Chapter 1209

“Everyone is short of foreign exchange. In this way, everyone’s needs will be solved. There will be no loss due to changes in foreign exchange rates…” After Xie Kai finished explaining, looking at General Lin’s surprised expression, he continued.

These days, it won’t work without foreign exchange.

Argentina does not have enough foreign exchange, but wants Chinese investment and equipment; China does not have enough foreign exchange, and wants the Soviet Union’s Su-27; the Soviet Union also does not have enough foreign exchange, and it needs to import a lot of meat products…

How can General Lin not be surprised when the most primitive barter is used to play such a huge transaction?

“Can this work?” General Lin squeezed out a word for a long time.

He was really shocked by Xie Kai.

Why is this kid always so whimsical?

“It works, it definitely works! Canned beef doesn’t work, so can beef.” Xie Kai nodded affirmatively.

At least, canned beef is much better than instant noodles that have become popular in China.

Then there will be no need to collect dog skins all over the country to exchange for Soviet fighters.

Xie Kai knew that the first batch of Su-27 bought from the Soviet Union was only 24. Except for a part of foreign exchange, the rest were paid for with light industrial products. For example, 200,000 boxes of instant noodles can be exchanged for a Su-27, and tens of thousands of dog skins can be exchanged for a Su-27…

In order to collect all the dog skins to pay for the Soviet Union, there were almost no dogs in the entire North. Even the instant noodles were not accustomed to eating them because of the spicy flavor. The other party asked to terminate the trade. In the end, a batch of seafood-flavored sauce was shipped directly to the country to solve this problem.

In the era of lack of foreign exchange, bartering is the best.

From the very beginning, Xie Kai was planning to use light industrial products to change planes in the Soviet Union. He originally thought that he would have to wait until the Soviet Union disintegrated to have a chance. Who would have thought that now that there is one more Argentina, it could be easier.

“How many cans do you have?” General Lin asked, “We can ask over there. Now we have not agreed on prices mainly.”

“It’s worth at least US$500 million, maybe more.” Xie Kai thought for a moment, and felt that no matter how poor Argentina is, US$500 million can still be paid.

They used their domestic mass-produced, low-value canned beef in exchange for China’s military equipment and technical production lines.

There is no shortage of domestic light industrial products in China, and you can use this thing to find Soviets for fighters…

Very good deal.

“The Chinese will not agree to our request for cooperation. No one will agree to such a condition. General Ibrahim is right. It is a loss-making business…” Wallila and several people waited anxiously. Get angry.

Originally, they thought that Chinese military factories would be very happy to accept their orders when they cancelled a large number of military orders in their country.

But Ibrahim’s words made them understand that the Chinese took a very big risk and did not get any benefits in the early stage to produce weapons and equipment for them. No one thought it was impossible.

“If the country has enough foreign exchange, it won’t be like this!” Raul Kaoto sighed. “The Chinese are developing some industries much faster than us. Even many technologies have thrown us away.”

In the past, some areas in Argentina were more advanced than China.

However, Argentina’s economic development speed is far behind that of China.

“Don’t you just give up like this? The Chinese don’t help us, which country is willing to help us?” Carlos’s face was a little desperate.

After contact with Xie Kai, coupled with the fact that the middleman Ibrahim came to find the Chinese in person, it was useless.

If cooperation is achieved, not only can their military strength be greatly improved, but their economy can also develop with China.

“Use canned beef as collateral? Thank you, you can change anything?” Ibrahim heard Xie Kai’s request and thought he had heard it wrong for a while.

Change canned beef to Chinese equipment.

This Nima… is it too whimsical?(Read more @

It makes sense to trade for oil. The demand for oil is huge.

But canned beef can be changed to tanks, fighters, and even warships. This is absolutely unprecedented.

“The minimum advance payment of US$1 billion, of which US$500 million is paid in cash, and the remaining US$500 million is paid with canned beef…” Xie Kai ignored Ibrahim’s surprise.

How can a person like Ibrahim understand the suffering of a country lacking foreign exchange?

If there is no money, there are materials, so just be primitive and barter, at most US dollars are used as a tool to measure the value of various materials.

Silly Damu has no money, and he is ready to launch war and force to repay his debts.

“Okay, I’ll inform them. Thank you, have you thought about how much beef you can buy for 500 million US dollars…” Ibrahim felt that he had to remind Xie Kai, “Say it first, if you are Give me my commission and count it as beef, absolutely not, I can’t eat that much!”

“…” Xie Kai was speechless for a while.

This item is definitely not a joke.

