Chapter 1239

“Major, you can doubt anything, but absolutely can’t doubt our professional level! Although our equipment is backward…” Viva was instantly on fire.

This wing is more than two kilometers away from where they left off!

I can’t tell the Americans that we fished the plane. This wing is for you, right?

“At the time we salvaged the Awa Maru, our technology was even more backward, and we didn’t even have the technology and experience related to saturation diving…” Li Weiguo’s face was also ugly.

In my heart, Xie Kai and Zheng Yucheng were scolded to death.

At the beginning, the plane was taken away, and it was agreed that after the surveying and mapping was completed, some unimportant ones would be thrown back and taken back to the Americans.

It’s better now, there is no movement at all.

Howard didn’t want to be a good man.

Although the Chinese salvage team is very dedicated, the equipment is too poor and the technology is too backward to be found.

Count on the Chinese Navy to dispatch warships to search the seabed? That’s impossible. The sonar equipped on the Chinese navy warships is inherently poor, and it might not be detected…

“Major, when your country’s plane crashed into the sea, this generation of waters was affected by a typhoon and the waves were very strong. Our ships were affected and collided together… You said the plane was a whole wreckage, but now we only find the wings. The position deviates so much…”

At the beginning, the waves were very big and the sea water movement was quite violent. If it weren’t deliberately done, the wings of the plane would have been taken by the sea.

At the beginning, the wing was deliberately stuck between the two reefs on the seabed. Otherwise, driven by ocean currents, this wing could be carried over a hundred kilometers or even farther for so long…

In the sea, airplanes of less than 30 tons are really not enough to see. Ships of hundreds of tons can be carried far away.

Faced with such rhetoric, Americans have nothing to say.

The information they got was that the main structure of the entire aircraft was intact, only one wing was damaged, and the tail and tail were blown up…

If there is a problem with the entire aircraft structure and fall apart, it will not be easy to find the entire aircraft wreckage.

“Keep looking!” Major Stent didn’t give up.

A wing cannot be crossed.

“Major, we dispatched so many ships and worked for so long…” Wei Hua was a little embarrassed. “Your information is wrong…”

The meaning is obvious. If there is an error in intelligence, it is the American’s own problem.

To continue, you have to add money.

“Add another three million dollars!” Stent did not hesitate.

Anyway, he didn’t ask for the five million dollars the Japanese gave him. For him, doing a career in the army is what he wants.

He looked down on that little money. His family wealth ranks among the top five in the world.

Money makes things easier. The salvage team did not talk nonsense, and directly expanded the search area…

A newly-built light steel structure workshop at Hudong Shipyard was vacated. There were a large number of armed guards guarding the outside, and entry and exit were extremely strict.

In the huge workshop, there are no shipbuilding-related equipment, no ship-related parts, or even any shipyard staff.

In the huge workshop, there is a propeller plane with only one wing sprayed with the United States Navy logo, and the vertical tail of the plane’s tail disappears.

On the ground next to the plane, there are a number of assembled electronic devices.

These electronic devices are connected by wires, and there are more electronic devices around them. These devices are used to detect the original equipment on the plane.

The Shanghai stock market has a very good industrial foundation throughout the country. It is not difficult to get these electronic equipment.

Even if it is difficult, as long as there are in the country, 404 people will be transported by air.(Read more @

This is the EP-3 reconnaissance plane that was fished out of the sea. The wreckage of the plane hardly saw any traces of being soaked in sea water.

On the fourth day of the crash, the plane was secretly transported to the newly built factory building of Hudong Shipyard. Hundreds of experts and technicians in various fields organized by 404 have all rushed over in succession.

A group of workers in work clothes with an average age of over fifty are busy inside.

“Attention, the GPS positioning device must be found, otherwise, the Americans will receive the signal as soon as it is turned on…” Xie Kai did not leave the Hudong Shipyard after being transported back from the plane.

The Thais wanted to upgrade their four 053H2 frigate anti-ship missile systems, Xie Kai was too lazy to participate; even the Argentines wanted to purchase two aircraft carriers, he was not too concerned.

Xie Kai, who was not very concerned about the business of the Argentines, became even more indifferent after obtaining the complete wreckage of the EP-3 reconnaissance plane.

Therefore, the Argentine directly asked for an excuse to go back to discuss it, and then left.

Xie Kai did not participate in the upgrade of the Thai navy’s frigate. People from the shipyard talked to them. He spent every day in this workshop, watching the big players in various fields discuss the functions of various equipment on the aircraft.

Here, he learns more than he learned in school.

After almost a month, the Americans and the salvage team were still searching for the wreckage of the plane at sea, but the general function of the plane has been figured out by the technicians of the 404 organization.

