Chapter 1251

“Comrade, are you a new fighter? Haven’t seen it before.”

Super-7A just landed. After commanding his subordinates to refuel these fighters, a captain saw Tu Lang and a few pilots gathered not far from the fighters to smoke. They leaned forward and asked after getting a cigarette.

“For the exported junk goods, I will go to Paris to participate in their air show this time, and get some more orders.” Tu Lang thought about the double-issue Super-7B. For the Super-7A, it would not be able to fly a few big maneuvers in the air. The junk goods that will have to land because of lack of fuel are really unfavorable.

If it hadn’t been for the more maneuverability of this fighter than the F-14, he would have quit.

In terms of combat capabilities, the F-14 can single-handedly pick several Super-7A at a time. Whether it is an avionics system or an airborne radar, the F-14 is much better than the engine, not to mention the engine.

“This is an export model? I haven’t heard that there are so many new models developed in China. So many troops have been installed? I haven’t seen it.” The captain looked surprised, and then looked forward to. The army for the training mission is this kind of fighter, and we are doing it vigorously. At first glance, it is stronger than the J-7.”

“The most advanced one that has been here is the J-7?” a pilot asked.

The captain looked at the beautiful Super-7A under the light not far away, and nodded with envy, “This is the first time we know that there are new fighters in our country.”

“This thing is not good. It is developed and sold to foreigners. In the future, our air force will be equipped with more advanced fighters.” Tu Lang comforted the captain.

There are some things, due to the confidentiality rules, the two sides did not ask or say what they said.

Super-7B is still a secret thing, I can’t say for sure.

The performance data of Super-7A is a secret thing, and the same cannot be said.

“Is it as advanced as the most advanced abroad?” the captain murmured.

“There must be! The Americans bought our planes. Our air force is not advanced enough, no!” Tu Lang looked at the captain and knew his thoughts.

The captain in front of him, depending on his age, is at least forty.

A forty-year-old company commander was normal in the war years, but it is absolutely rare for troops in the reform and opening-up era that has experienced a million-dollar disarmament. It is estimated that it will take a long time to change jobs.

“I don’t know if I can see it,” the captain murmured, and then asked Tu Lang, “Can I touch her?”

Tu Lang did not speak, and pulled him towards his Super-7A number 03, let the forty-something captain climb up the ladder, and let him sit in the cockpit wearing his flight helmet. .

“You look like a pilot. Don’t worry, the fighters that land here in the future will be more advanced. It is estimated that this thing will come once or twice. It’s really too bad.” Tu Lang was insight. Have used various types of combat aircraft in the country.

F-7, F-8, F-14, Super-7A, and will drive Super-7B in the future. Naturally, we know the details of this thing.

Super-7A was originally a third-generation aircraft used for training, acting as an advanced trainer.

“Company commander, are these planes bought from abroad?” The soldiers asked the captain when the seven fighters finished refueling and whizzing off.

The captain shook his head, “No, this is our own. In the future, we will scout for more advanced fighters!”

The other soldiers looked at the company commander in disbelief.

The company commander has a phantasy.

The company commander didn’t think it was true. He had already decided that when he changed jobs, he would apply to develop and manufacture this kind of aircraft. After decades in the army, his superiors would still help.

Serving such a fighter is much better than servicing the masters of the J-6.

This is the real fighter.

Xie Kai didn’t know anything about Hotan Airport at all, and didn’t bother to understand. On the plane, after exchanging some opinions with Bai Yanjun and others, he began to sleep, and he had to deal with the Pakistani military when he arrived in Pakistan.

I knew that I shouldn’t have promised for the 250 million US dollars.(Read more @

The refueling fighter plane was about to leave the national airspace and caught up with three slow-flying large planes.

The two C910s with big heads flew incomparably frustrated; while Qin Fei’s Yun-8 was chasing the two airplanes in front of them, which were much larger in size, at maximum speed, and it was extremely difficult.

Two J-6s equipped by the Pakistan Air Force are already waiting for this huge fleet in the airspace on their own side over the border.

“Is the J-6 out there?” Xie Kai saw a fighter plane flying with the C910 through the porthole.

Isn’t it J-6 or something?

The physique is so small, much smaller than the super-7A next to it.

In the sky, even though the light was not bright enough, Xie Kai could tell at a glance that it was a J-6.

The Pakistan Air Force was very sincere and did not arrange their F-16 to crush the Super-7A, which is also a single-engine light fighter.

The F-16 is larger than the Super-7A.

When the plane landed, Xie Kai just walked to the gangway entrance and saw Mubara who was standing there staring at him smiling.

“Go, Mubara guy is staring at you and laughing.” Bai Yanjun, who was following Xie Kai, almost ran into Xie Kai’s back. Seeing this kid not leaving, he quickly reminded him.

