The next day, all media reported that Wang Group led several large domestic private enterprises to donate 36 billion yuan.

Qianlang, Wangyi, and Sohu, the three major portals, all reported it as headlines.

There was a lot of noise on the Internet.

"36 billion yuan can build a lot of new towns and Hope Primary Schools. What does Mr. Wang think? He has to do some mountain reinforcement project."

"You don't understand this, don't ask about the group's affairs."

"Brother, please tell me more."

"Those bosses donated money to avoid taxes. If they really want to donate money, they will give cash subsidies to the people in the mountainous areas, and the reinforcement project will not benefit the public."

His words immediately divided netizens into two camps.

The Wang family has always had a good reputation among the people, but there are always people who have selective amnesia.

"So that's how it is. Bah, I used to support Wang's Group so much, it turns out they wanted to pay less tax."

"My family is from the mountainous area, you don't know how stingy Wang's Group is, they never give cash subsidies, they only give fruit seedlings or crop seeds, nominally giving technical guidance, but in fact they want to exploit the labor of us mountain villagers.

I would rather move to the county to move bricks than farm for Wang's!"

This statement immediately attracted many likes, without remembering that the reason he could buy a house in the county was that his parents planted hundreds of peppers and saved money year after year.

The fruit seedlings, fertilizers, water sources and planting techniques were all arranged by Wang's Group.

This kind of stupid words immediately attracted a group of netizens.

"Wang Group has an annual income of over one trillion yuan. Does it need to spend so much effort to pay less tax? You may not know that Sanshi Group is one of the few companies registered in the capital, not the Cayman Islands."

"Yes, the boss of the Wang Group's financial department will repeatedly ask us not to find ways to evade taxes every time we hold a meeting. Paying taxes has always been our corporate culture."

"I checked and found that Wang Group and Sanshi Group ranked first and second in the tax payment of private enterprises. You have bad intentions, you black dog."

"And the one who said that his family is from the mountainous area, why don't you say that Wang Group built roads for your village and provided a lot of infrastructure."

"Don't you know why they don't provide subsidies directly?"

Wang Group's beverage factory has always had agricultural assistance projects. They know that if they give money to poor households, most of the money will not be implemented in the hands of those who really need help.

Village cadres will definitely give priority to their relatives when they have good things.

So they just go up the mountain to distribute fruit seedlings and fertilizers to solve planting problems.

The Wang Group will also provide cash subsidies to those who really can't make ends meet.

Those who can access the Internet now are definitely not poor households, but mostly relatives who have not received subsidies.

The hearts of the masses are like a mirror, and conspiracy theories have no market for the Wang family father and son.

They know very well whether they are such people.

Of course, many friends and wealthy people don't understand, including some official charity organizations.

Why do you have to spend so much time donating money? Isn't it better to give the money directly to the organization?

The Wang family father and son didn't want to, and really set up a charity fund.

Countless engineering teams under the Wang Group began to move towards the mountainous areas.

At first, many blind dates heard that they would be given free reinforcement of their houses, and they were very confused.

Until they heard that if it was found that the house was dangerous in the early stage of reinforcement, they would be given a new house for free, their resistance was reduced a lot.

But the behavior of the Wang Group undoubtedly touched the interests of many local officials.

Wang Group demolished all the dangerous houses, what reason do they have to apply for new house subsidies?

The most important thing is that Wang Group did this without their help.

Many cadres complained, and countless complaints floated to Kyoto like snowflakes.

How could the higher-ups not know what these people were thinking:

"If the 36 billion is really carried out under their supervision, I don't know how much of it will be put into practice."

What puzzled the big guys was that the Hope Primary Schools under the name of Wang Group were teaching children disaster prevention knowledge, and many simulation drills were conducted.

Wang Lei also explained this:

"These areas are in the earthquake zone, and strengthening houses and simulating eyes are all for prevention."

The higher-ups agreed, believing that the father and son of the Wang family really took some things to heart, rather than just on the surface. Few people would seriously study such details.

"Xiao Wang, tell me about your new energy vehicles. Can they really be fully deployed in first-tier cities? If all taxis are really replaced with electric vehicles, will there be any trouble?"

"I promise not. Our electric vehicle technology is already veryIt is mature, and there are charging stations under construction in every district. I assure you that there will be no mistakes. "

"That's good. Foreigners have always advocated green travel. We can use electric cars to teach them a lesson. They say that we are not environmentally friendly when we eat meat. Don't they know who eats the most meat?"

Wang Lei followed with a smile:

"When the time comes, we will take the opportunity of the Olympics to promote electric cars and force foreigners to travel green. As far as I know, foreigners still have a long way to go in the field of electric cars. Our Sanshi Automobile has no rivals in the world."

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