"How is that possible? Senior Brother Tianjin Fan is so much stronger than me.

"Stupid, martial arts is not based on whose apparent combat strength is strong.

Pounds scolded the dumplings while giving them a demonstration.

Sure enough, Pounds's breath was weak in their eyes for a while, and it was like a turbulent wave for a while.

"The role of martial arts is very wide, and this needs to be developed by yourself. Winning or losing a battle doesn't depend on the strength of the qi at all, like you are all in the 2nd order, there will not be much difference at all, unless you wait until after the 3rd order, the gap will be very obvious. "


"Give you half a day to adapt, and after half a day, your brothers and sisters will practice."


"Yes! Master." The

two of them used the Cosmos Star Chaser to take to the skies.

Since the two of them met Pang Zi, they have been spending 8 months in intense cultivation, and they don't need to do anything.

If you are hungry, you won't be hungry at all, Pounds' energy pills are full

! When you are thirsty, Pounds has prepared a sufficient amount of medicinal juice for

them to drink! When you are tired, Pounds uses internal strength to help them resolve their fatigue

! When you are sleepy, you will sleep, this Pound really has no choice, he will still be sleepy! If you

want to be lazy, Pounds will just pull a stick.

Now that Pounds had allowed them to rest for half a day, of course they were happy.

"Brother, it's good! I'm so happy now!"

"Yes! It's good to meet the master." "


Pounds looked at the two of them flying in the sky, envious.

I can pursue immortality, I only have more than 200 years to live, I have to refuel, not to mention that there are so many powerful enemies in the later stage.

With that in mind, Pounds adjusted his regular gravity to 16 times.

"Master, we're back!"

"Are you back?" "

Uh-huh, we've rested enough, master, we can start fighting."

Pounds looked at the two of them full of fighting spirit.

Directly lifted the two of them into the air.

"Just fight in the air!"

the two of them were stunned for a moment, and immediately used the Universal Star Chasing Technique.

"We're ready. "

"Let's go.

Li Yu watched the competition between Tianjin rice and dumplings.

The two first used fists and kicks, and Tianjin Rice was straight to the point, trying to rely on speed and strength to defeat the dumplings directly.

It's a pity that Dumplings is not only the Universal Star Chasing, in the past half a year, his martial arts can also be said to have entered the house, the vitality of this world is too sufficient, and below the Gang Qi realm, he doesn't need too much natural perception to be promoted. Dumplings are now a powerhouse in the late congenital stage.

The skills are even learned to fold plum hands in Tianshan, fight left and right, snap fingers, 72 Kong Ming Fist, etc., and easily resolve the attack of Tianjin Rice.

Pang Zi didn't memorize the scriptures and knowledge, think of some moves, and then named it according to the name of Jin Yong in his previous life. Not to mention anything else, the main thing is to feel domineering, using these, Pounds feels like he will have an invincible feeling of BGM sounding.

Think about the moves that come and go in Dragon Ball, Pounds has a different name for each move, and he can also shout momentum

!" "Dumplings, will you just hide? Do you dare to hit me hard?"

"Slightly, senior brother, you can't beat me!"

Pounds nodded with satisfaction when he saw that the two brothers actually used psychological tactics.

'Didn't waste the tricks and tricks I taught them. "

Dumpling look at the move - Sun Fist!" "

Look at me - Ling Bo Weibu + Mixed Yuan Thunderbolt Hand!"


"Cunning dumplings, look at the four demon fists!" "

Tai Chi Sutra + four taels of a thousand catties." "


"Eye of Light!"

"Six-vein Divine Sword." "

Afterimage Fist!"

"Fight the stars shift."

Pounds watched the two of them really make a move and shouted out a kind of feeling, feeling a flock of birds flying overhead.

"Sun Fist

!", "Qiankun Great Shift

!", "Four Demon Fists

!", "Dragon Capture Gong!",

"Light Eye!", "

One Yang Finger." "


"Senior brother, you've run out of moves, and you don't have as many moves as mine.

"Damn. "

Dumplings be careful. "

Qigong Cannon

!", "Pai Yun Palm

!", "Dong Dong Bo

!" "Feng Shen Leg!" "

Four Body Fists!", "

Left and Right Fighting Technique." Soon

, Tianjin rice and dumplings fell to the ground in a beating.

Tianjin had exhausted his rice gas, half knelt on the ground, kicked and said:

"Don't fight, you are like a mouse Yes, you can't catch it, you can't hit it! I'm tired to death, I'm lost." The

dumplings flew over:

"Senior brother, I haven't used qigong yet! Sure enough, martial arts are stronger than qigong." Pounds

also flew over and smashed his fist on the dumpling's head.


"What are you proud of? It's because your senior brother is not good at learning, otherwise you won't be able to run away if you directly use force to overwhelm people." "

Yes, master.

After Pang Zi trained the dumplings, he punched Tianjin Fan, who was sweating profusely and half-kneeling on the ground, and knocked him down.

"You too, since you can't solve it with your fists and feet, you can directly seal all the retreats of the dumplings with qi, can't you start qigong? In that case, even if you lose, it won't be so miserable, you look at the dumplings, there's nothing wrong with it, it's not good to say that you are dead, and he doesn't even have a bit of skin bruises.

"I'm sorry, master, for disappointing you. "

Disappointed?" Pounds

looked at him with hatred.

"What's disappointment? If you're on the battlefield, you're dead. It's really stupid as a pig

!" "I'm sorry, master!" Dumpling

also came over to plead:

"Master, don't blame Senior Brother, he was afraid of hurting me before he stopped." "

You guys are training, you just want to be real, with me by your side, will you still worry about you getting hurt?"

"Master, it's my fault, don't blame the junior brother."

"Forget it, for the sake of your brotherhood, I won't punish you. "

Thank you, master!" Pang

Zi looked at the tired Tianjin rice, and then walked behind him and transmitted a little internal force to him.

"Remember that you senior brothers still need to have faith in your heart to cultivate martial arts. For example, to be the most powerful person, to protect the people you love the most, to help something, and so on.

"If you don't have your own martial arts beliefs, your martial arts path will not be smooth, and it will be very difficult. "

Yes, master!"

"Also, the strong must not be evil, let alone show off their might in front of ordinary people. You must know that the strong have their own strong hands, there are people outside the world, and there is a truth outside the sky. You two brothers and sisters, in the current earth, except for me, should be the strongest two people, but whether it can be in the future is not certain. "

Yes, whether.

"Is there anyone else who can surpass us who have learned under the master?" Pounds

looked at Tianjin Rice.

"I'm not the strongest, not to mention you, the person I'm talking about will meet you in the future, maybe we might fight together.

"At no time, don't give up. This is my advice to you. "

Master, take note of it.

"Okay, your cultivation results are already there!"

After Pang Zi finished speaking, he took out two universal capsules and handed them to the senior brothers:

"One for each of you, except for a gravity suit that can be adjusted by 0.01 to 20 times the gravity, the rest are all energy pills. "

Energy pills? What is that?"

"It's the Ten Thousand Worms Heart Devouring Pill, what I gave you is the energy pill, and it's not toxic at all." This kind of pill is very expensive to make, if you don't have to, don't take it easily, usually rely on yourself to hunt!

" Dumpling

tearfully "I know, master, don't you go!" "

Fate is caused and destroyed, people gather and people disperse, we are destined to meet again." Remember, the master led you into the door, and the cultivation is personal, and I can't help you with anything in the future. "


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