After Ye Liqing came to power, he was committed to economic reform. He appointed economic experts from the United States to actively carry out shock therapy reforms.

He asked his friend, the President of the United States, for help, and the other party readily agreed, provided that the country of Goose was privatized.

His drastic privatization of state-owned assets created seven oligarchs, and the core industries fell into private hands.

The top 500 companies with a total value of one trillion were only sold for 7.2 billion US dollars, less than one percent of the actual value!

It caused an economic loss of 1.7 trillion US dollars, equivalent to 4.2 times the total GDP in 1996.

The oligarchs controlled 80% of the wealth of the country of Goose.

The ruble became waste paper, the number of unemployed people soared, and people's lives were more difficult than in the Great Goose period.

People with insight saw the true face of Ye Liqing, and the legislature stood up to oppose him.

In order to fight against the parliament, the desperate Ye Liqing once again called in the army he had bought to bombard his own White House.

A group of congressmen walked out of the White House and were sent to prison by him.

No one restrained his power anymore.

He also shamefully called this victory the October Revolution. Can an armed conflict that broke out for one's own selfish desires also be called a revolution?

But the economic crisis has not been resolved, and his approval rating has dropped to a pitiful 3%.

In order to be re-elected, he reached a deal with the seven oligarchs.

If he could be re-elected, he would support the expansion of the oligarchs.

The oligarchs used radio stations and various advertisements to carry out brainwashing propaganda and successfully got him re-elected.

If the emperor is the best gift to the country of goose, then Ye Liqing is the son of disaster for the country of goose.

The emperor once said that during Ye Liqing's two terms in office, the country of goose was the closest to becoming a second-rate country in the world.

For such a person, if you say he is not a spy sent by the United States to bring down the big goose, Wang Lei will not believe anything.

However, his silence at this time made Marshal Yazov a little hesitant.

Although they are political enemies, they are not at the point of life and death.

"Marshal, I don't think there is anything to hesitate about. Now there is evidence that he bribed the army. We will know after arresting him in the first trial.

I believe the KGB must have a way to make him speak."

Mikhail was stunned. He had a strange feeling. Why did Wang Lei sound more like a security bureau than him?

"Marshal, we can't remain silent anymore. The life and death of the Soviet Union should not be decided by a group of politicians.

Only when we have the right to speak can we win in the fight against the invasion of capitalism."

"Yes, we should not remain silent. Otherwise, how can I meet the heroic martyrs who died for the great cause of the Soviet Union after I die?"

"They asked me whether the great dream of the Soviet Union has been realized. How can I answer them?"

Marshal Yazov seemed to have made up his mind.

"Comrade Wang Lei, you can go back first."

Wang Lei nodded heavily, thinking about how much benefit he could get from this action.

Goose is one of the countries with the largest crude oil production in the world, and its oil reserves rank sixth in the world.

The most coveted thing is its natural gas reserves, which are as high as 37.4 trillion cubic meters, accounting for 20% of the world's natural gas reserves, ranking first in the world.

Of course, most of Goose's crude oil exploration and production are in the hands of its own companies. The best way for Wang Lei to get a piece of the pie is to drag the military into the water.

No matter which faction is in power in the future, the military will be a hurdle that cannot be bypassed.

After returning to the International Guest House, Zhao Ling rushed over as soon as the door opened:

"Are you okay? I'm worried about you."

Looking at An Dingguo's playful eyes, Wang Lei coughed:

"I'm fine. Our mission has taken a firm step."

Speaking of the mission, An Dingguo and Zhao Ling both listened attentively. They have been kept in the dark and are cautious in everything they do.

"I didn't tell you before because I was afraid you would make unnecessary moves. Now it's time to talk to you."

"We came here to stop the enemy from destroying the integrity and unity of the Soviet Union.

There is evidence that the enemy has already hit the heart of the big goose and is trying to split it from the inside and destroy it."

Hearing this, An Dingguo's heart was ignited with a raging fire. Isn't this what the great powers like to do most?

Use ethnic conflicts to split the enemy's country, and then economic plunder to divert domestic conflicts.

"Xiao Wang... Leader, have you made any new progress?"

"I have met Marshal Yazov and persuaded him with emotion and reason. The other party has been moved by my sincerity and will be determined to use thundering means to clear all obstacles that attempt to destroy national unity!"

He said it so easily that An Dingguo and Zhao Ling were a little unconvinced.If talking can solve problems, wouldn't the world be a harmonious place?

But in the middle of the night, a series of dense footsteps sounded outside the National Guest House.

Through the light-transmitting windows, everyone looked out and saw that the International Guest House was blocked by a platoon of soldiers, and there was a T80 tank, the most advanced tank in the country, patrolling.

Its cold barrel was facing the International Guest House.

"It's a tank of the Fourth Guards Armored Division!"

Someone in the International Guest House recognized the number of this army.

Zhao Ling pushed Wang Lei and signaled him to look at the place where he pointed with a telescope.

In the night, Wang Lei saw an endless group of tanks driving into the city in an orderly manner.

The tanks were full of soldiers from the country.

Wang Lei was slightly excited. It seemed that his persuasion had worked. Yazov began to pay attention to the new alliance faction and raised it to the point where he had to deal with it with all his strength.

The army began to enter Moscow on a large scale to supervise all administrative units and important institutions.

That night, no one slept much, and the sound of the army crossing the border rang all night.

The guesthouse's channels for external communication were cut off, and there were even several telegraph reconnaissance vehicles patrolling cross-border, and any telegraph signal would be locked once it was sent.

Just when Zhao Ling and Andingguo were both uneasy, Mikhail brought the latest news with red eyes.

"We urgently arrested the main leaders of the New Alliance and searched their private homes and workplaces."

Wang Lei couldn't help asking:

"Did you find anything?"

"We found some evidence that they bribed the army commander, including some of their meeting records. You are right, Ye Liqing is very cunning, and we found a secret radio station in his basement.

When he was found by the security police, he tried to contact the airborne commander as soon as possible. I arrested him personally."

"What are you going to do next?"

This is what Wang Lei really cares about. Although Ye Liqing's demagogic speech was stopped, the military is still unstable. The once ace army paratrooper division is now a time bomb.

And if nothing is done, people who have lost their faith will be easily deceived.

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