Chapter 1277

“Your taste is getting heavier now!”

When seeing Liu Dongsheng, Xie Kai frowned.

Liu Dongsheng’s face was pale, he walked a little, and even his eye circles were puffy.

Obviously excessive indulgence.

My brother-in-law can’t control the waistband, Xie Kai knows it, but it can’t be too much, right? There are already many Ukrainian beauties.

If something happens to my uncle, how can I explain it to my mom?

“You kid don’t talk cold words here. Lao Tzu tells you, it’s not for your plan, Lao Tzu? As for the old woman you saw just now, Lao Tzu looked sick at her. When I was with her , But I still have to pretend to be happy, am I easy to me?” Liu Dongsheng became very angry when he said this. “Who makes her dad take care of the entire Ukraine’s aerospace industry!”

Xie Kai was silent.

My uncle sacrificed himself and contacted Soviet Ukrainian executives through women, which he did not expect.

There is nothing wrong with the young…

“What happened over there?” Xie Kai didn’t want to mention this again.

“The Antonov’s top executives can’t dig, they can only plan their young technical backbone… Other tanks and aircraft carriers are almost the same, but you have to consider how to transport things back with so many people…theirs Don’t count on the first aircraft carrier. There are two more. One conventionally powered one has begun outfitting, and one nuclear-powered one is not far away from launching…”

Liu Dongsheng quickly introduced the situation.

The first plan to Ukraine was for the aircraft carrier.

The Black Sea Shipyard is the shipyard with the strongest technical strength in the entire Soviet Union and the only shipyard in the Soviet Union that can build aircraft carriers.

“By the way, aren’t all domestic aircraft carriers being built? There is no need for the Soviet Union, right?” Liu Dongsheng asked Xie Kai.

“That thing, it also fools countries that have no strength and can’t support a real aircraft carrier fleet. Our navy is equipped with such aircraft carriers, and there is no use for eggs.” Xie Kai said, “So here is not only technical drawings, Or technicians, even aircraft carrier samples…”

“If there is no big problem with the personnel, how can I transport the technical data back?” Liu Dongsheng asked Xie Kai, “I didn’t know that there would be so much information. Fill up the space. You should know this better than me!”

How is Xie Kai unclear?

Once those technical materials are obtained, there will be fewer detours and a lot less money spent.

“Let’s talk about it then.” Xie Kai couldn’t help it.

Without specific knowledge of the situation, he could not come up with a plan.

Judging from the situation introduced by Liu Dongsheng, he did everything very well, and Xie Kai didn’t even have anything to suggest.

The old lady is also in Ukraine. Associating with high-ranking ladies, and then letting these ladies blow pillows for their high-ranking husbands, it is very easy to do all kinds of things.

The entire Soviet Union is rotten inside, and no one can save it anymore.

“The Soviet economy is completely unable to persist. Now many key units have insufficient operating rates and are in arrears with scientific research funds. On Antonov’s side, because of lack of funds, the assembly and production of the second An-225 was stopped. …Their aircraft carrier, the construction progress is too slow…”

“They can hold on for two or three years at most.” Xie Kai nodded.

“I have some doubts, whether your kid has the ability to be a prophet! You can know anything a few years ago.” Liu Dongsheng looked at Xie Kai with a doubt on his face.

Xie Kai now has a thicker skin and is getting shameless. He doesn’t care about such sayings at all. “This is a talent, analyze it from various news. If it weren’t for being cheated by the old Zheng and the old guys, he would become the world’s richest man. It’s all very easy things.”

For this, Liu Dongsheng really does not doubt.

No one can compare Xie Kai’s ability to make money, otherwise he can have such nourishment now?

“Why did the Soviets come with us at the same time?” Xie Kai doubted this.

If it weren’t for the Soviet An-225 and C-910 to arrive at the same time, at least the large Chinese-made airplanes could be paid more attention.(Read more @

I knew that An-225 was coming, but I didn’t avoid it. That was a fool.

Didn’t you see that the large planes exhibited by Airbus, Boeing and McDonnell Douglas have arrived long ago?

“The French arranged it. The Soviets don’t know your exact time of arrival…”

Xie Kai let out a cry, as long as the Soviets didn’t do it on purpose, the matter would be much easier.

This is what he doubts. It stands to reason that the Soviets only regarded the Western world as a competitor, and China’s technological prowess has not yet made them worry about being caught up. Although the relationship with China is not good, the Soviets did not put Chinese technology in their eyes.

