Chapter 1234

“Who is in charge of the naval salvage team?” Xie Kai asked the drooling Zheng Yucheng. “Now you have to take advantage of the sea water has not soaked, or else you don’t know what those things are.”

The most precious data on EP-3 is all kinds of data.

The functions of the various core technology equipment are of secondary importance, mainly to understand the working principle.

Otherwise, there is no way to imitate it at all.

Electronic products are like this. Once they are broken, it is difficult to understand the working principle. Xie Kai is not a professional in this area, and electronic products are not like mechanical equipment, as long as they can be simulated by surveying and mapping. At most, the accuracy is a little bit worse and the performance is a little behind.

The domestic technology in the field of electronics is inherently not strong.

Must be as early as possible.

“They are probably still searching and rescuing Americans.” Zheng Yucheng said, “I ask, Lao Wang contacted this matter.”

“Hurry up. In the future, it depends on the sale of this hammer. What the Israeli dogs said, the Falcon radar system does the trick…” Xie Kai thought of the Israelis at this time.

At the beginning, the Israelis were pitted, but the Israelis pitted a 404 on the cooperation of radar technology.

The shameful transaction, neither side spoke out.

Otherwise, the Americans will know, and they will have to make noise again.

Commander Liu, who said that he had important matters to deal with, did not leave. He has been waiting for the report of the 537 ship, which was already on loan to the Saudi Navy for training as the flagship of the fleet.

The sky outside has begun to gradually darken.

On the sea, the wind and waves also began to grow stronger.

In the sea area where the 102 ship sank, several warships are searching for survivors at sea. The later the time, the less likely it is that the United States will survive, and there are no small islands nearby for hundreds of miles.

“Thank you, please trouble you, we must save all of us. Everyone got out of the plane.” An American in his thirties said gratefully to the military doctor who treated him.

Few people on the entire warship understood English, but an English translator who could speak fluently was found.

Naval officers and soldiers, except for officers, ordinary soldiers and even technical soldiers, generally have not very high academic qualifications this year.

Even many naval officers do not have a high degree of education.

After the resumption of the college entrance examination, there are not enough fresh graduates in the country and various units each year, let alone being assigned to the army.

In naval academies, there are not too many new students trained every year, just because the navy does not have too many ships, except for the command system, all others are assigned to the navy-related military-industrial units.

Ship 537 is responsible for search and rescue work, and two salvage ships from the salvage fleet that were originally on standby are also added to it.

“Ask them that unit and why they fell in our waters.” Political commissar Lu Zhenghua said to a young captain.

The captain is one of the few people on the warship who can speak good English.

“We are the Seventh Fleet of the United States. The aircraft is out of order. It is far away from the fleet. When we found a fleet here, we rushed over here. There were 28 people on the plane…” the American soldier said half-truth.

It is impossible to tell the truth anyway.

It stands to reason that Chinese warships cannot fail to know that they were shot down by the anti-aircraft missile launched by the 169 ship.

If you really want to talk about it, it was caused by the missed target of the missile launched by China’s exercise.

Unless the Chinese warships cannot detect the 169 ships that are more than 50 kilometers away from their fleet.

Is this possible?

The Americans obviously don’t believe this.

Even the air defense radar could not know that the 169 ship launched air defense missiles. In the end, the two missiles targeted the EP-3 reconnaissance aircraft.

The EP-3 reconnaissance aircraft has a total of 24 crew members, including 7 officers, 3 pilots, 1 navigator, 3 tactical programmers, 1 flight engineer, and the rest are equipment operators, technicians, mechanics, etc… …

Every time a mission is performed, a complete crew member is required, and each person is responsible for a different job position.(Read more @

The person Lu Zhenghua asked was obviously not telling the truth.

“I’m very sorry, we only found 16 survivors and 8 bodies. The weather outside has darkened. The wind and waves are very heavy, and search and rescue work may be very difficult. According to the weather forecast, there may be a typhoon…” It’s dark.

The storm is getting bigger and bigger.

The weather forecast is indeed that there may be a typhoon in the next two days.

After May, the East China Sea typhoon activity weakened, but that was after, and now it has just entered May.

The American screamed for Mikadi, and then pretended to be unconscious.

“Report to the political commissar, the captain invites you to go…”

A correspondent came in and reported to Lu Zhenghua.

Lu Zhenghua hurriedly left the medical room.

“Political commissar, Major Wei Hua, the person in charge of the salvage fleet, hopes to have a meeting with you and the captain.” Before reaching the command room, the correspondent told Lu Zhenghua the reason.

Lu Zhenghua asked the other party what was going on, but the correspondent shook his head and said he didn’t know.

Suddenly, Lu Zhenghua became serious.

Under such circumstances, it is certainly not a trivial matter to use a secret channel.

