Chapter 1232

“You actually ruined yourself?”

Inside EP-3, the Americans have been tracking the two C-801 anti-ship missiles that were missed by the Bahraini Navy, and notified the 169 ship of the target location and parameters in real time.

Regarding the two anti-ship missiles with extremely coquettish flying posture and coquettish position, the reconnaissance aircraft could not lock the target.

The calculation speed of the computer simply cannot figure out the trajectory of the anti-ship missile in the next second.

The flight trajectories of the two missiles are not the same, which requires higher computing power for the computer.

Fortunately, when the 169 ship was still 20 kilometers away, the two missiles exploded in the air.

“Report, Ship 169 sent an urgent message requesting us to evade the SM-1 standard anti-ship missile launched by them…” As soon as the correspondent reported, the alarm sounded in the EP-3 cabin.

“Di! Di! Di…”

The warning lights also began to flash frantically.

“What’s the matter?” The captain was anxious, “A system failure again? Quickly solve it!”

It has appeared many times before.

You know, this is a reconnaissance plane, which can give instructions to the fleet and even combat troops to strike targets, etc., and some weird malfunctions often occur.

“Report, we are locked by the missile!” The intelligence staff paled.

The driver in front also began to become uneasy.

The reconnaissance plane is inherently very dangerous, and once a war starts, it will become the target of being hit.

In some sense, the role of a reconnaissance plane is much greater than that of a fighter plane.

As soon as the aircraft was locked, the pilot began to raise the height of the aircraft, and the nose of the entire aircraft was almost perpendicular to the ground.

But a propeller plane, no matter how high it is, can’t be compared with a jet fighter that can launch an afterburner. It’s impossible to fly faster than a missile.

“Stop! The Pegasus warship belongs to our friendly army. We have the same identification friend or foe system. It is impossible to be locked by the missiles they launch!” The warplane’s nose suddenly pulled up into the air, making the cabin preparing to see where the radar showed. The captain who came to lock them with the missile was angry.

“Your Captain, quickly fasten your seat belts. Ship 169 has the same identification friend or foe system as ours, but after launching, they just let the missile’s active guidance radar automatically search for the target and lock it…” The communications staff quickly explained.

The warship and the reconnaissance aircraft have a data link link, which can receive target data transmitted from the US fleet and air units, and can even process these targets.

However, the SM-1 standard missile launched was a medium-range air defense missile developed in the 1960s to replace the more backward air defense missiles such as Tatars and Beagles. After launch, it is impossible to modify the target parameters through the data link. You can only count on the active guidance system that comes with the missile to correct the parameters that follow the target.

“Order the foot pot chicken, order the target to self-destruct! It really doesn’t work, destroy the target…” The captain was also anxious.

These bastards!

Anti-aircraft missiles with a range of up to 48 kilometers and active end-guided radar can search for air targets over 40 kilometers.

It was originally used to defend fast targets such as missiles and jet fighters.

But now it is used to fight the EP-3 propeller aircraft with a maximum flight speed of only 780 kilometers per hour. Isn’t this a joke?

“Report, Ship 169 has sent a message and cannot self-destruct. It can’t catch up with these two missiles even if it fires an air defense missile.”

The intelligence staff’s words made everyone on the plane desperate.

They know that the missiles exported must not be comparable to the models used by the United States.

Even if the footbowl is the son of the United States, the standard missiles exported to them are only the first models.

The technology that, after design modification, can modify command parameters or even command missiles to self-destruct during flight, is not shown on these two missiles. It is the SM-2 missile, which was only in service in 1983 and has not been exported to any country.

It can be said that they are victims of the US export ban.

“How far is it?”

“Less than 10 kilometers, there will be about 16 seconds to arrive!” The intelligence staff shouted desperately.

It’s impossible to avoid it at all.

They are reconnaissance planes, not fighter jets.

It doesn’t even have the function of launching a decoy bomb.

“We protect them, they actually fired missiles at us! Damn it, connect me to the base!” The captain can only pin his hopes on the pilot in front.

The driver is also desperate now.

Even if they have received the most severe training in the world, they can deal with any problems encountered during flight.

In the past, when performing missions, the flying height was almost outside the shooting height of general air defense missiles, and even if it was within, they could quickly escape.

But now, the throttle has been increased to the maximum, and the cockpit indicator has started to alarm, and he dare not release the throttle.

He even kept asking about the location and distance of the missile that attacked them.


The SM-1 standard missile flies very fast, and the arrow from the string can’t describe this thing at all.

Even if the speed limit of 780 kilometers has been reached, the speed of the EP-3 becomes as slow as a tortoise before the huge thrust generated by the AM-1 tail engine at full load.(Read more @

Pilots have even seen standard missiles.

