Fans who support Paramount have no place to express their support for Spider-Man.

They generously donated money and went to the cinema to support Maguire and Paramount with practical actions.

It seems that they want to make up for the regret of not supporting Final Destination in the cinema before.

When the box office on the first day came out, the president of Warner happily opened two bottles of champagne that he had treasured for a long time to celebrate.

"Victory is destined to belong to us. Those people are still stubborn. Now they must have given up after seeing the results."

His assistant also echoed: "Paramount really made a mistake. They actually found a new actor with no box office appeal to carry the banner. The first day's 5 million should be their best result."

"Hurry up and tell our new shareholders the good news. I can finally breathe a sigh of relief."

Being able to continue to sit in this position, being spurned by others is nothing.


Batman Returns made 13 million US dollars on the first day. It is clear who is better and who is worse.

In the eyes of the media, the two movies are not opponents of the same level.

Spider-Man has no chance of winning when he encounters Batman's blockade.

But after the box office results came out in the second week, Warner executives were dumbfounded.

Spider-Man: Far From Home actually crushed Batman Returns' 60 million box office with a North American box office of 92 million.

The problem lies in the word-of-mouth fermentation of the movie.

The word-of-mouth of the two movies among movie fans is extremely polarized.

People went to the cinema because of the visual shock brought by Batman 1, but the evaluation of this movie can only be said to be average. The only highlight may be Catwoman played by Pfeiffer.

It completely failed to meet the audience's expectations of it.

So the box office quickly opened high and fell. With this trend, it is questionable whether the North American box office can exceed 200 million.

Looking back at Spider-Man, it far exceeded the expectations of the public.

This is a story about an ordinary person becoming a great hero.

O'Quirrel successfully portrayed the contradictory psychology of an ordinary person after becoming a hero.

The famous saying that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility has become popular outside the circle.

Even the most demanding film critics have to admit that Spider-Man is a role tailor-made for Maguire.

They also had the experience of being fostered in relatives' homes, were also chosen by the god of fate to take on important tasks, and also attracted great criticism and were not understood by the world.

It can be said that Maguire's interpretation of the little spider made many people feel the same.

A fan wore a Spider-Man peripheral COS costume and cried loudly during the interview with the reporter:

"I seem to see my own shadow in Maguire. Spider-Man is a hero of ordinary people. I see the counterattack of small people in him. His warm smile makes people feel distressed..."

Someone excitedly grabbed the reporter's microphone:

"It's really wonderful. I want to watch it three times with my new girlfriend. Thank Maguire for his interpretation, thank Marvel, thank Paramount..."

The reporter's random street interviews did not hear any negative reviews.

Most people looked unsatisfied. Whether they were crying or excited, they were all from the heart and did not look fake.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as rave reviews. Young people who have seen the movie strongly recommend their friends to go to the cinema to watch it.

Word of mouth spreads that the power of tap water is terrifying.

This made more people curious and went to the cinema to watch Spider-Man.

In the third week, the box office did not fall but rose, and it earned 120 million in just one week.

Seeing the increasingly crazy fans, major theaters had to increase the screening of Spider-Man.

As for "Batman", whose reputation and box office have declined rapidly, go wherever it is cool.

The box office of Batman Returns continued to decline, revealing the last fig leaf of Warner.

Its senior management also shut up their clamoring mouths, and they slapped their faces as much as they wanted.

It brought more contradictory psychology to Warner from top to bottom.

Why was the first one so popular, and the second one increased investment, but the audience didn't buy it?

On the other hand, the other party's "Spider-Man" not only received rave reviews, but also sold crazy derivative peripherals.

Marvel Studios under Wang Lei seemed to have been prepared, as if they had expected Spider-Man to be a big hit. All kinds of peripheral products were sold out by loyal fans as soon as they were launched.

They even took out the few old stocks.

What was shocking was that these stocks became hot commodities, and some loyal fans went to the underground market to buy them at a high price.

"Are these people crazy?"

Spider-Man completely dominated the weekly chart of the North American box office, and it was likely to become the monthly champion.

Now it is the penultimate month of 1992. With Paramount's global distribution capabilities, it seems that it can lock in the global box office champion of this year in the last month of this year?

With the release of Spider-Man in other countries, the Spider-Man effect swept the world.

People from all over the world were conquered by Spider-Man.

Even knocked on the door of the cinema in Longguo. China Film Group brought this foreign language film, hoping to give some help to old friends in Longguo.

Unexpectedly, Spider-Man actually won nearly 50 million US dollars in box office in Longguo within a month of its release.

For the first time, the purchasing power of the people of Longguo brought a little spiritual shock to the media on the other side of the ocean.

The voice that Spider-Man became the global box office champion became more and more intense.

It is really possible.

Some authoritative newspaper reporters made a real box office estimate for Spider-Man. Although there is still a month before the New Year, it is not a problem for Spider-Man to hit 500 million US dollars at the box office.

The gap with this year's box office hit "Aladdin" is almost negligible.

Maguire also became completely popular.

I don't know how those powerful film production companies found his contact information.

They all gave shocking remuneration, none of which was less than 5 million US dollars.

This is almost the price of Hollywood's top movie stars!

The key is that he is not yet 18 years old. In a few years, his salary can double.

Just when many producers thought that this kid would soon be convinced by the money offensive, Maguire gave them an unexpected reply:

"Sir, if you are really sincere about starring in your company's movie, you should contact my agent Benny Dyke."

It was because Benny Dyke and United Elite were at odds that they found a way to contact Maguire himself.

Benny Dyke was very satisfied with Maguire's performance and couldn't help but praise him:

"Kid, you passed the test again. Few young people can keep their original intentions after becoming an overnight sensation.

Paramount plans to launch the sequel to Spider-Man as soon as possible. This time, they offered a salary of 6 million!"

"Thank you for the company's favor to me. I will continue to work hard!"

But the group of people in the minor leagues were not in such a good mood.

Guy didn't expect Warner to lose in the first battle with Paramount, and he immediately proposed to the board of directors that they should change a president.

This brainless man actually offended more than half of the single mothers in the United States.

On the contrary, it helped boost Spider's box office to a certain extent, and almost made his investment lose money in the first movie.

It has become almost impossible to make a profit in North America.

Now they can only rely on overseas markets.

The Little League got together again because a report from Wall Street Observer aroused their vigilance.

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