Chapter 1285

After being stimulated in China, Kamal applied to stay.

I originally thought that the F-1679 fighters were not as powerful, but now I know that they are not as courageous as the Chinese pilots.

The faces of the French Dassault Aircraft Company were even more somber.

Unexpectedly, the organizer of the exhibition, such a bastard as an official from the aviation industry department, would actually put such an aircraft on top.

Wait till noon, how can Dassault Company get rid of the Super-7A that has impressed the audience and remember the gust?

Gust requires an order.

“Xie Kai must be killed, this kid is here, China’s technology is developing too fast!” John Otto looked at Xie Kai who was sitting on the ground smiling with a murderous look.

In the distance, Xie Kai sat on the ground and watched the super-7A, which was still performing various maneuvers in the sky, showing its excellent performance, smiling constantly.

On the side Alex, he looked at Secretary of Defense Capus with a serious face, “General, I said long ago that Xie Kai must be killed. China’s technology hides too much. According to their usual style, The ones shown here will definitely not be the most advanced.”

Capers’ face was also uncertain, and he did not expect the chance of a Chinese war to be so shocking.

Even better and more mature than the previous performance, the technology is also more stable.

I didn’t see such a complete performance display when I visited in China.

At present, the Chinese fighter planes in the sky have begun to slow down, and Kamal always feels that there is still something Chinese team has not completed.

High-speed dives, flattening at extremely low altitudes, or even low-altitude flying upside down, etc., did not appear.

By the way, there is also a Cobra maneuver!

The thought of this made Kamal’s face even more ugly.

The Chinese flying team still has the strongest assassin, but the dragon looks up!

“Next is the dragon looking up. I don’t know how the Americans will feel when seeing this again. Maybe they will also fly this maneuver today?” Xie Kai looked towards the area where the American fighter plane was, with an evil look on his face. Smile.

Even if he is still sitting on the ground, there is no longer any pressure at this moment.

The next step is the dragon raising his head. This kind of maneuvering action will hardly cause any problems.

Participating in this Paris Air Show, so far, almost achieved results beyond expectations.

Whether it is an order, or the world’s attention and shock caused by the new fighter aircraft developed by itself, it far exceeds expectations.

Bai Yanjun looked at Xie Kai’s smile and smiled brilliantly. The folds on his face were completely squeezed together and wrinkled more severely, but he didn’t care about his own image. He said to Xie Kai, “The Americans have to hear it. Kill you kid. From the beginning, my legs have been trembling, and now I am weak and unable to stand.”

“The Americans wanted to kill me a long time ago, so I think they will think more about it now.” Xie Kai said indifferently. The Americans will definitely not do things here. “This time, we have to thank our technical team for the excellent performance. , The design is great!”

Ge Minglang was not happy at this moment, and the tension in his heart would not disappear until the fighter plane landed safely, “This is the credit of all comrades. It is also the base leadership that attaches importance to…”

“Okay, okay, don’t talk about these scenes… The next step is to look up the dragon, pay attention to the expressions of the people around you.” Bai Yanjun is looking forward to the western and Soviet people who have always believed that they are the most technologically advanced under the dragon’s head. What is the reaction.

Dragon head-up maneuver requires very high fighter performance. The Super-7A has never been able to continuously make various intensive and large overload maneuvers like today.

So they are also a little worried about problems at the last moment.

Wetting the bed at dawn is not a good thing.

When the dragon raised his head, it was very exhausting for the performance of the fighter and the physical stamina of the pilots, everyone knew.

“It won’t be a problem. President Ge, don’t worry too much. The dragon raised its head and maneuvered. Our pilots have flew too many times. Moreover, other performances have been reduced when the Super-7A is designed, and even the amount of ammunition and fuel that can be loaded are reduced. Is it to have higher mobility? Dynamic braking.”

Xie Kai said with a smile.

Power braking, the Soviets have broken through, the Western world has not yet broken through.

I really don’t know if the Soviets will be crazy when they see it for a while.

Seeing no one cares about herself, Xie Kai stopped talking.

The fleet in the sky has entered the critical moment of the final maneuver performance.

The entire formation has already begun to slow down, preparing for the most amazing performance for the last time.

“Prepare, countdown, three, two, one, pull!” Tu Lang looked at the data display on the speedometer and took a deep breath. When the pointer was about to reach 450 kilometers per hour, he pulled up the joystick.

When pulled up, the speed indicator just shows 425 kilometers per hour.

He also felt the changes in the fighter…

The Soviets wanted to show their faces at the Paris Air Show in order to get more orders.

The republics that joined the Soviet Union and many Warsaw Pact countries will certainly not buy fighters from Western countries.(Read more @

But these countries are poor and can’t afford much equipment.