“This is the time!”

The captain pulled the joystick aside suddenly. Under the control of the mechanical structure of the huge aircraft, the left wing suddenly lifted, and a slender missile rushed past several meters under the belly of the aircraft.

The captain who was still wearing a seat belt in the cabin was slammed out and hit the cabin wall hard.


Before the people in the cabin could speak, the pilot’s words once again made their hearts sink to the bottom.

Another SM-1 standard missile approached at high speed, and even the piercing sound of air breaking had suppressed the roar of the aircraft’s engine.

This missile is coming towards the belly of the plane.

The pilot wanted to roll the plane, but he forgot that this is not a fighter plane, but a very slow reconnaissance plane with a huge body.

What’s special is the propeller.


The incoming missile slammed into the tip of the upward wing. The front section of the wing had been shattered by exploded fragments, and billowing smoke came out…

The violent explosion caused the fuselage to shook suddenly, and the pilot did not care about anything else, because at this time the evasive missile came back!

This time, the missile came straight in the direction of the cockpit.

“Shit American technology!”

If this is an airplane from another country, if the pilot sees it, he will sincerely praise the unparalleled strength of American science and technology.

But now he is attacking with missiles developed by American technology.

Swearing out does not solve the situation at hand.

While cursing, he slammed the joystick down while stepping on the foot of the accelerator without releasing it at all.

In normal times, he would worry that such violent maneuvers would disintegrate the structure of the aircraft.

Life is the first.

I can’t manage that much now.

He even scolded those who designed the aircraft, why not make the joystick lower.

Under the frenzied operation of the pilot, the EP-3’s nose plunged down and rushed toward the sea several kilometers below.

The response speed of the SM-1 standard missile is not so fast, it was originally pointed straight at the cockpit.

At this moment, the entire plane is rapidly descending, while still accelerating.

The standard missile and the fighter plane form a small angle.

The plane in the sky is diving towards the sea at almost maximum speed.

“Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up!”

The pilot calculated the speed and distance of the missile in his mind, and even saw the missile whizzing past his head…

But he knew that he couldn’t hide.


When the standard missile approaches the vertical tail, the proximity fuze at the front of the warhead is triggered and the warhead explodes.

The entire plane began to shake violently.

The vertical tail and the horizontal stabilizer, the rudder behind the vertical tail, and the elevator behind the horizontal stabilizer were all blown up.

“Drops! Drops! Drops~~”

A series of sirens sounded inside the cabin.

“Pull up! Pull up quickly!”

The copilot screamed in horror, but the control was not in his hands.

Needless to say, the driver was desperately pulling up.

The wing on one side of the aircraft was damaged, and the vertical tail of the control level disappeared. It is impossible to keep the aircraft flying smoothly.

“Contact the tower, we need rescue!” the driver said to the co-pilot.

The people in the cabin behind, almost all injured in these two large movements, especially the captain, suffered a bloodshed, but at this time, he didn’t care about anything else, and roared and asked: “We avoided. No?”

“Two missiles escaped, but we are in trouble… the left wing is damaged and the tail is gone…”

It was the pilot who answered the captain.


The captain didn’t expect this at all.

In fact, there is no need for the pilot to answer, he has already seen it, the tail of the plane is gone, and looking out, there is a bright light.

“Crash landing!”

“We can no longer turn around!”

“Then fly to Ship 169!” the captain roared.

It’s okay to lose an airplane.

They can’t just be martyred like this, damn little devil, almost put them on the doorstep.

“Ship 169 is about 40 kilometers behind us. There is no way. Even if it is rescue, they will not be able to make it in time, because the front is China…”

“Then fly to China!”

The captain just wanted to survive.

It doesn’t matter where you fly. Now the relationship between the United States and China is pretty good. If you fly there, the Chinese will not treat them well.

“Can’t fly…”

The captain was completely desperate.

“Captain, a few kilometers ahead, there is a fleet…”

“Crash near that fleet, everyone, ready to leave…”

There is a fleet, and you can get rescue if you leave the plane.

In the sky, a propeller plane with smoke from the left wing and tail is rushing towards the fleet that is ready to return at high speed.

The sudden situation made the entire fleet a little embarrassing.

“EP-3 is here?” Zheng Yucheng’s eyes suddenly beamed.

I planned to get this stuff before and go back to study, but I can only think about it.

Unexpectedly now, they took the initiative to send it to the door.

Xie Kai was stunned. What tricks are the Americans playing?


Several kilometers away from the fleet, the EP-3 reconnaissance plane fell directly into the water.

“Hurry up and save people!” Commander Liu ignored the jokes of the two guys, the old and the young, and solemnly issued the order.

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