Looking at the Rolex on his wrist, Liu Dongsheng said to Xie Kai, “It’s getting late, I have to go back. Although the old woman is disgusting, his father still listens to him…”

“By the way, both Su-27 and MiG-29 will come, but only one Su-27 will come, and it will also be displayed in the air. The French side seems to arrange the super-7A flight show after the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union is the most Show first, your second…”

Liu Dongsheng left after speaking.

“Pay attention to your body. There are some things that can’t be affected by a woman. It’s almost enough, we can’t move them all back…” Xie Kai reminded Liu Dongsheng.

Liu Dongsheng paused, and left without turning his head.

Bai Yanjun returned after Liu Dongsheng left. They are also very concerned about the layout of Ukraine.

From the very beginning, Xie Kai planned this matter and they were not optimistic. Later, the Soviet Union became more and more unsuccessful, and they began to look forward to it.

This plan is only known to the base management committee and the few people who execute it below.

“No problem. Let Zheng Quan start preparing for the transportation channel.” Xie Kai introduced the situation, “Soviet expert building, construction must begin.”

Specific technologies and how many people will be known only if they are all shipped back.

“That’s not a problem.” Bai Yanjun naturally knew.

The Soviet technicians used to drag the family, and all kinds of things had to be prepared and dispatched.

“Tomorrow we will show an air show after the Soviet Union…”

Bai Yanjun’s expression became serious, “I came to you just to talk about this. The pilots are too tired, and the French have completely changed their plans temporarily…”

The French are not a good thing. This is obviously to make China embarrassed.

“Don’t worry, I trust them.” Xie Kai said.

In a villa in the northern suburbs of Paris, John Otto looked at his men: “Really see clearly?”

“It’s him, but our people can’t get close at all. There are a lot of security guards around him, and people from the crab mercenary group are also on the periphery…”

“Damn, these bastards, they are everywhere!” John Otto roared, “You must find a way to kill him.”

He lowered his head and said nothing.

“Staring at him, do it as soon as you have the opportunity. He likes to run outside. Places like Paris are very attractive to young people like him.” Realizing his gaffe, John Otto sorted out his mood. After adjusting his emotions, he ordered.

A hotel not far from Boucher Airport was fully packaged by the Americans.

In the small conference room, an official looked at the pilots of the Thunderbirds aerobatic team sitting casually, and said solemnly: “On the way here, they didn’t have any problems. Their pilots were always moving. Did not get a good rest…”

“Colonel, does this have nothing to do with us?” The flight captain Kamal asked casually, looking at the colonel.

They are very upset about some of the military’s actions.

“It doesn’t matter? You crashed in China, which seriously affected the national interests…” the colonel said coldly.

Kamal just sneered, “Crash is normal. If we don’t have to change F-1679, how could it happen? That’s a matter for the fighter production unit!”

“No matter what, you must get back the lost honor. According to computer simulations, the F-16 can make supermaneuvering movements like the Chinese dragon raising its head. You usually try it…” the colonel said solemnly.

The F-16 crashed while performing in China. The news was strictly blocked, but because too many people saw it, it seriously affected the F-16’s sales.

Even if it was explained that the F-1679, which was only developed for China and prepared a turbojet engine instead of a turbofan engine, is completely another model version, buyers are still waiting and watching.

At this Paris Air Show, if the Thunderbirds’ performance is not dazzling, the consequences will be serious…

“Colonel, the F-16 can’t operate like that after an elevation angle of more than 100°. It will easily enter the tail spin state. This is very easy to crash. Normally, we don’t have much special training like this… Besides, this The maneuver does not have actual combat significance.” Kamal fired.

MMP, this is for them to die!

The super maneuverability of the F-16 is simply not enough.

Although computer simulation can be done, it is only barely able to do it, and it simply cannot be done as skillfully as the Chinese.

What if the plane crashes again?


The colonel directly threw a video disc on the table.

“This happened when the Chinese entered the Greek airspace before. It is the actual combat performance of the maneuver. You can see for yourself! Once it spreads out, this will have an irreversible impact…” The colonel said coldly. He left the meeting room.

When Kamal and others saw the contents of the disc, they were shocked and speechless.

Being able to dodge fighter jets in this way can also dodge missiles.

All pilots have brain computing power, not much worse than computers.

“Boss, what do we do? Do you really fly that kind of maneuver?” a pilot asked Kamal.

When he was in China, he was a bench player, and he knew the visual shock of such a maneuver.

But they fly…

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