Chapter 1218

The gantry crane can weigh 500 tons. Because the keel of the first section of the aircraft carrier is the most important part in the middle, it is relatively large in length and complex in structure, so the weight is naturally heavier.

But there are only less than 300 tons.

A 500-ton gantry crane will transport this thing without any problems at all.

But the steel cable on the hook gave people the feeling that it was about to be broken at any time, and the people watching at the scene only muttered in their hearts.

“It’s impossible to make any mistakes in front of foreigners. If that’s the case…” Xie Kai was really weird.

If something goes wrong with the HAECO, this project is definitely out of order.

“What’s the matter?” Even Zheng Yucheng was anxious.

“What’s going on?” Li Qingmin asked Zheng Yucheng.

Zheng Yucheng pointed to the shivering steel cable, “Nothing will happen?”

“Director Zheng, don’t worry. This thing weighs several hundred tons. It was like this when it was first suspended. As long as it is hoisted, the movement is not strong and the wind is not strong, there will be no problems.” Li Qingmin asked why the matter , Looked at Zheng Yucheng and the others with a rare and strange expression.

Under the command of the on-site command, the people on the operation platform of the gantry crane performed the task meticulously.

There was no 500-ton gantry crane before, but it is not a problem for such tonnage parts.

But the sound of firecrackers at the beginning made it impossible for operators at a height of tens of meters from the ground to hear clearly the on-site command commands from the walkie-talkie. They moved a little faster, and the response of the steel cable made the operators cold sweat on their foreheads.

The heavy and huge keel structure finally broke off the ground, the sound of firecrackers beside it had stopped, and the steel cable on the hook no longer felt like it was about to break at any time.

The first keel reached a fixed position on the berth while Xie Kai and others were holding their hearts.

The second section was also hung down quickly, and the welding workers waiting nearby began to prepare for the closing before welding…

“Liu Commander’s mood seems to have not been high.” Zheng Yucheng has been secretly looking at the expressions of Liu Commander and others.

Before Xie Kai wanted to blow up the navy’s treasure, Zheng Yucheng saw their feelings for the Anshan ship with his own eyes.

“The country has the ability to build aircraft carriers, but the aircraft carriers are not used for its own navy. If you replace it with you, can you feel comfortable?” Xie Kai sighed, and a single sentence made Li Qingmin and the others speechless.

Xie Kai ignored them, but walked towards Commander Liu.

“Commander, they still have a slipway empty. Or, let’s grit our teeth and squeeze out a sum of money to build one?” Zheng Ming really hopes that the navy can have an aircraft carrier.

After his busy schedule, he helped Hudong Shipyard to solve various problems with supporting units. If it wasn’t for the Navy to have aircraft carriers, could it be to help Hudong Shipyard sell aircraft carriers?

Commander Liu glanced at him, “Where do you squeeze from? An aircraft carrier is more than one billion yuan, that would have to be more than a dozen frigates. Can the pre-research work of the 10,000-ton-class large drive be done? Isn’t the upgrade of the supporting units done?”

Zheng Ming wanted to say that 404 should be subsidized, but he didn’t say anything, Xie Kai squeezed over.

“Commander, our navy will have a larger aircraft carrier in the future. This is just for training.” Xie Kai didn’t know how to comfort the old man.

People in this era don’t necessarily understand the feelings of the old man, who is called the father of the Chinese aircraft carrier, to the aircraft carrier. Xie Kai certainly understands it.

Especially when he has a deep understanding of China’s industrial foundation in this era.

The aircraft carrier captain class started in 1987, and two years of study have been completed so far. The second class will start this year. There is no other reason. It is to help Thailand train pilots and captains.

Why do pilots have to be the captains of the aircraft carrier? Perhaps this is because of international conventions.

“There will definitely be.” Commander Liu said firmly, looking at the two broken keels that were closing on the slipway.

“Commander, the Saudi Navy is shooting…” Xie Kai knew that it would make the old man annoying, so he still spoke.

He proposed to use the Anshan class as a target ship.(Read more @

Except for the Anshan class, no frigate or destroyer of this tonnage is suitable in China.

“Look! Definitely go and see.” Liu Commander’s words were almost squeezed out between his teeth. After speaking, he felt that Xie Kai’s expression was not right. He scared him and patted him on the shoulder. What kind of psychological burden, the Anshan class was originally intended to be sold to the shipbreaking plant to be disassembled into scrap iron. These four Anshan class ships are too important to our navy and have never participated in actual combat, not to mention shells, even machine gun bullets… …”

“The salvage team is also ready. The salvage team that salvaged the Awamaru at the time.” Xie Kai said softly, “The technical team needs to study and evaluate. At that time, the 102 ship can be repaired and sent to the Naval Museum…”

It is necessary to find out and watch the damage assessment.

The Chinese Navy has never fought such a warship.

Although it was fired by the Saudi Navy, it used warships purchased from China and anti-ship missiles purchased by China.

“Will the cost be too high?” Commander Liu didn’t expect Xie Kai to say this. “The 102 ship was originally too aging, and the overhaul cost was too high before it was decommissioned.”

