Chapter 1206

Xie Kai never thought that the root cause of Iraq’s cancellation of Super-7A orders was Ibrahim.

Seeing Ibrahim’s expression of inviting credit before him, Xie Kai rolled his eyes, “Should I thank you? Just like this, we lost 1.4 billion US dollars in orders, and even the cost of the production line we invested in before could not be recovered… ”

“Thank you, didn’t the Soviet Union prohibit the export of engines to you?” Ibrahim was stunned.

He thought that Xie Kai should be grateful to him.

“Without a Soviet engine, don’t we have our own? Otherwise, we dare to sell so much? Besides, the delivery period will be a long time before it ends.” It is a fact that China cannot deliver.

But I always feel uncomfortable in my heart.

Ibrahim did not struggle with this matter and said calmly, “You can deliver it, but Iraq can’t afford it. At present, the government’s funds are very tight. The international oil price has fallen sharply because of the end of the war. Saudi Arabia and Kuwait not only Not agreeing to cut production, but frantically expanded production; the Soviet Union and France and other countries are demanding debts from our government… Post-civil war reconstruction requires huge funds, especially oilfield reconstruction funds…”

Obviously, he told Xie Kai that China could deliver 120 Super-7A in accordance with the contract and provide 120 engines for upgrades, and Iraq could not afford it.

Iraq owes tens of billions of dollars in foreign debt.

Calculated based on the current international oil price, that would have to be hundreds of billions of barrels, and all foreign debts were repaid with oil, which would take several years.

This is still without any cost.

“The president and government officials both believed that the international oil price rose because of the war. They never wanted to end the war and maintain the oil price. We did not get any benefits… At the same time, we helped the entire Arab world to resist the Persian religion and revolution. Output…” Ibrahim’s words made Xie Kai understand that Iraq is already ready to do it.

The Super-7A fighter aircraft delivered by China is no longer enough for warfare.

The combat effectiveness of the super-7A is not good, and neither the range nor the ammunition carried is enough. To upgrade to the Super-7B of both sides, the combat performance will be better. All scientific research units in Iraq have to prepare for the war, and there is no time to upgrade the heavy equipment such as fighter planes that takes too long.

What’s more, the super-7B technology, China has not gotten it by itself?

“Thanks, this is the most suitable opportunity. Both sides have the opportunity to step down. The president does not know that the Soviet Union prohibits the supply of engines to your country. The financial pressure is too great.” Ibrahim knew what Xie Kai thought.

Having been in contact with Xie Kai for so many years, and the two sides have cooperated so many times, it is naturally clear.

Xie Kai is nothing but money and death.

At the time, a contract worth more than two billion U.S. dollars was signed, and Iraq used more than 36 million barrels of crude oil to pay for it, making China a huge profit of nearly one billion U.S. dollars. It was almost enough to pay the final payment of the entire contract.

There was no problem with this kind of thing at the beginning. The Persians blocked the Persian Gulf, and Iraq’s crude oil could hardly be shipped.

But now Iraq is short of money.

Such contracts have allowed the Chinese to earn nearly one billion yuan, and Iraq has lost such a huge amount of money. It is strange that the officials in Iraq are silent.

After the fall, settle accounts.

“You were dismissed because of the oil settlement price?” Xie Kai looked at Ibrahim and asked.

Ibrahim shook his head, “It’s not only that. In the previous war, although no one dared to let anyone bear the consequences, the country had more than 40 billion U.S. dollars in foreign exchange reserves before the war, and now it owes more than 70 billion U.S. dollars in foreign debt… …”

Ibrahim is helping the president.

Xie Kai understands.

This product is no longer working for his relatives. There is no money in Iraq, and it is not easy to make money internationally.

In order to expand the arms trade, 404 received more equipment orders, supported the production of domestic production lines, and provided a common sales commission for later generations. Of course, this is only known to people who are familiar with 404.

As long as the business volume is large enough, the more money you get.

As the head of equipment procurement in Iraq, Ibrahim knows a lot of people and has enough resources in his hands. As long as he keeps looking for orders for 404, he can get huge income.(Read more @

Safety and insurance.

“This time the order is negotiated, I want a 5% business commission. I will persuade them to pay at least 50% in advance.” Ibrahim did not say anything else, but made a request. “Last time I only gave 3%, which is too little.”

Xie Kai rolled his eyes again.

This product has traded with 404 in recent years, and has gained hundreds of millions of dollars in profits.

This time it was 5%.

But it’s not too high.

“As long as they give one billion dollars in advance, there is no problem. It’s the old rule and pay part of it early.” Xie Kai agreed.

Although things need to be discussed with Zheng Yucheng and the others.