Even the drawings were drawn.

No one wants the airplane, the most important thing is the electronic equipment inside.

Electronic equipment is not a mechanical device, and imitated parts cannot imitate functions. If an electronic device wants to imitate, it must be turned on to get more…

In recent years, the GPS system is unfamiliar to China. Almost all of the aircraft’s interior is electronic equipment. The entire system not only has positioning functions, but also indicates targets and exchanges data with other combat platforms.

Previously, this was an absolute embargo on China, let alone understanding, even looking at it.

Xie Kai didn’t even understand.

“Xie Kai, this whole system is not touched by anyone. Many parts cannot be detected if they are damaged by water if they are not turned on… Some parts have a signal transmission function. If all parts are removed, the whole system will not work.” In his fifties, the thin, gray-haired old man pushed the huge glasses on the bridge of his nose and said to Xie Kai worriedly.

Tian Jiwei, an expert of the Yunshi Modified AWACS project team, is mainly responsible for the assembly design of the AWACS airborne system.

Before Tian Jiwei was transferred this time, he had little contact with Xie Kai, but he had heard the name too many times.

Here, Xie Kai, as a logistical dispatcher, works well.

More importantly, this young man has a good foundation, is highly motivated to learn, and learns quickly. Everyone likes it.

But when it comes to professional things, the older generation of experts like Tian Jiwei will not make concessions because they like Xie Kai.

Looking at Tian Jiwei, Xie Kai also didn’t want to give in. If the Americans found out that they had stolen this EP-3, then there would be a big problem.

This plane could cost the U.S. government and the entire Western world tens of billions of dollars or more!

“Mr. Tian, ​​I know you are telling the truth, but once the Americans find out, the seriousness of the consequences…”

Before Xie Kai finished speaking, he was interrupted by Tian Jiwei impatiently waving his hand: “Okay, okay, you have been emphasizing this since the first day we came, everyone knows. But now the test can’t continue without booting. , The satellite signal receiving devices on the Americans are too different from those of the Soviet Union…”

When working with the KGB before, the people from the KGB provided Xie Kai with the communication frequency of the Gronas satellite system and the satellite signal receiving device.

Communication satellites have not been launched in the country, and the Beidou project has not yet been launched. If you want to study this aspect, you can only use the Soviet satellite system.

The United States and the Soviet Union follow a different technical route. Based on the research experience of the domestic team on Soviet equipment, it is impossible to provide much reference for these American equipment that is not known to have any specific effects after shutdown.

Can figure out the general function of the device, or guess it through the antenna connected to the whole system and the outside.

EP-3 is powerful. The nose, wings, and even the tail are all antennas. Unfortunately, the tail has been blown up…

Xie Kai is unwilling to let the Americans know that their plane that fell into the sea was stolen by him in order to understand it as soon as possible.

“I’d rather wait a while, and wait until we have worked out the signal jammer to shield all surrounding signals…” Xie Kai said firmly.

Since the expert team said that it could be repaired, Xie Kai proposed to study satellite signal shielding devices.

This kind of thing is absolutely military.

Especially in the future, the satellites of various countries have developed to the extent that the license plate numbers on the ground can be seen clearly, and bases like 404 will no longer be able to hide.

With satellite shielding equipment, even if there are ubiquitous satellites in the sky, there are many areas that cannot be seen clearly.

“Then it started… and you can’t know the frequency of the US GPS satellite communication without turning it on…” Tian Jiwei added.

At this moment, for them, booting and getting more data is the most urgent task.

It was like a candle night in the bridal chamber, seeing the heaven and the earth, seeing the guests away, and preparing to enjoy one of the four happy events in life with the new wife, only to find that the person who sent the relatives from her mother’s family depended on not leaving…

This is anxious.

In the past few days, not only Tian Jiwei but also other personnel are hoping to persuade Xie Kai.

Although Xie Kai does not have a position, he represents the 404 high-level person who was personally arranged by Zheng Yucheng, representing Zheng Yucheng and others.

“We only drove for a few minutes. Even if we send a signal and connect to the US satellite, we can quickly cut off here…”

Xie Kai was said to have no choice. In order to be clean, he reluctantly agreed, but he also had conditions, “It can only be turned on for three minutes at most!”

Tian Jiwei did not say any more about the conditions, and directly agreed.

It takes three minutes to start up, and there are people in various positions, and there are enough things to study for a long time.

All preparations have been done, but no signal shielding device has been prepared.

At Tian Jiwei’s order, the main power switch of the entire system was pressed.

“Quickly cut off the power, some equipment is sending out signals…” As soon as the system was powered on, a middle-aged man in his forties who was monitoring the radio signal exclaimed…

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