Chapter 1204

It’s not that Xie Kai is too snobbery, but that Argentina is too poor.

The country is too poor to approve such a huge loan.

“Why are you here?” Xie Kai still asked, thinking about it.

At this time, Ibrahim shouldn’t come here, unless the fool has decided to fight Kuwait, and the whole country has begun to make preparations.

Iraq does not need any preparations to fight Kuwait. Kuwait is a small country and its army is even worse. If it was just a defeat, any battalion of the special brigade next to the base could wipe out the entire Kuwaiti army.

“Does your previous policy still count? It means that there is a commission for introducing the business…” Ibrahim asked Xie Kai.

The corners of Xie Kai’s mouth twitched. Argentina really introduced this product?

I haven’t heard of any exchanges between Iraq and Argentina.

“Always counts.” Xie Kai said calmly.

“As far as the Argentine government is concerned, I have used a lot of effort!” Ibrahim was afraid that Xie Kai would go back. According to the situation, he helped 404 people introduce arms orders and could get no more than 5% of the business commission.

Two billion is almost 100 million.

“I said, don’t you? The Argentines are prepared to get these equipment from us without spending a penny, and even need us to invest in their domestic mines to pay for the equipment.” Xie Kai felt Incredible.

Ibrahim is the chief procurement officer of Iraq’s main equipment. Any corruption may be more than that.

Especially silly Damu was very satisfied with his work, and he definitely rewarded him a lot.

Definitely a local tyrant.

“I am unemployed and will no longer be responsible for the procurement of the Iraqi army…” Ibrahim had no influence on Xie Kai, and told Xie Kai with a grimace.

Xie Kai was stunned.

Ibrahim was unemployed!

Was it still impossible to be revoked by the silly Damu himself?

“Really, this thing doesn’t lie to you.” Ibrahim was pleased to see that Xie Kai didn’t believe in himself, and hurriedly explained, “You know, the war with the Persians is too expensive for the whole country. At present, the funds for reconstruction after the civil war are insufficient. Not to mention the crazy increase in oil production by the Kuwaiti government, it is forcing our government to repay the debt… People in the country cannot blame the president. Everyone thinks that I am self-proclaimed to purchase weapons and equipment on a large scale…”

With this explanation, Xie Kai believed.

Ibrahim was obviously a silly Damu who made his relatives a scapegoat in order to explain.

For the entire Iraqi weapons procurement, without the president’s opening, who would dare?

Even if you dare to spend billions of dollars in transactions and spend the country’s money, the president doesn’t know it, so it’s worth it?

“Is your president ready to take action against Kuwait?” Xie Kai asked.

If so, it can explain why Saudi Arabia seeks to purchase upgraded 359 tanks from Pakistan.

Saudi Arabia knows the performance of the 359 tank.

If Iraq attacks Saudi Arabia, the Saudi army will not be able to handle it. No matter whether it is equipment or military combat effectiveness, it cannot be compared with Iraq. They are not Persians, and the Persians will not die at all if they are fooled.

Saudi Arabia is different. Their country is prosperous and the government pays out money every year. Who doesn’t want to enjoy life and go to death?

A national force equipped with the world’s most advanced tanks can not only be destroyed by guerrillas, but also captured by guerrillas without heavy weapons. This is a miracle.

“The weapons that Saudi Arabia purchased from us before were purchased for you?” Xie Kai asked Ibrahim.

At the beginning, Saudi Arabia ordered $4.83 billion in munitions, mainly tanks and missiles.

They prefer to use Western tanks, and they certainly won’t use missiles.

Now 404 has been delivered to these Saudi tanks.

“Yes, Saudi Arabia originally ordered for us, including Egypt, but also for us… After the war, Saudi Arabia was very dissatisfied and refused to deliver these weapons to us…” Ibrahim did not hide it at all.(Read more @

They didn’t care about the 359 tank.

Iraq itself purchased 500 359 tanks of various configurations from China, plus more than 100 from Egypt, and the total number has exceeded 630, which can fully satisfy the Tikrit Division’s use.

What’s more, there are 100 Feidun-359, which are basically almost finished delivery.

“The President urges you to complete the delivery of the fighter plane as soon as possible.” Ibrahim avoided Xie Kai’s question about the President’s plan to fight Kuwait. “The money has already been paid.”

“Ibrahim, don’t we really love to help you build the production line? The production line has not been built…” Xie Kai’s face was suddenly full of smiles.

200 RD-33 engines were obtained from the Soviet Union.

However, Xie Kai sold 300 planes madly. Egypt only purchased 80 planes with its production line. Iraq also has assembly lines and overhaul lines, 120 super-7A plus 120 spare engines; Xie Kai also forcibly sold them to 100 Americans were taken.

As for the engine, 420 units are needed, and there is a gap of 220 units.