“Ibrahim wants a 5% commission?” Zheng Yucheng didn’t care about what Xie Kai said about Iraq’s cancellation of orders, nor did he pay attention to the Argentine’s 2 billion U.S. dollar orders. He paid attention to Ibrahim’s commission. So much! Two billion U.S. dollars, he doesn’t do anything, so he takes 100 million U.S. dollars!”

“Be big, take a long-term view. Someone keeps helping us find orders, how great.” Xie Kai felt that this was not high.

Their profits are almost two or three times or even higher, and even the cost of this commission will not reduce their profits much.

When the base formulated such a policy at the beginning, it fully considered such issues.

After signing a business contract, if the first payment is not in place, no commission will be paid to the broker. At the same time, the remaining part of the funds will need to be paid by the customer to continue to pay the subsequent funds.

Cooperation, only with the government, absolutely not with any unit or individual transactions.

Otherwise, Xie Kai will not have a headache to increase equipment for the crab mercenary group.

“The Argentines, if you give half of the advance payment, is it really cooperative? Two billion US dollars, one billion US dollars is enough to recover the cost and even part of the profit, but they have to invest money in their country…” Zheng Yucheng was a little worried.” The base management team has already started to operate, especially the planning department you proposed. These are the people arranged by the top, and they need to get their approval…”

When talking about the latter, Zheng Yucheng looked at Xie Kai with a smile.

Xie Kai uses this method to restrict them from approving projects indiscriminately, and at the same time restricts Xie Kai’s transactions that are somewhat inconsistent with national conditions.

Even the commission paid to the middleman later is not easy.

“Chief, they have always paid commissions to the intermediaries, including the Thai contract. At the time the contract price was US$1.2 billion for the aircraft carrier fleet, Wang Hao received a commission of US$36 million…”

Long Yaohua and Li Mingshan listened to a middle-aged man’s report seriously.

Before 404, people were not allowed to intervene in internal management at all, and it was difficult for even higher-level management departments to know specific internal affairs.

Now 404 takes the initiative to apply for superior assistance to provide management personnel.

“Cheng Rui, what advice do you have for such a plan?” Long Yaohua asked the middle-aged man who was reporting.

Long Yaohua is relatively clear about how the 404 business came.

But problems are prone to appear in the middle, after all, every time there is a big margin.

“Chief, our whole team discussed it and felt that such a plan could continue. 404 originally had a lot of autonomy, but in this respect, some improvements need to be made to avoid loopholes.” Cheng Rui said seriously.

From the very beginning, Cheng Rui and others were transferred from the State Planning Commission to a unit they had never heard of, and everyone was still very unhappy in their hearts.

Through this period of time to understand the situation of 404, the shock in my heart is unimaginable.

Many things that are still theoretical in the strategic research department of the Planning Committee have been used in 404, but the business of the entire base is too large and complicated, but many policies are very consistent with the development of the enterprise.

“In addition, their plan to exchange resources with foreign equipment. We feel that these resources should not be given to private individuals, but should be integrated with domestic related units…” Cheng Rui reported that it was not his view alone.

At present, they have just learned about some of the 404 items, and they have already felt huge pressure.

Almost all members of the management committee, such as Zheng Yucheng, have an uncooperative attitude.

They made suggestions and it was of no use.

Simply, from the 404 to the present, there are almost no new projects. All project leaders were sent to the strategic planning department by Zheng Yucheng and others to ask if their projects should be postponed…

Cheng Rui had no choice but to ask his superiors for help.

It’s not that they are not capable, but that they don’t understand the situation of 404. More than two months have passed, and I haven’t fully figured out how the 404 worked before.

Management is shockingly chaotic.

“Have you talked with Xie Kai?” Li Mingshan asked.

Cheng Rui was taken aback, “Chief, Xie Kai is not a base manager.”

When I went there before, Li Mingshan explained that it is best to communicate with Zheng Yucheng and others, especially Xie Kai.

Cheng Rui originally thought that Xie Kai was an important manager in there, but after asking about it, he found out that he was still a college student…

Therefore, it did not pay attention to it.

“You know what happened at the beginning of 404. You may not know how it started to rise. You all think that the first funding for 404 was US$50 million from the 359 tank project in cooperation with Pakistan. In fact, before that, they So I got a funding of 30 million…” Long Yaohua gave a detailed introduction to the 404’s fortune.

Cheng Rui didn’t expect that 404 had developed to the present level, and it had something to do with someone like Xie Kai who didn’t seem to have anything to do with it.

“Zheng Yucheng and others were completely desperate at the beginning, and they didn’t want to see countless people building the base for decades to be abandoned like this. It was all about putting all the chips on that kid to gamble…” Li Mingshan told Cheng Rui. Let him realize that 404’s management is very involved in gambling.

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