Chapter 1211

It is not easy for the Argentines to make up two billion US dollars.

It’s not that Argentina has no demand, but that China doesn’t have many things that they can appreciate. Argentina does not need such strategic equipment as Dadongfeng. Not to mention the heaven-defying things like mushroom eggs.

You know, Argentina’s domestic nuclear technology is still quite good. Weapon-grade enriched uranium has been developed before, and if they want, they can produce mushroom eggs. In the end, they did not produce, and honestly studied the peaceful use of nuclear technology.

In addition, before the war broke out with the British, Argentina obtained a lot of advanced equipment from Europe and the United States. Naturally, these backward equipment from China, especially in aviation, are not looked at.

Civil aviation passenger planes are also needed in Argentina.

This is the reason why Xie Kai asked Zheng Yucheng to fly this business transport-10. The civil aviation passenger aircraft market is huge, but the competition is fierce. It will not be a few years before McDonnell Douglas goes bankrupt. It is not easy for China to obtain the civil aviation passenger aircraft market dominated by Europe and the United States.

Only business jets still have the opportunity to compete with airlines from Brazil and other countries.

“Thank you, is this a civil aviation airliner? How do you change it to military use? What are the performance parameters?” Carlos asked Xie Kai about military transport aircraft.

Xie Kai did not give an introduction. He knew that if successful, the military transport aircraft would definitely not be exported at the beginning. “General, during this trip, we can also see the C910 aircraft production line, and we can also see us at the same time. A prototype of the new generation of models being manufactured.”

Soon, Yun-10 began to slide slowly on the airport runway.

The current Capital Airport is far slower than in decades. There are too many planes taking off and landing, and you have to wait a long time.

The flight of the Y-10 is very stable, and the demand for the runway for takeoff is not as high as before. The appearance of this domestically-made aircraft at the airport will cause countless people to watch, but it is no longer so surprising.

In recent years, the frequency of the Y-10 has been very high. Almost every domestic aircraft that can take off and land can see this domestic aircraft.

Except when everyone felt the plane tilted at a large angle when it first started to climb, it quickly returned to normal.

Along the way, Xie Kai has been introducing the situation of the Hudong Shipyard to the Argentines, and starting from the history of the Hudong Shipyard, telling the Argentines that this is an old factory with a century of history. What is the strong technical strength and rich experience? .

In a word, it is to help Hudong Shipyard to brag and tell them that this is the shipyard with the strongest technical strength in China, and the aircraft carrier can be built in this factory.

The Argentines didn’t believe Xie Kai’s remarks at all.

The best shipyards in China will not be open to them at all. Can the Hudong Shipyard produce nuclear submarines? Conventional submarines cannot be produced.

At the same time, I have to sigh that there is really no difference between Chinese people and people in Western countries in terms of snobbery. The only thing that is better is that the Chinese are not as greedy as Westerners.

After the plane landed, when Xie Kai brought the Argentines out, he saw Li Qingmin and Gu Baonong from Hudong Shipyard waiting outside, and there was a luxurious red carpet on the ground.

So important?

Xie Kai feels it wasted.

“This is General Carlos… This is Li Qingming, General Manager of Hudong Shipyard…” Xie Kai was dissatisfied with Hudong Shipyard’s enthusiasm, and it was a waste.

Just casually introduced both sides.

Gu Baonong discovered from the very beginning that Xie Kai’s reaction was a little wrong. After shaking hands with the Argentines and warmly saying welcome, he pulled Xie Kai aside and asked, “What’s the matter? Didn’t they mean that they are ordering two aircraft carriers?”

“This matter hasn’t been written yet. You are greeted by all the high-levels, and it’s the red carpet. Isn’t it too wasteful?” Xie Kai said dissatisfiedly.

This specification is indeed a bit high.

When the specifications are high, the other party feels that China’s attitude is that they cannot do without their orders, and their attitude will become tough, and the final negotiation is not a good thing.

“You didn’t confirm it before. The Thai military representative’s plane will land in 20 minutes. That’s money. It must be entertained, right?” Gu Baonong explained quickly.

It is not specially prepared for Argentines.

It was for the preparation of the Thai military. They gave an order of more than one billion U.S. dollars. The keel of the aircraft carrier is about to be laid, and the frigate is about to take shape. It should be covered with a red carpet.

“Saudi and Bahrain’s frigates are still on the docks of the shipyard. At that time, there may be an opportunity for Thailand to propose an upgrade plan under the stimulus…” Gu Baonong added, and Xie Kai’s face suddenly became cloudy and clear.(Read more @

He is also pondering this matter.

“Okay, get them settled quickly, and the Thais are coming.”

Needless to say Xie Kai, Li Qingmin and others have arranged for the Argentines to go to the car first, and Zhou Zhenbai, the chief builder of the 053H3 ship, will accompany them to the shipyard first.

