Chapter 1291

Even though his body was uncomfortable, Pugachev did not change any chaos, and flew according to his plan.

After circling two times, Pugachev began to make the fighter plane’s nose and tail become an axis, and made three consecutive rolls at extremely fast speeds, without the slightest sense of stagnation in the whole process.

The continuous tumbling made his stomach feel more uncomfortable, and his body’s weakness became stronger and stronger.

But Pugachev at this moment knows that it cannot end at this moment.

If it is just leveling and maneuvering horizontally, it will not achieve the effect they want.

Equipped with a powerful AL-31 engine, the Su-27 is quite powerful in terms of power, and the Su-27 is also very good in terms of post-stall maneuverability.

What’s more, the Su-27 that Pugachev drove was equipped with an improved engine with vector nozzles.

The first vector engine equipped for Soviet fighters!

It is necessary to fully demonstrate the performance of the fighter, so that customers can see and understand the strength of the entire Soviet military system.

When the third roll was about to be completed, Pugachev used the afterburner and slammed up the joystick. After the fighter completed a 180-degree roll vertically, he slammed his foot on the steering rudder. After completing an aileron roll, make the aircraft reverse and adjust to the level to recover.

An Imamman maneuver was thus completed cleanly.

The audience on the ground saw this place and exclaimed: “Soviet pilots are really tough!”

Several consecutive maneuvers are flying at a large scale. In such maneuvers, the overload experienced by the pilot and the fighter is constantly changing, and may even go from a very low overload to a very high overload.

The fighter plane is not good, it can’t be made.

If the quality of the pilot is not good, it is equally impossible.

But the Su-27 in the sky, the flying posture of the whole process is very smooth and coherent, and there is no jerkyness at all.

This fully demonstrated the superb skills of the pilots and the powerful performance of the fighters.

The maneuver in the air did not end with the completion of Imaman. Unlike other fighters, the Su-27 will perform a horizontal flight for a period of time after a maneuver, or other small-scale maneuvers. Be prepared to move on to the next one. Maneuver.

After Pugachev completed the Imaman maneuver created by the Germans, he once again caused the fighter to roll 180°, and at the same time the joystick was down, so that the fighter’s nose was vertically downward and the height changed rapidly. Quickly level it again.

The audience clearly saw that after the end of the Imaman maneuver, a broken S maneuver followed.

The Imaman maneuver is completed on the vertical plane, and its main function is to quickly gain altitude, so as to seize a favorable attack position and gain the initiative in air combat.

The air combat in the world also started from the emergence of Imaman’s maneuvers, and the real air combat began.

The broken S maneuver was originally intended to avoid pursuit and sacrifice altitude to get rid of the enemy at a faster speed. It has a great effect in the era of aircraft guns. In the era of missiles, it is almost ineffective.

But these two maneuvers, which were not of much use in the environment of the excellent performance of modern advanced fighters, were made consecutively by the Su-27, and the audience saw the excellent performance of the fighters!

After breaking the S maneuver, the Su-27 in the air still did not continue to fly in level or recover. Once again, Pugachev pulled the joystick to make the fighter’s nose up until the nose turned 180 degrees, and then again. Adjust the level state, and a somersault just appeared.

The audience stared at the Su-27 in the sky, and they didn’t even dare to blink their eyes, for fear that if they blinked their eyes, they would see less.

The performance of Soviet pilots was something they had never thought of.


But the audience didn’t know that as various maneuvers were continuously made, Pugachev’s stomach in the fighter became more and more uncomfortable, and the feeling of weakness on his body also became more and more serious.

Especially the instantaneous overload of various maneuvers is different, which makes Pugachev even more uncomfortable.

Even the movement has become slow, and the operation has begun to become inadequate.

After the somersault was completed and the fighter plane was leveled, the flight was still not over.

Pugachev, whose physical weakness became more and more serious, took a deep breath and began the most important flight demonstration of the Su-27.

He knows that this is the most critical time, and there can be no mistakes.

When the previous somersaults were about to end, Pugachev began to intentionally slow down.

The previous afterburner was only turned on for a short time. Coupled with the pilot’s deceleration operation, the speed of the Su-27 quickly decreased after leveling.

The increasingly uncomfortable Pugachev stared at the speedometer, some trembling hands tightly holding the joystick to keep the fighter flying stable.

Until 425 kilometers.

“It’s this time!”(Read more @

Pugachev pulled up the joystick abruptly, and controlled the fighter to continue to slow down.

Watching the speed decrease at a rate of 148 kilometers per hour, until the joystick is pressed down at 110 kilometers per hour, Pugachev has completed the entire operation.

The Cobra maneuver is finally completed.