The four Anshan-class ships were the starting point for the Chinese navy, and their importance to the navy is self-evident.

The North Sea Fleet has applied for many times to modernize and overhaul the four Anshan-class destroyers that had undergone a small amount of modernization almost two decades ago. The Navy’s technical department assessed that if major repairs and modernizations are to be made, the entire warship’s power system and structure must be greatly modified, and all weapon systems need to be replaced. The cost is higher than that of a newly built 053H2 with a similar displacement.

More importantly, after the transformation, the service period will not increase for too long!

The Anshan class is usually parked in the military port most of the time.

“If it is to be repaired to the extent that it can be combated, it is not necessary. But the repair is only for people to visit, the appearance has not changed, and the cost will not be too high.” Xie Kai said.

Originally it was to be salvaged, but after salvage, it was sold to the shipbreaking plant for scrap iron recovery.

But the historical role of this warship is too important. Zheng Yucheng mentioned it before, and Xie Kai didn’t think it would cost much money.

Tickets can be collected at that time.

“Xie Kai, if all four Saudi warships launch anti-ship missiles, can they still be repaired?” Zheng Ming’s leisurely sentence made Xie Kai stunned.

He really didn’t think about it.

According to Saudi Arabia’s target shooting plan, the four 053H3s will perform search and other tasks at the beginning, and then will use naval guns at a distance of about 15 kilometers to attack the target ship’s superstructure, such as bridges, radars, and missile launchers. After the attack is completed, the helicopter in the sky will record all the attacks and use it to evaluate the results of the attack. The second round is the anti-ship missile…

Xie Kai never thought that all four Saudi warships would launch anti-ship missiles.

But when you think of the style of being a big dog, it’s entirely possible.

The target ship was given tens of millions, and it was not impossible to launch 4 C-801 anti-ship missiles.

The hope in Liu Siling’s eyes disappeared in a flash.

“It depends on the situation then.” Xie Kai couldn’t guarantee.

A flying fish killed the Sheffield-class guided-missile destroyer on the bottom of the sea. The 102 ship is seriously aging, and the small body with insufficient structural strength can withstand the destruction of the C-801 anti-ship missile?

On the other hand, the Saudi navy is not interested in laying the keel of an aircraft carrier built by China.

There is no need for them to own an aircraft carrier.

All naval officers and soldiers are resting, preparing for tomorrow’s target shooting.

“Do you want to shoot together?” Rafata looked at the young Bahraini navy commander, Colonel Kamal, with an unbelievable expression.

Kamal looked at Rafata and nodded earnestly, “Yes, General. We usually train together, and we may also take joint command when we perform missions in the future…”

The peninsula defense force still exists.

Saudi Arabia bought warships because as a film police, both fighter jets and warships were too weak. Now it has bought a batch of F-16s from the United States to enrich its air force.

“The Chinese only provided a target ship…” Rafata frowned. “Perhaps that target ship simply can’t hold the gun fire.”

There is no remote control, no automatic evasion, just a dead target.

The only thing that can test the Navy is that it will perform search and other tasks before shooting. At that time, there were still people on the target ship provided by the Chinese.

“His Royal Highness Amir said that we can bear the cost of 4 million U.S. dollars. We are also a member of the Peninsula Defense Force…”

“Let me ask about it in China.” Lafata did not directly object.

When Saudi Arabia communicated with the Bahrain Navy commander, the leader of the shipyard brought the Thais and Argentines to the dock where the six 053H3 ships anchored in the Middle East.

Six 053H3 warships were crowded on the small pier.

It is even more crowded than the dock outside the North Sea Fleet Headquarters.

The six H3s are all equipped with a luxury version. The main gun adopts Type 79 twin-mounted automatic naval guns. On the secondary battery behind the main gun, the two-piece cannon system is 37mm higher than the original H2’s two double-mounted guns. The secondary artillery is too advanced.

On both sides of the chimney, there are two rows of quadruple missile launchers arranged crosswise.

4 C-801 anti-ship missiles and 4 ground-hongqi-1 ground-attack missiles.

There are two missile launchers, 8 anti-ship missiles and 8 anti-surface missiles.

Before staring at the ship on the dock, these warships crowded together give people a strong sense of oppression.

“These warships should have stopped at the naval port. Saudi Arabia and Bahrain felt that the facilities there were not good, and the technicians needed to help them maintain…” Li Qingmin introduced.

The outfitting work of these warships has not been completed for a long time, and the sea trial has just ended.

“Gentlemen, you can board the ship now. Tomorrow morning, these warships will be shooting targets. Then let everyone see their actual combat capabilities…” Li Qingmin and the others are not willing to do this. Xie Kai has to act in front of a navy leader The face said this.

Except for Commander Liu and Ming Zheng, the other navy leaders looked at Xie Kai with murderous expressions.

“Don’t worry, everyone, they promised that the target will be salvaged at the end of the shooting, and it will be repaired and used for exhibition…” Zheng Ming felt that this would relieve Xie Kai.

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