Half of the Super-7A in Egypt has been delivered; part of it has also been delivered in the United States.

Only the Iraqi side has not yet begun delivery.

Otherwise, the 404 base will not be anxious to engage in engine research.

“The President said, if you don’t deliver the fighters as soon as possible, our contract will be invalidated! The fighter order contract will be cancelled. The 500 million US dollars in cash and oil we paid in advance are fully enough for your flying shield system and fighter assembly production lines… “Ibrahim ignored Xie Kai’s enthusiasm.

They already knew about the Soviet Union’s refusal to provide China with aero engines.

They even know that the Chinese have a huge engine gap.

“Old Yi, it’s boring to say that.” Xie Kai stepped forward and put his arms around Ibrahim’s shoulders with a good expression of hello and me. “Anyway, your fighter production line has not been completed yet…”

But I was muttering in my heart, didn’t this guy have been dismissed by their president? Why are you still so concerned?

“Thank you, it was because you breached the contract and did not have enough engines but sold them… I just remind you that our foreign ministry will formally note your foreign ministry and cancel this order…” Ibrahim solemnly Said.

Xie Kai sighed, silly Damu how short of money is this?

The delivery of Feidun 359 was completed, and the production line helped them build a lot. As a result, the order was cancelled.

“Okay. It’s okay to cancel the order for the fighter, but the equipment we have delivered…” Xie Kai knows that Silly Damu is out of money, and now China lacks the RD-33 engine, so it’s a good thing to cancel it.

“Cancel the order of fighter planes?” Zheng Yucheng and others were also anxious when they heard Xie Kai relay the news brought by Ibrahim.

The Super-7A was sold to Iraq for US$12 million, and the matching engine made hundreds of thousands of US dollars when it changed hands.

Now it’s cancelled.

“Iraq is out of money, and we can’t deliver fighters because we don’t have an engine…” Xie Kai was a little lonely.

If I knew it, I bought more engines from the Soviets.

These bastards are absolutely deliberate. When there was no order in China before, two hundred engines were agreed without any hesitation. The delivery has been completed in just over a year, for fear that China will not want it.

When China had a large number of orders, it was unexpectedly prohibited to export engines to China.

Where has Xie Kai considered this issue before?

For a long time, 404 people are reluctant to mention this.

“There is no problem with the Egyptian order. We have already delivered 24 aircraft. They have also delivered their own fighter engines, and the transaction will be completed with 16 aircraft. For the US order, we have also delivered 12 aircraft. …” Zheng Yucheng didn’t want to just give up this chance to make a fortune. “The 12 in the production workshop were originally intended to be delivered to the Iraqis.”

120 Super-7A, which is a profit of hundreds of millions of dollars.

The most lacking of the entire 404 is funding.

“Don’t think about it, Iraq estimates that it will be difficult to buy with money in the future.” Xie Kai thinks this is also a good thing.

I often walk by the river.

Unexpectedly, the transaction that was thought to have no problems eventually went wrong.

According to the original plan of the base’s senior management, one family first delivered a certain proportion, and Xie Kai was not even prepared to deliver American fighter jets.

It’s alright now, he himself shot himself in the foot, because his domestic spies were wiped out, what should have happened in history has not happened, and the Americans have no excuse to impose sanctions on China.

There must be one fighter jet that should be delivered.

Otherwise, there will be a diplomatic dispute again, and the powerful Americans will force Xie Kai to give the money first. Shameless and gadfly Americans can rely on others’ accounts, but others cannot rely on their accounts…

Both of them were silent.

No one wants to see such a thing.

“We have to negotiate with the Soviets. Our engines cannot be put into practical use in the short term, and the Argentines also want fighters.” Xie Kai finally spoke.

Even if I was upset and knew that negotiating with the Soviets would only be for the slaughter, he had to take the initiative to stretch his neck and let the Soviets slaughter him.

“They asked for a price increase to $4 million per unit…”

Zheng Yucheng’s words made Xie Kai almost spit out old blood.

“MMP, why don’t they grab it! The cost price is less than 1 million U.S. dollars, and it actually costs 4 million U.S. dollars. If it is really the price…” Xie Kai jumped up.

He thought, at most, it would give the Soviets around US$2 million.

When the Soviet Union was mad and poor, with such a high profit, it would definitely sell it.

But he underestimated the greed of the Soviets.

It also underestimated how poor the Soviets were.

“Even if they cost 10 million US dollars, we can’t produce it ourselves, and there is nothing we can do. We shouldn’t have done this at the beginning, there is a shortage of 220 units. Once these customers find that we cannot deliver…” Zheng Yucheng’s words made Xie Kai sweat on his forehead Take it straight.

If the United States and Iraq wait patiently, and when the delivery period is over, China will not be able to deliver the fighters, which will eventually make the 404 go bankrupt and return to the pre-liberation period.

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