Chapter 1263

“We have the most advanced fighters from the United States and Europe!” After listening for a while, the prince finally understood that the kid Xie Kai turned such a big turn to sell their light fighters!

The prince could not help but despise this guy.

If it were like Da Dongfeng, they would naturally have no objection, but if China’s fighters were easy to use and advanced, the prince would think that the other party was joking.

You know, the Americans just sold them a batch of F-15 fighters, which are the most advanced heavy fighters in the world with powerful combat capabilities.

“His Royal Highness, you are right. In terms of technical strength, we can’t compare with European and American countries. The super-7A light fighter is inferior to European and American fighters of the same type in most aspects… However, our fighters follow The fire control system and radar system on the warship can be exchanged in both directions through the data link…” Xie Kai was despised, and it was not embarrassing at all.

He did not say that his fighters were better than those of Europe and America, and even admitted that he was inferior to Europe and the United States.

so what?

The right is the best.

The Saudi Navy bought Chinese warships. The data interface on these warships is different from the NATO standard. The Americans will never agree to open the data connection port to China.

“Our new fighter plane also has a data link, which can instruct the warship to strike the target, and the warship can also indicate the target of the fighter plane through the warship.” The prince looked at Xie Kai with a smile, “You are talking about the one sold to the Egyptian Air Force. Super-7A, right? Air force generals have visited this kind of fighter. For us, it can only be used as a trainer. The performance is too poor, unless the fighters you provide to Egypt are different from your own… ”

It is almost impossible for Xie Kai to move him in this regard.

Especially in the latter sentence, the prince felt that Xie Kai would not mention it again.

Knowing their fighters, there is no interest, and sales are useless.

From the time the production line was sold to Egypt, Xie Kai knew that Egypt would definitely sell it to Saudi Arabia. Maybe, that money came from Saudi Arabia.

Just as Jordan ordered hundreds of J-7s from China, in the end these fighters did not even enter Jordan’s country, and went directly into service with the Iraqi Air Force.

“General, what you saw in Egypt is the same as ours.” Xie Kai hurriedly shook his head in denial.

For the export version, as long as it is the same model, the same batch, there is no difference in configuration, and the performance is the same.

“Since it is the same, how do you think the Super-7A fighter has an advantage compared to the American F-16 and the European cyclone?” The prince asked Xie Kai with a smile.

From the beginning, he rarely eats.

Originally, I just talked to Xie Kai about the Navy’s continued training, but Xie Kai wanted to sell their fighters.

“His Royal Highness, if you want to compare the overall performance, Super-7A does not have any advantages. But some advantages, you can now let you see, originally we were preparing to disclose it to the world at the Paris Air Show.” Nothing more. use.

It is better to speak with facts.

Prince Sultan did not know anything about these aspects.

At least, people all over the world want to sell them because they have money. In this case, how much do you look at?

The prince saw that Xie Kai was so confident, just like when they were selling Feidan-359, he suddenly became interested.

You don’t suffer if you look at it?

So, the breakfast was over, Xie Kai and His Royal Highness came out of the base underground, ready to see the difference between Chinese fighter planes.(Read more @

“The pilot just took a break, and almost didn’t rest much last night. It’s too dangerous and it’s prone to problems.” Bai Yanjun and the others, who were arranged to rest in the dormitory next to the terminal building, had just eaten, arranged maintenance work, and were about to rest. However, I heard that Xie Kai was about to let tired pilots perform dangerous maneuvers like “dragon head up” in front of the Saudis.

Not only Bai Yanjun opposed it, but Ge Minglang also opposed it.

Xie Kai is not ignorant of the danger in the middle, but in such a situation, there is no way.

“It is not easy for high-quality customers like Saudi Arabia to win, especially when they can buy any of the world’s most advanced conventional weapons and equipment.” Xie Kai has his own reasons, “We not only want to follow the world To compete with the most advanced fighter jets, at the same time, we have to compete with the countries where we sell the production lines. The relationship between Egypt, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia is not comparable to ours.”

This is completely shooting himself in the foot.

Xie Kai doesn’t regret it at all.

Once the Super-7 team performed brilliantly at the Paris Air Show, it would be easier for Egypt and Pakistan to sell to Saudi Arabia.

Only by signing a contract with Saudi Arabia in advance can the profits be maximized.

“The whole team flies?” Bai Yanjun couldn’t refuse more orders.

The more orders we get, the bigger the bargaining chip to negotiate with the Soviet engine.

Even if the Soviet Union disagrees, more funds can speed up the speed of domestic engine research, and even allow superiors to agree to export Super-7 with turbofan-6.