“Political commissar, Captain Wei Hua hopes that the two ships will be connected. We will send back the Americans they searched and rescued.” Captain Zhuang Weiming said quietly when Lu Zhenghua came in.

Lu Zhenghua puzzled, “Send someone here, don’t you need to be so mysterious, right?”

“They are going to salvage the plane…” Zhuang Weiming looked around and saw that there was no one around, and said in a voice that only two people could hear, “It’s not an order from a superior…”

If it is an order from a higher level, they will definitely be required to perform guard work.

Besides, there is no need to keep such secrets.

“Will the Americans and Japanese let them salvage easily?” Lu Zhenghua frowned and said, “If we don’t help alert, then something will go wrong…”

“That’s why I am looking for you.” Zhuang Weiming said his thoughts again.

It means to send the Americans and corpses on the salvage ships J101 and J503 to the warships. After all, the medical conditions on the warships are much better than salvage ships, right?

“This reason is a bit untenable. The salvage ship was originally for rescue…” Lu Zhenghua shook his head and looked at his partner. “The Americans said they had 28 crew members. In humanitarianism, we should continue to search and rescue!”

“Our salvage ship is too old, let alone salvage, not rescue…” Zhuang Weiming disapproved, “Is that a reconnaissance plane? Which unit is so courageous?”

Looking at his partner with curiosity, Lu Zhenghua shook his head.

A few kilometers away from the 537 ship, the two salvage ships with severely aging hulls and mottled paint on the outside are close together, undulating with the waves.

The J101 salvage ship, this is a ship from the 1970s. Although the ship is not very old, it was built because of the lack of domestic technology when it was built.

When the Awamaru was salvaged, every time the divers dived into the water, the huge Awamaru was cut into small pieces and then several salvage ships pulled together.

“Captain, there is no need to entangle so much, as long as the location is determined, send divers down and directly tie the cable to tow away.” In the small meeting room of the J101 salvage ship, the upper levels of the two salvage ships are all together, the J503 salvage ship Captain Li Weiguo said lightly.

Wei Hua shook his head, “They demand absolute confidentiality, and they have to be as fast as possible. These two days have been turbulent…”

With heavy wind and waves, the salvage work is not easy to complete.

“Boom boom boom~”

A roar of helicopter engines sounded outside.

In the sky that had become bleak, a Z-9 helicopter quickly approached the parking deck of the J101 helicopter against the wind and waves.

Although the wind and waves were not small and it was not easy for the helicopter to land on the ship, the helicopter hovered more than ten meters above the parking deck of J101. The hatch opened and the helicopter was slowly lowered with a rope.

“Madan, I will never do anything like this in the future. It would be great for the helicopter to be parked directly on the deck!” Xie Kai, the first to be put down, almost failed to stand on the deck and fell down. The two sailors next to him supported him. Just stand firm.

Zheng Yucheng was also put down soon.

There were also a few technicians who followed them. Each of the salvage ships had more than a dozen saturation divers, which was enough.

Zheng Yucheng also almost couldn’t stand.

The waves on the sea are not small, and the waves are as high as several meters.

Zheng Yucheng has no idea about the operation under such conditions.

“Captain, Director Zheng is here.” The receptionist took the two directly into the conference room.

“Captain Wei, Deputy Captain Li, you have worked hard!” As soon as Zheng Yucheng entered the door, someone introduced them.

Xie Kai looked at these two dark guys in their early forties, and saw that their military ranks were not high, and they were not even two cents. He couldn’t help but feel a little stunned.

“Director Zheng, you are the one who has worked hard. Time is running out, please tell me your ideas, let’s see if it is feasible…” Wei Hua straightforwardly went straight to the point without much greeting.

Time is really pressing.

After tomorrow, the wind and waves on the sea will be even greater.

The typhoon will not make landfall, but it will also have an impact.

“Everyone, we think this way. The plane that crashed has a very important effect on the early warning aircraft we are developing… Therefore, we must complete the salvage work before tonight. After salvaging, we don’t need to send it away immediately, but take it away. The wings on both ends of the plane were removed, and the fuselage was fixed on the bottom of the salvage boat…” Xie Kai directly expressed their thoughts.

It is not an easy task to steal the American EP-3 reconnaissance plane from under the eyes of the American reconnaissance plane.

No one would have thought that they would steal this plane in this way.

“We also want the intact wing. You don’t need to dismantle it slowly. It can be cut underwater… But when disassembling the other wing, you have to think of a way to at least not let people see that it is there. The cutting marks, that wing was dropped underwater, let’s use this to make American money…”

It is already very good to leave the Americans with a damaged wing, and even a tail wing destroyed by a missile.

At that time, if the US government communicates with the Chinese government in place and asks China to help them salvage, that wing is for the Americans.

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