“Everyone, I’m very sorry, the representatives of the Thai navy will be here soon. I’ll wait for them here first. Could you please go to the shipyard with Mr. Zhou first. Mr. Zhou will introduce you to the 707 carrier in detail on the way.” Xie Kai is not at all afraid of Argentine dissatisfaction.

The Argentines are not surprised.

The other party is such a snob.

Soon, a Boeing 737 aircraft painted with the Thai Air Force logo landed on the runway.

This is a key aircraft purchased by the Thai Air Force from the United States.

Most of the people who got off the plane were met by Xie Kai. The leader was Shuntong Khon Sompong, followed by Naval Commander Naris Onsuwan.

Wang Hao’s grandson and his Bai Fumei wife were also in the crowd. When Xie Kai saw him, the grandson was smiling at Xie Kai.

“Chief of General Staff, Commander, welcome to China!” Xie Kai took the initiative to extend his hand to Shuntong·Kong Songpeng and others.

The smile on his face almost obscured the sun’s rays at the end of April.

“Thanks, you actually came to pick us up in person!” Shuntong Khong Songpong greeted Xie Kai with a smile.

After some greetings, under the arrangement of Li Qingmin and others, the Thai military got into the convoy waiting nearby.

“Xie Kai, how is Mo Qi?” Wang Hao finally took the opportunity to talk to Xie Kai.

“No problem, I gave birth to a big fat boy.” Xie Kai said with a smile, and then looked at Song Fu Bing who was holding the baby next to him with a smile on his face, “Welcome to China, and wait until this time is busy. , I must accompany you for a few days of fun.”

“It’s like you want to do the best of the landlord’s friendship. We are just flying the military plane, and we will stay in the country for a while.” Wang Hao’s voice was a little lonely, “I want to go back. Can you arrange it?”

Wang Hao was talking about returning to the 404 base.

Now his identity has made it difficult for him to approach the base.

“You are from the base. You know the rules. As long as you don’t get close to those secret areas, there is no problem. Now the base is much more open than before.” Xie Kai knew Wang Hao’s concerns.

If it weren’t for Wang Hao, his father Wang Shuwei probably didn’t know what the base would look like.

“How is your father?” Xie Kai sighed thinking of Wang Shuwei.

“I’m not in good health. I came back to see him this time.” Wang Hao didn’t say much.

Xie Kai has never even paid attention to Wang Shuwei’s news. He doesn’t know where it is. According to Wang Shuwei’s level, the treatment should be good.

Song Fu Bing didn’t speak all the way.

When it comes to the shame of the base, it is hard to say in front of an outsider.

Besides, what if Song Fu Bing knew that her husband had reported his father?

Wang Hao and the others wanted to go directly to the capital, but Xie Kai did not let them go to the Hudong Shipyard with them.

There are a lot of plane flights from Shanghai to the capital, and Xie Kai doesn’t have too many stops. After asking them to arrange the air tickets for their return, the Thai military and the Argentines both need to entertain them.

“By the way, many of our brothers and sisters go to school in the capital. We don’t have summer vacation now. If you have time, you can ask Mo Qi to find Wang Xiaole to contact them…” Xie Kai said when bidding farewell to the two of them, “I will let Mo Qi will pick you up and live directly at the office.”

Wang Hao did not refuse.

On the way to Hudong Shipyard, Xie Kai’s mood became heavy.

Argentines and Thais were arranged separately, and the Argentines were very dissatisfied with this arrangement.

“General, we should look for opportunities to contact the Thais and inquire about the details of their cooperation with China.” Walila saw that Xie Kai hadn’t taken them to the place, so he threw them aside to please the Thais. It’s uncomfortable.

But they don’t know the specific content of cooperation between Thailand and China.

Ibrahim did not come with them, nor was he familiar with the people at Hudong Shipyard.

Zhou Zhenbai showed no enthusiasm for them.

These people feel the same to the Argentines-they are so snobbish.

“Xie Kai, the Argentines are just chilling like this, isn’t it not so good?” Gu Baonong was a little worried, “After all, they are also big customers.”

“Why are you cold? Don’t you want to show them around in the afternoon?”

“Why don’t you just let them be with the Thais?” Gu Baonong asked Xie Kai.

Xie Kai doesn’t want Thais to be with Argentines.

The cooperation mode of the two parties is different, and the configuration of the battleship is different, and the price will definitely be different.

Otherwise, negotiations will be troublesome.

“Who is in charge of Saudi Arabia?” Xie Kai asked.

The hundreds of officers and soldiers on the four Saudi warships were all trained in China. The Chinese side delivered them on time. The Saudi warships were all delivered. They were unwilling to drive back and could not drive them away.

“Rafata, you have become a major general, the commander of the Saudi Navy…” Gu Baonong introduced, “It seems that the people who deal with you are promoted quickly.”

This is not what Xie Kai expected.

Rafata was originally a confidant of Prince Sultan. As the commander of the Saudi Air Defense, it is not appropriate to assign the navy to the Air Defense…

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