The rest are those from the third world. Although the third world is also poor, there are more orders and huge orders.

Now Super-7A has made almost all the maneuvers that the Su-27 can’t make, and their longest preparation Cobra maneuver is about to be made.

Xie Kai is looking forward to the Soviet response.

The Soviets in the distance looked at the planes in the sky without slowing down, and they began to realize that it was not good.

Before Pugachev did the Cobra maneuver, he also had to slow down quickly.

Especially Pughachev, when he saw the fighter plane in the sky slowing down to less than 500 kilometers per hour, he became more nervous, praying in his heart “Never, never…”

However, his prayers were useless.

God no longer listens to his requests.

From the eyes of the people on the ground, the five fighters kept slowing down in the sky, and even slowed down to the speed that everyone thought was about to fall, and their hearts tightened.

After seeing that all the fighters did not drop in height, they began to look forward to it again.

The Chinese are going to wave again!

The fighters didn’t make any movements, they just kept slowing down until the noses of all fighters were raised at the same time.

This time it was no longer the previous high-elevation flight, but it suddenly rose.

The people below watched several fighters in the sky violently pull up their noses, and their noses began to lean back–

90 degrees……

100 degree……

110 degrees…

The upward speed is very fast.

“Oh my God, it’s going to fall down!”


“This is what we saw before…” This was said by a general in Greece.

And Pughachev’s entire face was desperate.

Unexpectedly, the Chinese fighter planes made the maneuvers that he had practiced for two years, and the five planes were staged at the same time.

To complete the previous task, there is no possibility at all.

The height for the Chinese to do this kind of maneuver is at a low altitude of only five or six hundred meters.

Su-27 is simply impossible to make at this height.

In the original training, although the height was constantly lowered, so far, the safest height of the Su-27 is 1800 meters, and the minimum cannot be lower than 1200 meters.

Otherwise, something will happen.

It is impossible for the Su-27 to make a Cobra maneuver at an altitude of less than 600 meters.

The Su-27 is a heavy fighter with too much weight, and its handling is not as strong as that of the super-7A.

It’s not only Pougachev who feels dazzled.

Even B`Ivanov felt that this was impossible, and he kept making promises, “Impossible, absolutely impossible, China does not have such technology…”

“Sure enough, they still didn’t give up doing this maneuver!” The Americans were desperate, and the rogue sighed.

“Gosh, it’s going to fall down!”

“Pull up quickly, pull up quickly, you can’t fall down.”

“These Chinese people are crazy.”

The audience became nervous again.

Many people open their mouths to look at these fighters in the sky, especially when the fighter’s nose has been tilted back to 110°, or even more than 110°, they are even more nervous.

Once it is turned over and the operation is not timely, it will immediately enter the tail spin and fall off.

But now, in front of the whole world, five fighters stand upright in the sky like a cobra, and they are stagnant…

“The Chinese have created a new kind of maneuver.”

Many people have such thoughts.

No such maneuver has been seen in previous airshows or at any time.

No one could have imagined that China designed this fighter jet mainly for this maneuvering, using super mobility and control capabilities as a breakthrough point to build the reputation of the Super-7 project. After all, this is an international fighter.

When everyone did not dare to come out, the fighter plane in the sky stood up and stopped for about 3 seconds. When everyone thought it would continue to turn back or fall straight down, the fighter plane in the sky quickly moved its nose down. Change the level.

Soon, the fighter plane became level flight.

By now, the Super-7A aerial flight show is nearing completion.

The several fighter planes in the sky did not make any other maneuvers. After leveling off, they flew for a certain distance, turned around and began to lower their landing gear in the air.

The action of putting down the landing gear is to prove to potential buyers that the fighter plane can fly smoothly with the landing gear down.

This is also a very important indicator for fighters.

After all, the most likely accident of an airplane is during the take-off and landing phases.

Most fighter planes fail and crash during take-off or landing.

When the five Super-7A all landed and stopped on the runway, Xie Kai and others breathed a sigh of relief.

There was thunderous applause and cheers in the audience area.

For the audience, this is a visual feast, and the Chinese fighter planes brought them extraordinary enjoyment.

“What kind of maneuver is that?” someone asked the person next to him.

“I don’t know, the Chinese created it.”

“It looks like a cobra, it should be called a cobra maneuver!”

“Chinese talents won’t be called by this name…”

“The dragon raises his head! In China, the Chinese maneuver is called the dragon raise his head.” A Chinese descent said loudly.

Since then, the dragon raised its head and moved, and began to spread throughout the world.

And next to the Soviet fighter plane, the pilot is already sweating profusely.

The stunning performance of the Super-7A brought tremendous pressure to the MiG-29 pilots.

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