Han Shixian said in a low voice:

"National bankruptcy... If I'm not wrong, there is only one week left before national bankruptcy!"

The governor of the Central Bank of Han State was furious:

"Han Shixian, why didn't you tell me earlier, why until now..."

"I submitted this report half a month ago, and you didn't meet me until today."

Everyone was silent again.

Such a big thing, whether it is the chief minister or the deputy minister, has lost the right to make decisions, they can only report the matter to Representative Jin.

After receiving this news, Representative Jin's secretary-general passed it on to Representative Jin who was in a meeting.

He was furious when he knew that the bankruptcy was countdown.

"If there are not enough dollars, can't we just buy dollars?"

The chief patiently explained: "The speed at which we buy can't keep up with the speed of the loss of dollars."

"Didn't you say before that Han State has a solid economic foundation and will not be affected much at all?"

Although his tone was flat, everyone still heard a hint of anger.

It makes people tremble slightly.

"I'm sorry."

"The party is over, right?"

Everyone was speechless.

"Who of you can tell me what I should do now?"

"How can I explain to the public?"

"Do you want me to announce in front of tens of millions of people that the country is entering a countdown to bankruptcy?"

Han Shixian interrupted:

"Citizens have the right to know. If we tell them, we can also give them an early warning!"

Deputy Minister Li Bochang loudly refuted her:

"Nonsense, don't you see that there are not enough people making trouble outside? If we tell them, won't the world be in chaos?"

Representative Jin asked the deputy minister indifferently:

"Then do you have any better ideas?"


The chief financial officer said:

"Siam officially accepted the assistance of the IMF (International Monetary Fund)."

"Maybe we can..."

Han Shixian sneered:

"Chief, do you want to sell the entire Han Kingdom?"

"In order to get the other party's assistance, the IMF took over the economic power of Siam, and behind this organization is..."

The chief of finance couldn't help but scold her: "Shut up! There is no place for you to talk here."

Representative Jin looked at Han Shixian with interest:

"You are the leader of the currency group? Madam, do you have any substantive solutions?"

"We can borrow directly from European and American banks. As long as we get through this most difficult period, we have a chance to breathe, and we can naturally free up our hands to carry out economic reforms. Our economic foundation is still there, and it is only a matter of time before the loan is repaid."

Representative Jin fell into silence. If European and American banks were so easy to talk to, would they withdraw funds and ask for immediate repayment?

He knew that Han Kingdom had reached the point where it was today, and it was irreversible.

He wanted to bury not only the economy of a country, but also his own career.

"Okay, you all think about countermeasures carefully, and write a plan for me tomorrow."

After Representative Jin sent everyone away, he struggled for a long time in his heart, and finally pressed the dial button.

"Mr. Wang, I'm Representative Kim."

"You said I can find you if I encounter any difficulties."


At the same time.

The Chief Minister of Finance called the head of the IMF.

Deputy Minister Lee Bo-chang called the Samsung Lee Chaebol.

Almost everyone was not thinking about how to save the country, but about finding a way out for their future.

"Don't worry, as long as you help us get what we want from the IMF, you can come directly to the IMF after you leave. As for the signing fee, how about 10 million US dollars?"

The Chief Minister of Finance knew that he had no room for bargaining, and hurriedly agreed to the other party:

"Don't worry, I promise to do my best to facilitate the negotiations between the two sides."

The Lee Chaebol also made a promise to Deputy Minister Lee Bo-chang:

"Thank you very much for the Deputy Minister's reminder. As long as you favor our Lee family in terms of aid, I promise you that you can come directly to our Samsung as an executive afterwards. We Samsung really need talents like you."

And Wang Lei, who received the call from Representative Kim, was bathing Wang Duoyu.

His technique was not so good, but it still made the little guy giggle.

Seeing that Wang Lei was slow to respond, Representative Jin asked anxiously:

"Mr. Wang, am I asking too much?"

"Representative Jin, on the contrary, I think your appetite is a little small, which makes me look down on you."


"You asked our White Dragon Bank to provide Han Country with an emergency loan of 30 billion US dollars. In addition to the high interest, you will also give White Dragon Bank a bank license in Han Country, and hand over some unsustainable projects to Wang's Real Estate....

In return, we will give you a pension trust of one million dollars per year."

Representative Jin asked puzzledly:

"Do you think these conditions are not enough?"

"We can continue to discuss it."

Wang Lei laughed contemptuously:

"Just now, your chief financial officer reached a private agreement with the IMF.

His signing fee is as high as 10 million US dollars, and he will immediately become the head of the IMF's Hanguo branch after leaving office, with full responsibility for harvesting Hanguo companies.

And your deputy minister immediately notified the Samsung Lee family that his annual salary is much higher than what you asked for.

As the president, is your appetite a little small? "

Representative Jin was speechless, but he was extremely angry in his heart.

If the chief financial officer really facilitated the negotiations with the IMF and signed a traitorous agreement, he would definitely become a target of public criticism.

Resigning is still a light punishment, and it is possible that he will be sacrificed to the gods by the next representative.

This is also the reason why he resisted the IMF in his heart and contacted Wang Lei instead.

The IMF is ambitious and greedy and will squeeze the bones and marrow of Han Country's enterprises and squeeze out the last bit of value. He still has room for negotiation with Wang Lei.

The chaebols are now in trouble. He doesn't want to become a sinner of the country. Wang Lei is his last hope.

"Mr. Wang, just say what you want."

"What I want is that Bailong Bank can not only have a seat in Han Country, but also have the right to acquire all bankrupt enterprises first, including the banking industry and some core industries.

The unilateral holding of the Bailong Consortium can exceed the threshold of 50%, and has the power to freely acquire and merge! "

"Correspondingly, after you retire, you can come to Longguo to live for a long time. We will invite you to become an economic consultant, and the signing fee is 30 million US dollars..."

Representative Jin's heart was trembling slightly. Wang Lei's request was too much. This meant that as long as the two parties signed an agreement, Wang Lei could unscrupulously acquire local companies in Hanguo. Perhaps it would not take long before he would become the largest foreign chaebol in Hanguo.

"And your son, our Wang family can also provide him with shelter."

"How do you know about my son..."

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