Why don't you share the good stuff with your master!

The angry investment banks increased the sanctions on the Sakura Group. They began to gather together and collectively shorted some large enterprises in Sakura Country.

Wang Lei felt pain for Xiao Rizi when he saw it.

After the stock market fell sharply for several consecutive days, Xiao Rizi decided that it couldn't go on like this. Everyone should lower the price quickly and let the father of the United States take back his magic power.

On April 1, 2006, April Fool's Day, the top ten banks in Sakura Country and the five major investment banks in the United States signed a humiliating contract.

The five major investment banks left Tokyo with a new financial product LGCD totaling nearly 100 billion US dollars.

It's not summer yet, but Tokyo has already started to get a little hot.

The chaebols were all excited.

It seemed that they had made a deal that could not lose any more, but in fact, they were making money no matter how they looked at it.

If these subprime loans fell into their hands, they would have to start restructuring.

Now they are just seriously injured, which is the best result for them.

Wang Lei's Bailong Bank also received a share of the profits. Seeing the pain on the faces of the chaebols, Wang Lei couldn't help laughing.

This was what they got by cutting a big chunk of meat. They had lost a lot of good things, so naturally they were reluctant to part with it.

Having temporarily solved the internal problems, the chaebols finally had the energy to turn their attention to the ongoing general election.

The most powerful candidates in this election were Ichiro Koinou, the president of the Liberal Democratic Party, and Shigeyasu Miyano, who was pushed by the coalition parties.

Both of them are very powerful figures, and have a very high reputation among the people and the parties.

Before the chaebols came to power, the propaganda of both sides was a bit of thunder and rain, and could not mobilize the enthusiasm of the people to vote.

But after Tokyo TV made an effort, Shigeyasu Miyano immediately surpassed Ichiro Koinou in the polls.

Tokyo TV is no longer the small and broken TV station of the past.

After the launch of several ace variety shows, it has a great influence in the whole of Dongzhou, and other TV stations that only know how to spoof small stars have been defeated.

The ratings and reputation have soared, and even NHK public television has become a foil.

When Shigeyasu Sanno and Yasushi Akimoto appeared together on a girl variety show, the two thorns were all excited.

"Can I really do it?"

Faced with Shigeyasu Sanno's question, Yasushi Akimoto, who had been instructed by Wang Lei, nodded and said that it was their honor to serve you.

Several defeated members who were ready to become teachers were pulled into the room by Shigeyasu Sanno...

Although Shigeyasu Sanno was very careful, his every move was still captured by a special camera.

At this moment, Shigeyasu Sanno was proud. He had already won 50% of the support rate, far exceeding his competitor Ichiro Kou's 36%. He was determined to win this election.

He was enjoying it very much, and he was still fantasizing that after becoming a representative, he would grab the White Dragon Office.

Let all the national goddesses serve him.

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but drool with envy.

Just when he was fantasizing.

Xiaoquan Ichiro and the chaebols who supported him were anxious like ants on a hot pot.

They thought that Wang Lei would continue to support Sanye Shigekawa, but they never expected that the other party's media empire would be so powerful.

Under the intensive bombardment and propaganda of the other party, Sanye Shigekawa was portrayed as a saint who saved the economy of Xiaoshi. It seemed that only Sanye Shigekawa could lead the Sunset Empire to prosperity again.

This brainwashing propaganda not only hindered Xiaoquan and other candidates from running normally, but also made their efforts in vain.

"Is this the propaganda strength of you?"

Faced with Xiaoquan's ridicule, the chaebols were all ashamed.

"Xiaoquan, what do you think of us?"

Seeing that the chairman of Mitsubishi was really angry, Xiaoquan dared not speak, and immediately bent down 90 degrees to apologize:

"I was unreasonable, I apologize to everyone, but please do more. If you let Mie Nofu take office, you will not have a good life."

They naturally know this truth better than anyone else.

"The problem now is that the road of positive publicity is definitely not feasible. Shigeyasu Mie Nofu has been in charge of the Bank of Japan for many years. Tokyo TV's publicity of him has been subtle for more than ten years. It can be said that it is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. We are now thinking of other ways..."

Xiaoquan smelled the smell of conspiracy:

"We can find his black material to attack him. As long as his image as a saint collapses, we naturally have the possibility of winning!"

The chaebols all think that Xiaoquan is easier said than done.

Mie Nofu has been able to stand firm in the political arena for more than ten years. His fatal black material has been exposed long ago, so why would he wait until today?

Xiaoquan Yilang was at a loss for ideas. He said: "He doesn't have it, we can help him make it.Isn't one enough?"

"If we make some groundless news, it will obviously not bring them down. He can always refute the rumors through the media. Sanye Shigeyasu is very cautious. It is difficult for us to approach him at this critical moment..."

Koinichiro said unwillingly:

"Then we can make a fuss about his relationship with Wang Lei. They can't deny this. "

The room was suddenly silent, and the chaebols looked at Xiaoquan with murderous eyes.

Xiaoquan immediately realized that he had said the wrong thing. What the chaebols hated most was that the candidates dragged them, the financial backers, into the water.

If it really came to that, and the relationship was torn apart, no matter who won, it would be a situation where both sides would be destroyed.

They came to speculate, not to fight desperately, and it was not worth it for them to gamble all their wealth.

Xiaoquan was about to stand up and bend down to apologize, but there was a knock on the door:

"Mr. Xiaoquan, a woman sent a USB flash drive. She said that if you watch it and are satisfied, you must give her 100 million yen if you want the second half! "

At first, Xiaoquan thought that something had happened to him and a woman came to blackmail him.

But when he was about to reach out to take it, the chairman of Mitsubishi snatched it away.

"Xiaoquan, don't you trust us? As an investor, you must be honest with us. We don't have to go through so much trouble to trip you up."

Hearing the threat, Xiaoquan could only nod obediently.

But after playing the video in the USB drive, it was found that it was a very familiar face - Shigeyasu Sanno!

He was surrounded by girls, and just when they were about to appreciate the work, the video stopped abruptly!

"Yoshi, this little movie is the key to tripping Shigeyasu Sanno. Let's pay 100 million yen together."

They are very happy to spend this money. This is an investment with a very high return on investment.

Xiaoquan was very excited, and his expression was so excited that it was ferocious:

"I knew that the position of representative must belong to me, Xiaoquan!"

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