“Extend your head with a stab, shrink your head with a stab, you can’t hide.” Xie Kai sighed.

After I said a few unnutritious greetings to Mubara, before thinking about how to deal with it, Mubara spoke, “Thank you, I heard that your government has issued a policy to prohibit the export of dual-issue super-7B… ”

The scene became awkward.

Xie Kai never expected Mubara to say this in front of so many people.

“General, the ban does not affect our cooperation.” Looking at Mubara’s serious face, Xie Kai replied earnestly, knowing that the pressure on this guy is not small, “The only restriction is to use our domestically-made engine Super-7B. ”

Mubara said nothing.

The arrival of the Chinese fleet naturally has special personnel arrangements. What’s more, many Chinese technicians have come here this time. For Pakistan, it is also an opportunity for their logistics maintenance personnel to communicate with Chinese personnel.

“Thanks, our hangar has been vacated, and we are waiting for the new fighter…” Mubara said, pointing to a row of hangars on the edge of the runway. The ground crew is directing the newly landed Super-7A to move to the hangar. .

It is still in the flight test stage. In addition, these fighters have been flying for hundreds of hours, and each flight must be carefully and comprehensively checked. These data are needed to improve the Super-7A in the future.

“General, what is the current attitude of your air force? Is it going to be equipped with Super-7A or Super-7B?” Bai Yanjun asked.

Mubara glanced at him, then at Xie Kai, “It’s all.”

“It’s all?” Xie Kai looked at Mubara’s face that didn’t look like a joke, so he couldn’t figure it out.

“It depends on the performance of tomorrow. We need new fighters to improve the combat capabilities of the Air Force. This was also the reason when we invested in the Super-7 project. Now there is a problem with the F-16 delivery from the United States…” Muba Pull did not conceal Xie Kai, “The president is very suspicious of my ability to work. At the beginning, we tightened our belts and paid 250 million US dollars for research and development.”

The subtext is obvious. If it weren’t for the acquisition of fighters, it would have been impossible to pay 404.250 billion in research and development funds in advance.

Fortunately now, the research and development is about to succeed, and the Chinese government prohibits the export of this fighter.

“General, the problem now is not our country’s ban on exports, but the engine issue. Just because we provided this fighter to the United States and we have a cooperation agreement with you, the Soviet government signed an export ban on our engines.” Xie Kai explained their lack of engines.

During the period, Bai Yanjun reminded Xie Kai several times, hoping that he would not continue speaking, but ultimately failed to stop Xie Kai.

It is recognized that the Soviet Union is extremely dissatisfied with Pakistan.

“That’s your business.” Mubara doesn’t care about this.

When Xie Kai pulled them to invest, they never mentioned this and vowed to promise that it was not a problem.

“General, the agreement we signed at the time was Super-7A…” Bai Yanjun reminded Mubara.

Mubara glanced at him again, “But the final agreement is that we invest in Super-7B. The light combat aircraft has no combat effectiveness at all and cannot meet the needs of our national defense.”

Then he looked at Xie Kai and waited for Xie Kai to refute.

Xie Kai couldn’t refute this matter at all.

At the beginning, I was worried about the 200 engines purchased from the Soviet Union. His father Xie Jianguo had been worried for a long time. As a result, there were too many orders. The 200 engines were not enough.

“General, please rest assured, whether it is Super-7A or Super-7B, it is not a problem.” Xie Kai’s rhetoric was a little weak.

Mubara looked at Xie Kai, “I don’t believe you, but under the current circumstances, how do you guarantee that we can get Super-7B? Although our technicians are also involved, you are responsible for the core. !”

Being able to show up in advance and tell Xie Kai about this is just to communicate with Xie Kai.

There was a problem with the United States providing F-16 fighters. The damn Indians bought a large number of MiG-29s from the Soviet Union. Pakistan was already at a disadvantage in the air force. Once it was unable to obtain advanced fighters, the disadvantage would be even more obvious.

“It really doesn’t work. We provide technology, Super-7A and some other core components, which are transformed by your own fighter assembly line…” Xie Kai gritted his teeth.

Pakistan cannot be offended.

Whether it is for continued cooperation in the future, or the Pakistan tank project that gave 404 the current situation, it is impossible to fool the other party in this matter.

“Xie Kai…” Bai Yanjun was anxious.

If even the technology is given, the base will have one more competitor in the future, and there will not be too many target customers.

“Uncle Bai, on Pakistan’s side, we do not provide it. It is indeed a bit difficult. Moreover, if we want to export Super-7B, we must also find a way to solve the current problem. At the beginning, this was a joint project…” Xie Kai said.

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