Don't buy it?

While they were still hesitating, the smart people had raised their hands:

"Mr. Li, I'll buy it!"

"I want to buy it too!"

It was not until late at night that the group dispersed.

Li Qilin was so excited that he even forgot to knock on the door, and shouted:

"President, that group of people is really crazy. Most of our accumulated subprime loans were instantly digested by them.

We recovered 850 billion yen in one go, President..."

He looked dumbfounded at Quan Jingjing who was lying on Wang Lei, and apologized hurriedly:

"President, am I here at the wrong time?"

"It's okay, you continue talking."

Quan Jingjing buried his head in Wang Lei's chest embarrassedly.

"Oh oh."

"I also received a notice from Sanye Shigekatsu that they will make a foreclosure sale of the two banks in seven days, so let's be prepared."

In order to reduce trouble, Sanye Shigekatsu only notified a few companies that had the strength to participate in the competition.

In Wang Lei's opinion, he would not participate in the bidding of these two companies.

Such a big thing happened in the banking industry and it was impossible to hide it from others.

Sanye Chongkang's new policy made investment banks a very unreliable thing. The next four or five years will be the demise of the banking industry. No one would be willing to get involved in this mess.

"Well, very good, Qilin, you will go to participate in this auction."

Li Qilin hurriedly agreed and carefully closed the door for the two of them.

He breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the president did not look angry.


Seven days later, Li Qilin appeared at the auction site with a crowd of people.

"President Li!"

"President Li!"

People in the venue stood up and greeted Li Qilin.

Li Qilin nodded in response.

Before the auction officially started, the auctioneer realized that the two banks had become the property of the White Dragon Consortium.

Sure enough, when the auction started, Li Qilin did not pretend and directly quoted a minimum price.

Others had no intention of bidding at all.

The auctioneer asked the price symbolically three times, and the gavel in his hand fell heavily.

"5 billion sold!"

"Next is the auction of Hanwa Bank, with a starting price of 7 billion yen."

"Start bidding now."

Hanwa Bank is a little bigger than Hyogo Bank. What surprised the auctioneer was that the two banks did not have many valuable assets. Has the banking industry become so corrupt?

Li Qilin lazily raised the number plate:

"Hakuryu Gold Exchange, 7 billion yen."

"Is there a higher price?"

After asking three times in a row, the auctioneer dropped the gavel neatly.

With such a result, Ichiro Aida and President Hanwa at the scene both breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Qilin walked towards them:

"Congratulations, everyone. I have seen your efforts. I will hire you two as vice presidents of the new bank as agreed."

Ichiro Aida couldn't help but ask one more question:

"President, are you planning to merge our two banks?"

Li Qilin smiled:

"Not just you. Mr. Wang Lei plans to merge the three groups of Hakuryu Gold Exchange, Hyogo Bank, and Hanwa Bank, and officially change the name to Hakuryu Bank!"

Ichiro Aida and President Hanwa were shocked, but they felt a little uncomfortable.

It sounds good to say it's a merger, but it's actually an annexation.

Let's annex it, it's better than everyone being unemployed.

At their age, losing this job is equivalent to retirement.

And they have saved the jobs of their people. Now the economy is in recession and the unemployment rate is high.

This may be the best outcome for them.

The collapse of the two banks caused great grief among the people of Sakurajima. Most of the depositors did not buy insurance. Apart from some symbolic compensation, they lost almost all their money.

Fortunately, the Bank of Japan urgently introduced a new policy for bank bankruptcy. Although it did not satisfy all depositors, the people of Sakurajima were already accustomed to the collapse of enterprises and were very nervous. They quickly accepted this fact.

However, the collapse of the two major banks still caused panic among the people, and some banks even experienced a run on the bank.

The banking industry was in great grief again, and more than a dozen banks were in urgent need of help in the run.

They asked for help from Shigeyasu Sanye again, but unfortunately they were rejected.

"If everyone faces a crisis and the Bank of Japan headquarters allocates funds, then wouldn't the reform be declared a failure at the beginning?

Then what is the point of implementing the last elimination system?"

That being said, the bankers still felt that Big Brother was unreliable and chose to let them fend for themselves.

Some bankers had an idea. Didn't we pay 100 million tuition fees? When should we ask for help from the teacher?

They swarmed towards Wang Lei again.Guild hall.

"Teacher, save us."

Seeing so many people kneeling down crying and howling.

Wang Lei was also shocked. Those who didn't know would think that he was dead and these people came to mourn.

Li Qilin, who knew the inside story, explained it in Wang Lei's ear.

"Bank run crisis? You found the right person to find me."

Everyone wiped their tears in a pretentious manner and looked at Wang Lei with expectation.

"Let's do this. It just so happens that our White Dragon Bank has just completed the integration and wants to announce this good news to the public.

It's not difficult to save you. I plan to establish a banking association.

With mutual assistance and mutual rescue as the original intention of the establishment, as long as you join the civil mutual assistance association we founded, the panic of the people will naturally disappear."

Li Qilin's eyes lit up when he heard this.

The president has a very profound strategy. In this way, the new player White Dragon Bank has suddenly become the leader of the banking industry!

Never underestimate the industry associations organized by the private sector. They have a force that cannot be underestimated when they are united.

Moreover, this is not an ordinary industry, but the banking industry, which is the cornerstone of the economy!

In the long run, the White Dragon Group will surely become the leading financial group in Sakura Island.

The bankers also became excited.

"Yes, the Bank of Japan officials are unwilling to spend national savings to aid us. We can always set up a group to save ourselves."

"We are willing to follow the teacher's footsteps and join the Banking Association!"

Nowadays, the White Dragon Group is seen as a wealthy and powerful group in the eyes of the public. Now that the White Dragon Bank stands for them, it can naturally ease people's panic.

To put it bluntly, the public is just following the herd mentality.

If people's anxiety is alleviated, this bank run crisis can be easily resolved.

After these people left with many thanks, Li Qilin asked worriedly:

"Sir, if they encounter a crisis, do we really have to take the lead in donating generously?"

"Of course, but it is not free. If they cannot repay their debts, we will naturally become their secured creditors, and it will be natural to swallow them up at that time."

"And our presence this time will be of great help to our bank's savings business. Where do you think those panicked depositors will eventually put their money?"

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