“Thanks, canned beef products don’t seem to be very popular in your country…” Ibrahim reminded Xie Kai.

The international price of beef is currently more than one US dollar per kilogram, and only more than one thousand per ton. Even if it is processed into canned food, it is at most US$2,500 per ton. 500 million US dollars, which requires 200,000 tons of beef!

How long will it take for China to digest such a huge amount?

“You don’t need to worry about this. The cannery can cooperate with them and can choose their domestic food machinery supplier… But the canned recipe has to be according to our requirements.” Xie Kai asks Ibrahim to tell the other party. No thought to explain to him too much.

Two hundred thousand tons of beef, how much?

And this is not a delivery.

According to the current situation, it will take a year or two for the cannery to be established, which is still very fast.

At the time of production, it was almost the time when the Soviet Union disintegrated.

The Soviet Union was originally an agricultural power. It has the largest land area in the world, with a large area and sparsely populated land. The area of ​​agricultural planting and pasture are the largest in the world.

It is a pity that the Soviet Union has invested all its funds in the development of heavy industry. It has insufficient investment in agriculture. The economic reforms in the past few years have failed.

The entire Soviet Union has the world’s most powerful industrial system, the world’s top technology and military power, but the domestic supply of living materials is severely lacking.

It was not until the disintegration of the Soviet Union that the Russian government carried out economic restructuring for two decades and gradually increased investment in agriculture to gradually improve these problems.

200,000 tons of canned beef looks like a lot, but not much for the huge Chinese market and the Soviet market, which is extremely scarce of materials.

“At least five to six hundred thousand head of cattle. Can Argentina provide it?” Zheng Yucheng was a little worried.

Xie Kai shook his head, “Their domestic beef exports are not much, and they have been squeezed too much. Moreover, these hundreds of thousands of tons will definitely not be delivered at once, nor can they be delivered.”

“There is not much profit in it.”

“The profit is huge.” Xie Kai said with a smile, “For foreigners, only beef can be eaten from cows, but for us, there is nothing to waste. When the time comes, the offal will also be canned. Export to Africa…”

“You…” Zheng Yucheng’s eyes widened.

Indeed, eating meat in China will eat everything that can be eaten, and many things are still delicious.

“At least one billion U.S. dollars in advance?” Argentina has a big head. “If there is such a large amount of foreign exchange, we…”

The meaning is obvious. With this money, there is no need to buy Chinese equipment at all.

The government owes 70 billion US dollars in foreign debt.

“The minimum cash of 500 million U.S. dollars, and the remaining 500 million U.S. dollars, you can use your domestic unsalable beef to make canned food. General Carlos, Minister Raul, it took a lot of effort to convince them… you know China is not lacking in these products. China has always been a traditional agricultural country. They feed the world’s largest population…” Although Ibrahim could not understand Xie Kai’s proposal that Argentines can pay with canned beef The reason for the product is also the hope to promote cooperation between the two parties as soon as possible.

It is definitely not without reason that Xie Kai took the initiative to exchange materials.

It is even more unlikely that there will be no high profits, just as they used oil to make up the difference.

The price of beef in the world is not very high, and the European and American markets are filled with meat products from the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, which have good relations with Europe and the United States.

Suppressed by international prices, the prices of Argentine agricultural products are lower on the international market.

“Pay with canned beef?” Raul Kaoto looked puzzled. He was the Deputy Minister of Industry, not the Minister of Agriculture.

“China has established a joint venture with your country to establish a beef canning factory, and they will provide the formula, etc…” Ibrahim did not understand these requirements of Xie Kai.

“If so, the problem is not big. Then about the other…” Carlos didn’t think it was a problem.

The most important thing in Argentina is beef.

After fighting with the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom almost stopped importing beef from Argentina. Australia and New Zealand, which are members of the Commonwealth, refused to import agricultural products from Argentina because of its alliance with the United Kingdom.

Needless to say, the United States is still exporting agricultural products.

“The production equipment of the cannery can be directly purchased by you from your country. After the contract is signed, it will start to operate…” Ibrahim told the other side of the Chinese request. “The total amount of equipment of 2 billion U.S. dollars and the advance payment of 500 million U.S. dollars are the minimum conditions they can accept.”

In fact, Xie Kai approached him and asked him to tell Argentines that they could use canned beef to pay for the goods.

He didn’t know exactly how Xie Kai would work.

If you know Xie Kai’s crazy thoughts, what else can you do besides scolding Xie Kai?

Xie Kai can even calculate the internal organs of the cow. No wonder he insisted that the Chinese should provide the recipe for the cannery!

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