From the ground view of the whole process, the fighter plane suddenly raised its nose from the horizontal flight state, continuously increasing the elevation angle, until about 120 degrees, forming a vertical horizontal flight state with the tail in the front and the nose in the back.

“A dragon is looking up again!”

The audience was shocked.

Although the stand-alone performance of the Su-27 was not as shocking as the five Chinese Super-7A’s at the same time.

But this new maneuver still makes everyone not bored.

The audience looked at the sky quietly, and no one made any noise.

You can even hear the breathing of people next to you from the roar of the engine.

They don’t know whether the Su-27 fighter plane in the sky has completely completed the dragon’s head-up maneuver like the Chinese fighter plane.

Especially for heavy fighters like the Soviet Union, the nose is already at a greater angle than the nose of the Chinese fighter.

If you are not careful, the fighter will not be able to flatten the nose due to backwards, and enter the tail spin state…

The fighter plane that had stood up in the sky seemed to have stagnated, and paused for a full 4 seconds.

When the audience was nervous, seeing the fighter plane was about to fall, everyone’s heart touched their throats, and they didn’t dare to let out the atmosphere.

Surprisingly, the nose of this heavy heavy fighter was quickly pressed forward and leveled quickly.


The audience cheered.

The expressions of the technical teams in Western countries were gloomy.

There is no fighter in the West that can make such maneuvers!

A series of maneuvers used in the air combat of the fighter planes are made consecutively, giving the audience a visual feast.

The audience did not understand the technology, but they could see the excellent performance of the fighter from these maneuvers.

The design teams in Western countries are silent, this fighter is far more advanced than they thought.

Everyone understands that China is no longer the technologically backward China before.

Even the Soviet Union has secretly surpassed them in certain areas.

Xie Kai looked at the movements of Su-27 in the sky, feeling equally shocked.

Whether it’s Super-7A or MiG-29, every maneuver will only enter the next flight after level flight. It seems that there is no such excitement.

The Su-27 is different, all maneuvers are coherent, there is no pause in the middle, and the next maneuver is almost at the same time as the leveling.

“Pugachev, it really is Pugachev, this product is definitely the trump card of the Soviet ace.” Xie Kai had to sigh with emotion.

Your uncle is still your uncle.

No matter how history changes, there are some things that cannot be changed.

“Now your kid finally knows that there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world?” Bai Yanjun listened to Xie Kai’s words, with the same feeling.

The Soviet pilots are technically far more than any country, especially their fighting will and understanding of their own fighters. Not only is experienced and courageous, many tactical moves have gone through countless practices.

Such experience is not available to Chinese pilots.

China had no advanced fighters before, and many fighters could not even complete some large-scale maneuvers.

“I have never looked down upon the Soviet fighters and their pilots. I still admire them.” Xie Kai said.

In this regard, he will not deny, nor will he deliberately belittle Soviet fighters and Soviet pilots.

Lao Maozi’s technique is quite powerful.

Even if the West does not want to admit it, they have to admit it.

Decades after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Russia, which inherited most of the technological power of the Soviet Union, still relied on the legacy left by the Soviet Union to sell weapons and equipment for decades.

In the era of self-sufficiency, even more than ten years later in the 21st century, China was still purchasing engines left over from the Soviet Union.

Even in many areas, China does not have technology that surpasses the Soviet Union’s pinnacle.

Russia, which has inherited countless advanced technologies, has had to sit back and eat because of the economic downturn and the loss of scientific research personnel. There is no new technology, not to mention. Eventually, even the engines of the frigate have to be purchased from China.

What’s even more funny is that Russia was unable to repair the aircraft carriers built by the Soviet Union, and finally asked China to help them repair…

Xie Kai even thought that if the Soviet Union does not disintegrate and the MiG-1.44 does not stop, will the Soviet Union have a stealth fighter that is tit-for-tat against the American F-22?

If that’s the case, how good it should be.

Unfortunately, all of this can only be thought of.

But at this moment, Su-27 in the sky unexpectedly appeared to make all the audience exclaim…

After completing the maneuver of the Cobra, Su-27 raised his head again and went directly into a low-speed and high-elevation flight when an accident occurred-it was dropping altitude.

The viewing area exclaimed.

The Su-27 in the air is falling toward the sky at a faster and faster speed!

Su-27 is going to crash!

“How is this possible, Su 27 can’t have such a problem!”

Xie Kai exclaimed.

In any case, he did not believe that the Su-27 would crash due to loss of power when flying at low speeds and high elevation angles.

If this is the case, how can China introduce the Su-27?

This time, Xie Kai began to pray that nothing should happen to the fighters in the sky.

But the facts did not develop according to his thoughts. The Su-27 has entered a tail spin state and is still dropping in height!

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