment, everyone only knows windows, so these systems are not well-known.

But in fact, their R&D strength is not bad at all.

For the early version of Huanyu System, Chen Yu spent money to buy a linux company in North America.

Otherwise, all the code starts from the first sentence, so I really don’t know the year of the monkey.

Before, they naturally had nothing to do with Microsoft.

They also know that they can't deal with windows.

But now, it's different.

Despite the promotion and promotion of Huanyu Technology, they don't think they can kill Microsoft.

But being able to grab a bit of the market is one point.

With Huanyu Technology taking the lead, countless companies that compete with Microsoft have all their firepower.

"Do you want to learn PHP? Vinda will let you learn PHP easily."

"Everything is rubbish, learn java if you want to learn it."

"Are you still learning C#? C++ is the most authentic."

"You think the database is only Microsoft's sqlserver, come and teach you free mysql."

"Teach you to learn C++ in ten minutes..."

The power of Microsoft is not only the system, but also the development of several programming languages ​​for his system.

What C#, what, what database sqlserver, what vb... At the same time, many people learn the language developed by Microsoft when they study computers. Although the language developed by Microsoft does have its advantages, the language of Microsoft is not the only one. There are a lot of languages ​​that are stronger and more advantageous than Microsoft in the world. However, because of the Microsoft Windows system, many people choose the language developed by Microsoft.

But now, under the promotion of Huanyu Technology and the [Death Microsoft Package], a series of companies competing with Microsoft have emerged one after another.

Although such competition will not make a decisive change for Microsoft in a short period of time.

But as long as such competition continues, the monopoly of Microsoft and Microsoft's operating system will gradually be weakened.

Especially in the era of smart phones in the future.

At that time, a series of programmers will gradually stop using Microsoft's language.

At this time, Chen Yu was one step ahead, which added a series of troubles to Microsoft, and at the same time increased the bargaining chip for Huanyu Technology to deal with Microsoft in the future.


"Bill, didn't you say that an agreement was reached with Chen Yu of Huanyu Technology?"

Looking at Huanyu Technology's [Dying Microsoft Package], Microsoft CEO Steve said depressed.


In fact, Bill was even more depressed than Steve.

Obviously he and Chen Yu had a very happy chat, everyone also verbally promised, and also reached a gentleman's agreement.

It stands to reason that even though Chen Yu is not very old for a big guy who has reached this level, he is definitely a promise.

It's the same whether or not to sign an agreement.

But in a blink of an eye, as soon as Bill returned to the United States, he received a [Death Microsoft Package].

At first Bill thought that for the time being, Chen Yu had not communicated well with the North American side.

But seeing hundreds of companies full of firepower, Bill knew that Chen Yu was only acting in front of him.

He did not agree to a temporary ceasefire with Microsoft at all.

"Chen Yu, what do you mean?"

"Mr. Bill, in the middle of the night, you call me like this, I won't answer it in the future."

"Chen Yu, is our gentleman agreement?"

"Bill, I've been following it all the time. Didn't you say that when you Microsoft is ready, you will compete with us Huanyu Technology. Now I tell you that our Huanyu Technology is actually ready long ago."

"Okay, very good, Chen Yu, I would like to see if your Huanyu system can be launched."

Bill dropped the phone angrily.

Young people do not speak martial arts, and they change their minds as soon as they promise.

This not only made him extremely disappointed with Chen Yu, but also made Bill very entangled in the current situation of Microsoft.

Microsoft is indeed very powerful.

However, in the face of hundreds of companies attacking, to be honest, Bill really felt the danger.

Don't look at the strengths of each of these companies.

But ants often kill elephants.

With the help of Huanyu Technology, almost all of Microsoft's business has been frantically counterattacked by a group of competitors.

Not to mention the office software business, instant messaging business, game business and so on on the Microsoft desktop.

At this time, even in the software development language of the end, some of these companies have tried their best to compete with Microsoft.

Not to mention, in addition to them, there are several giants who are eyeing Microsoft.

" don't complain. Although Chen Yu is shameless, he has to say that his strategy is brilliant."

"If it is us, we may not be able to think of such a move."

"Be energetic, if we fail to cope with this wave, it will be difficult for us to deal with Huanyu Technology."

Bill comforted Steve.

Although Steve was crazy, he also knew it.

At this time, you can only deal with these guys first, and then deal with Huanyu Technology after you solve the trouble.

"Okay, Bill, I'll listen to you."

Steve shook his head and said helplessly.

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