Chapter 1257

Relatively speaking, Tu Lang and others really have a deep sense of powerlessness for the F-14 heavy fighter that has an ultra-long detection range and carries a long-range air-to-air missile with a range against the sky.

Hundreds of kilometers away, before they found each other, the other side had locked on them and launched missiles.

If they want to get close and fight in the air at close range, they will not give any chance at all. They can only be anxious, and finally run out of fuel in the fuel tank. When they have to land, they catch up again…

The F-16 does not have such a function. The radar system equipped with it is similar to the Super-7A, with a detection range of more than 100 kilometers. At the same time, neither side is equipped with long-range air-to-air missiles with a range of more than 100 kilometers.

What’s more, both sides practiced close-range aerial combat.

The F-16 provided by the United States to Pakistan is mainly equipped with air-to-air missiles such as AIM-9P-3 and improved from AIM-9. The performance has been reduced a lot, and the range is only 7 kilometers… The more advanced AIM-120. The Americans would never sell medium-range air-to-air missiles with a maximum range of 90 kilometers to Pakistan.

Even if it is sold to Pakistan, the two models of F-6AB currently equipped in Pakistan cannot be used.

The AIM-120 medium-range air-to-air missile can only be equipped with the improved F-16CD two models. It was used by the United States. It was only delivered to the U.S. Air Force in 1984. Naturally, it is impossible to export it to Pakistan in just a few years.

The missile equipped is also the most advanced air-to-air missile in the United States. Its range is not as good as the AIM-54 Phoenix, but its performance is much more advanced. It will be the mainstream air-to-air missile equipped by the US Air Force in the next few decades.

Otherwise, these super-7A pilots would not dare to be so careless.

“Report, found the target, number 3, distance 148, speed 487, azimuth…” Soon, the ultra-7A formation airborne radar that had just lifted off discovered the target fleet 148 kilometers away and reported to the control tower .

General Aruntal, who is in charge of the control tower, looked shocked. At this moment, he has not yet received the news report from the F-14.

The radar detection range of the Chinese is more advanced than that of the F-16?

how can that be.

But this target is consistent with the data on the ground long-range air defense radar near the base, and the Chinese pilots have no idea where the target came from.

“Continue tracking!” The Secretary of the Air Force can only issue such an order.

Dastram was a little unbelievable. The Chinese fighters gave them a lot of surprises. Now they found the opponent before the F-16 was discovered, which made him a little unacceptable for a while.

“What is the detection range of Super-7A?” He asked the Chinese next to him.

Xie Kai just smiled mysteriously, and the technical staff of the Super-7 project team such as Ge Minglang were arrogant and did not explain.

The super-7A avionics system and the fire control radar are all from the F-14, imitations, although they can’t compare with those produced in the United States, relatively speaking, they are not too bad in the international arena.

The only thing that’s almost impossible is that it can’t be compared with the original American products. The computer is too far behind, and even the target capture and tracking are a lot worse.

In the sky, several fighters were getting closer and closer, and it was only within 100 kilometers that the F-16 equipped by Pakistan found the super-7A that was approaching.

“This time, how did these Blue Army fighters react so fast? Did they lift off before the ground air defense radar found us?” The team leader was a little confused.

“Captain, even if they cheat, they can’t change the result. This time they only sent three fighters!”

There were only three fighters that intercepted them.

In the past 30 J-6s could not please them, but now only three are sent!

What can three planes do?

“Even if there are three, it is our goal! Ha ha…” The captain laughed

“Huh, the target has disappeared!” A sudden exclaim, shocking the two who were laughing.


Hurriedly looking at the radar screen, the three red dots that had been coming towards them at high speed disappeared.


The flight altitude of the original three Super-7A aircraft was already low. At this moment, the altitude has been reduced to the ground. Not far in front of the fighter, there is a low mountain peak, which just blocked the attacking F. -16 detection angle.(Read more @

“The height is too low, pull it up! The mountain ahead is dangerous!”

In the airport tower command center, General Artat has been tracking the Super-7A through radar. After taking off, these fighters did not climb quickly, but climbed to a certain height and quickly lowered the height after finding the opponent.

In the end, it was only tens of meters from the ground.

After he anxiously reminded the Super-7A pilots, the airport air defense radar also lost the track of these Super-7A aircraft.


“No, it’s flying close to the ground, avoiding radar surveillance.” Xie Kai said calmly.

The bastards like Tu Lang have always liked to play this way, especially in the 404 base, surrounded by mountains and flying low-altitude along the valley. The combat opportunities in the sky cannot detect the target due to the influence of the complex terrain on the detection signal. Ground air defense radar will also fail to detect because the distance is too far and the angle is not enough.

