"Wang Zhengyi is rich but unkind, and he has bad intentions in singing bad words about the economy!"

The person holding up a white banner and shouting slogans immediately attracted the attention of all reporters.

It was an industry conference at this time, and several wealthy people and financial authorities were all present. It can be said that all the participants were well-known figures.

But at this critical juncture, many voices against Wang Zhengyi emerged.

They shouted slogans loudly outside the venue, and the young man in the lead spitted and gave a speech.

"Wang, the richest man, is alarmist. The warning is false, and the transfer of assets is true!"

A reporter recognized him. It was Hansbo who poured mineral water on Wang Zhengyi a while ago. Fortunately, Wang Dafu reacted quickly and dodged the bottle he threw.

Facing the young junior who continued to verbally attack, Wang Zhengyi did not argue with him, but chose to avoid him.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually gathered so many people to embarrass Wang, the richest man, at this juncture.

Coincidentally, the TV station was broadcasting live, and this picture immediately caused the number of online viewers to soar.

Everyone had to give the Wang family some respect, so many reporters just watched coldly.

A foreign media reporter handed over the microphone and asked Hansbo:

"Do you think Wang Zhengyi is deliberately badmouthing the economy?"

"Yes, I think he has ulterior motives and deliberately creates panic to make everyone uneasy!"

Then he said directly to the TV camera:

"Ladies and Gentlemen, as early as 1984, we no longer used a fixed exchange rate system, but a linked exchange rate system.

Our exchange rate is tied to the US dollar and follows the monetary system of the Federal Reserve. As long as we have enough foreign exchange, the Hong Kong dollar is almost equivalent to the US dollar, and there is no room for short selling at all."

"According to the latest survey data, we have 96 billion US dollars in foreign exchange, which is far higher than the sum of the four little tigers. The fiscal expenditure is good. May I ask everyone, how can short sellers short sell?"

The audience in front of the TV felt that what the student representative said made sense.

Their city is the most stable of the four little dragons, with a GDP ranking second, only slightly inferior to Gaopo, and twice that of the other two cities!

Wang Zhengyi's pessimism about the economy is also groundless. According to the latest survey results, our market is far from saturated and there is still a lot of room for demand.

They admit that the Wang family successfully predicted the financial crisis in Dongzhou, but it does not mean that they agree with the final conclusion drawn by Wang Zhengyi.

There will definitely be fluctuations, but they are also temporary.

Hansbo's words have attracted the approval of many people. Many of them believe that hedge funds cannot knowingly commit crimes when they know it is impossible.

At most, they will give up this idea after a few attempts.

Sitting in the hotel, Wang Zhengyi couldn't help but frown when listening to the slogans outside the venue.

He just wanted to remind people to be prepared for the financial crisis, but he didn't expect that in the other party's mouth, it became a pessimistic economy.

Can a student have such insight and execution?

There must be someone behind him who is instructing him to do this.

Wang Zhengyi thought of the takeover of Xia Dongdu Company. These guys are really worrying.

Looking at Wang Zhengyi's depressed look, the richest man Li smiled and joked:

"Do you want someone to drive them away?"

"Old Li, don't hurt me. I can't bear such a bad reputation."

Everyone laughed when they heard this.

There are not many opportunities to see Wang laugh.

In the meeting, Director Ren was talking:

"We can increase the cost of short-selling by 2~3 times at any time. We also have 96 billion US dollars in foreign exchange reserves. As long as the shorts dare to come, we have the confidence to close the door and beat the dogs!"

The chaebols in the audience were also greatly encouraged and said that they would continue to support the other party's work.

Looking at his colleagues who did not take the shorts seriously, Wang Zhengyi sighed deeply.

He really wanted to ask, what if the other party's main goal is not the exchange rate.

According to Wang Lei's guess, the shorts are likely to feint at the exchange rate and make profits in the stock market and futures market.

He shook his head, remembered Wang Lei's instructions, and was not in a hurry to explain, but just wanted to have a clear conscience.

As soon as the meeting ended, Wang Zhengyi was besieged by reporters.

"Mr. Wang, what do you think of Hansbo's words?"

Wang Zhengyi, who didn't want to make any more comments, showed a meaningful smile:

"Young people are to be feared."

It was originally meant to mock the other party, but the media understood it as Wang, the richest man, was speechless after being refuted by Hansbo.

This made Hansbo even more arrogant, and he frequently accepted media interviews.

His attack on Wang Zhengyi also won him a group of followers.

In this false prosperity, housing prices ushered in a new hurdle, and many people took advantage of the real estate discount activities and rushed to get on the train.

Some real estate speculators, because of the overly optimistic atmosphere in the market, chose to wait and see.

This also made them miss the last chance to cash out.

What Hansbo didn't know was that he had already been targeted by someone, and his movements were recorded 24 hours a day.

Robert also told Wang Lei a little news.

"Proton Fund is taking action today!

As you expected, boss, they know that it is impossible to make a profit by shorting currencies, so they plan to short the Hang Seng Index and use stock market fluctuations to make a profit!"

"Making a plank road in the open, secretly crossing Chencang, Proton Fund's trick is much smarter."

"Boss, are we really not going to follow up?"

In Robert's eyes, Proton Fund has a great chance of success. If they don't follow up, wouldn't they miss an opportunity to make a lot of money...

"According to the arrangement of Proton Fund, they are destined to not be able to make a quick decision. The futures delivery time is as long as one year. At that time, the Dragon Country official will definitely not sit idly by and watch the stock price fall again and again."

Robert was stunned when he heard this. If the Dragon Country's national team entered the market to rescue the market, Proton Fund might break its front teeth.

Thinking of this, Robert felt a little better.

Compared to this tough bone, shorting Han Country is almost a piece of cake.

"Boss, why don't you let me short Da Goose? I heard that Da Goose has not been very stable recently, and many countries have declared independence. As long as we create some panic, the ruble will naturally fall sharply..."

Robert took this opportunity to ask a few more questions.

"Da Goose contacted me as soon as the financial crisis broke out in Dongzhou, hoping that my economic reform team could take responsibility."

"Did you agree?"

"How could I agree? This is a thankless job, and there may even be certain risks. After all, I am not a Da Goose person. They must keep a close eye on me all the time, so I recommended someone to them, a very powerful person."

Robert suddenly became curious about who could make the boss praise him.

"Who is he?"

"He worked in my reform team, and then I recommended him to the president's office. He has made many outstanding achievements and won the president's trust!"

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