“No, one is enough. You only need to fly a dragon to raise your head, mirror flight, low-altitude flight, and other stunts.” To tell a buyer like Saudi Arabia, you don’t need too much, you just need to show the advantages, and others. Waiting for the officers and soldiers of the Saudi Air Force to go to the Paris Air Show to watch for themselves.

At that time, maybe the contract will be signed on the spot.

“No problem. Even with your eyes closed, you can complete such maneuvers.” Tu Lang was awakened when he was sleeping soundly, and he heard that he asked Feilong to raise his head and fully agreed.

Usually when training at the base, flying is far from showing the energy in front of foreigners.

“You can’t be careless. If your physical condition is not good, you won’t fly.” Xie Kai warned Tu Lang solemnly.

Tu Lang patted his chest to make sure that he was okay. He quickly dressed up and ran towards the airport runway outside with his helmet.

Xie Kai also returned to the side of Prince Sultan and a group of his assistants, and accompanied them to watch the Super-7A driven by Tu Lang quickly rush into the blue sky on the runway.

There were no senior air force officers with Prince Sultan, but this was an air base. When the Chinese wanted to perform aerobatics, the officers from the actual base were called out to watch.

When seeing the fighter plane circling two times in the sky, the nose of the fighter suddenly pulled up, and the nose was still tilted back after being perpendicular to the ground. Many Saudi officers exclaimed.

But when the fighter plane exceeded 110°, the tail was clearly seen on the ground, and when it was about to crash, the fighter plane that had been maintaining a high altitude in the air unexpectedly moved forward quickly and quickly entered a level flight state.

For a time, the nervous Saudi officers even forgot to breathe.

“His Royal Highness, how is this maneuverability?” Xie Kai asked the prince when Tu Lang landed safely on the runway.

“What’s the use of such maneuvers?” Prince Sultan is the commander of the air defense and does not know much about air force tactics.

Although he felt that this kind of maneuver was of great use, he was a little uncertain. He felt that it would be better to listen to the Chinese explanation. At least, they have seen so many flight demonstrations of so many fighters from so many countries, and no fighter has ever made such a maneuver.

“His Royal Highness, if there is a fighter chase behind or a missile chases behind during a dog fight, what will happen to the pilot using such maneuvers?” Xie Kai asked with a smile on his face.

Before the prince could answer, the person in charge of the base said excitedly, “This allows the chased fighters to translocate offensive and defensively, and easily avoid the missiles chasing the fighters. The reaction speed of the missiles is not so fast!”

“Is this the aerobatics you specially trained? Or can every pilot do it?” the prince asked Xie Kai seriously.

“The dragon head-up maneuver was discovered when we were studying the ultra-maneuverability project of the Super-7 fighter. Our fighter aircraft can quickly enter the 90°~110° high angle of attack flight with its excellent aerodynamic shape design and strong power. And it won’t enter the tail spin state…” Xie Kai shamelessly gave the Chinese the honor that was supposed to be a Soviet.

At the Paris Air Show this time, Su-27 will perform “Cobra Maneuver”, but they only have a stand-alone performance.

Unlike China, all of the 7 Super-7A exhibited at the exhibition can be made at the same time, and the performance height will be lower than that of the Su-27. More importantly, a year ago, China had already performed such maneuvers in front of the Americans, and even caused the Thunderbirds aerobatic team to crash in China, and the Americans placed hundreds of orders.

“Although the Super-7A fighter has a small amount of ammunition and a short combat radius, its comprehensive combat capability cannot be compared with the same types of fighters in Europe and the United States, but in terms of super maneuverability, it has already surpassed them. This will ensure the maximum survivability of the fighter. Although your country has a large sea area, neither the Red Sea nor the Persian Gulf are too wide, all within the combat radius of the Super-7A fighter. This is almost a fighter jet tailored for your navy…”

Xie Kai’s shamelessness made Ge Minglang and others embarrassed to listen.

Obviously their own lack of design experience and insufficient technology have caused a lot of power waste. The small amount of ammunition on the fighter aircraft and the small combat radius are all due to insufficient design experience and insufficient technical reserves.

Under normal circumstances, the ratio of take-off weight to engine thrust of a fighter plane is above 0.85, and the performance is already very excellent; only the more demanding and special fighter planes will use a ratio of more than 1.

After all, the lift of a fighter mainly depends on the wings and aerodynamic layout, not the engine.

Xie Kai actually said that this is a specially developed, designed like this deliberately.

The level of shamelessness makes people unable to look directly.

“Can you let other fighters perform together? We are going to purchase a batch of advanced trainers…” Wang Ye was tempted.

What do the officers and soldiers of the Saudi army fear most?

Lose their lives.

Therefore, Saudi Arabia has always been purchasing the most advanced weapons and equipment, regardless of the price. The more advanced the performance, the stronger the survivability, so that the Saudi nationals can actively participate in the military.

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