Flying at an ultra-low altitude, when approaching the target, quickly lock on and attack, and the attack is over without waiting for the opponent to react.

Of course, this is actually very dangerous, especially as ground air defense firepower has developed to an increasingly advanced level. Coupled with the equipment of the ground phased array radar, this makes the detection range of the ground radar become larger.

“Fly close to the ground? The mountains ahead are very dangerous!” Alenthal was a little worried.

Low-altitude flight is an important tactical indicator of fighter jets in the air force of various countries, and it is a required course for every air force pilot.

However, for ultra-low-altitude flight, the restrictions of various countries are extremely strict.

A little carelessness, even if the pilot shook his head, the plane would be destroyed and killed.

Once, a U.S. pilot flew over the old man’s house in an ultra-low-altitude F-16 fighter plane, and finally the plane was crashed and killed. This happened in China. In the 1950s, a flight instructor showed off his flying skills, which eventually led to a plane crashing into a mountain.

Since then, the Air Force has banned aerobatics beyond the training program.

“This is a routine subject for their daily training. The main task of these pilots is to test the various extreme performance of the fighter.” Ge Minglang explained.

What can Pakistani say?

People are here to test the flight performance of fighters under various conditions. The more they fly, the more experience they have.

The three Super-7A have been flying around the mountain at ultra-low altitude. The F-16 formation has been searching for the target since it lost the trace of the fighter that intercepted them. This puzzled them. Could it be that the opponent gave up during this confrontation exercise?

At least some F-6 or Mirage III must be arranged to intercept it, right?

But there was no movement on the radar screen, and he was about to approach the target airport. If it wasn’t just an aerial exercise, they would think that the other party was prepared to use ground air defense firepower to solve it.


At the airport where the Super-7A was staying, the air defense sirens sounded sternly, and the three F-16s were already very close to the airport.

In the other direction, three F-16 formations encountered the oncoming Super-7A three-aircraft formation in the airspace 40 kilometers away from the airport.

After inquiring about the control tower, it was confirmed that this was their new opponent, so the two sides began to stage a fierce dog fight in the air.

The numbers of both sides are the same, and the F-16 has a great advantage in performance. However, the new fighter jets piloted by the other side have not yet been thoroughly affected by the F-16, whether it is maneuverability, speed, or even the pilot’s tactics. The well-understood Pakistani pilots have a headache.

It is even difficult to get into the tail of these fighters to obtain a favorable attack position.

Moreover, the cooperation of the other three fighter pilots is completely unmatched by Pakistani pilots.

Often a fighter is used as a decoy. It seems that the F-16, which is in a favorable position, is about to lock, but it is discovered that the other two are targeting him…

In this piece of airspace, six fighters compete fiercely. Whether it is F-16 or Super-7A, the flight performance has been brought to the limit. At the same time, some F-16 flight data was also recorded by Super-7A.


The high-level Pakistani military at the command center did not expect such a result at all.

The previous fighters did not have much power to fight back in front of the F-16, although this was only a confrontation exercise. This also proves that at least the mobility of the Super-7A is not worse than that of the F-16.

The three F-16s that have lost their target can already see the distant airport with the naked eye, but they still haven’t found the target.

“Di! Di! Di…”

Suddenly, a locked alarm sounded in the captain’s cockpit.

“They cheated! Locked with ground air defense firepower!” The captain was suddenly angry.

“Your enemy is behind!” Aruntal’s face was pale.

His subordinates are so arrogant that they don’t care about their surroundings.

From the airport tower, you can clearly see with a telescope. After the three F-16s flew over the mountain in the distance, the three Super-7A, which had been hovering at an ultra-low altitude, climbed quickly, and the nose was perpendicular to the ground, like a rocket launch. The violent ascent was carried out so quickly, and it appeared directly behind the F-16 formation.

After the F-16 turned, it found that there were three unfamiliar fighter planes in the air.

For a while, he was so angry that he didn’t care about the fact that he had been locked, and started chasing these strange fighters with large delta wings and canards.

The 02 plane driven by Tu Lang was bitten tightly by an F-16, and even the speed had reached its limit, and it was still unable to get rid of it. He could only rely on various maneuvers to avoid being locked by the opponent.

“That’s it! Fly a little longer!” On the ground, watching a few fighter planes scurrying in the sky, Ge Minglang waved his fists in secret with a look of excitement.

The high level of Pakistan was shocked again.

The most advanced F-16 in the legend has actually made Chinese fighters in the air without any advantage!


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