Chapter 1293

Xie Kai’s complexion is extremely strange.

China got the news so quickly because of Liu Dongsheng.

The news that Pugachev drunk and drove a plane is not unexpected. After all, Soviet pilots have the habit of having a couple before going to heaven.

The question is, who knows that Pugachev will drink and fly into the sky at the Paris Air Show?

“It is estimated that the possibility of fake alcohol is very high. Alcohol is banned in the Soviet Union, and the price of alcohol on the black market is extremely high. Most people in the Soviet Union, regardless of men, women, young or old, like to drink alcohol…” Liu Dongsheng has been in Ukraine for several years and naturally understands this situation.

Moreover, Zheng Quan has almost become the largest supplier of spirits in the Soviet Union.

All in all, Xie Kai made suggestions behind the scenes.

Seeing Xie Kai with a weird face, Liu Dongsheng smiled and asked, “You didn’t expect this to happen, did you?”

“Brother Quan made fake liquor in the past?” Xie Kai frowned. Zheng Quan transported all kinds of liquor to the Soviet Union. It was all Xie Kai said, but making fake liquor is a bit too much.

Many technicians are drunk every day because of poor life.

If you drink fake wine and hurt your intelligence, it won’t help to get it back to China, isn’t it?

“Not he, they are all 70-degree Erguotou. Several wineries in China have been acquired by him, and they are still under the guise of you…” Liu Dongsheng has a lot of contacts with Zheng Quan and knows the situation clearly.

No one knows things about the Soviet Union better than him.

Hearing that the fake wine in the Soviet Union was not sold by Zheng Quan, Xie Kai was relieved. He also wondered, where did the fake wine in the Soviet Union come from?

“Don’t think about it. The domestic alcohol came to the Soviet Union, because it was strong enough, it tasted much better than their vodka, and the price was too high. Ordinary people simply couldn’t afford to drink that kind of alcohol…many Soviet people who had no money, I wanted to drink again, so someone just made medicinal alcohol…” Liu Dongsheng sighed.

“The economic situation of the Soviet Union has reached such a level?” Seeing Liu Dongsheng nodded, Xie Kai was even more puzzled. “If this is the case, why is the Soviet Union unwilling to sell us engines? There are hundreds of engines, but the number is quite large…”

Too many people can’t afford to eat if there is not enough work.

From the manufacturing plant to the design and R&D team, there is no way to develop because of lost orders.

“Super-7A grabbed their order. Instead of you, do you think it’s better to sell the whole machine or just the engine?”

What Liu Dongsheng said made Xie Kai understand.

The Soviet Union is not unwilling to export, but wants to export more.

Only from a fake alcohol incident made Xie Kai keenly aware that the domestic economic environment of the Soviet Union was more serious than known abroad.

Liu Dongsheng took the risk to come to him at this moment, just to tell him this, and let him speed up the project on the Soviet side, or wait until the end, if the opportunity is missed, there will be so many good things.

“Is there enough money?” Xie Kai asked when Liu Dongsheng was about to leave.

Liu Dongsheng nodded, “Although ordinary people in the Soviet Union have a bad life, there are still many rich people.”

After speaking, he left.

The Su-27 swayed and landed safely. Although it did not fully demonstrate the flight performance of the Su-27, it also made people understand the excellent performance of this fighter.

The engine can still be re-ignited at a low altitude of 300 meters, which fully explains the problem.

The most under pressure right now is the Thunderbirds.

In order to solve this problem, the Americans specifically communicated with the French organizers and proposed a half-hour suspension.

Anyway, time is sufficient.

“Everyone, do you have any ideas? We must change the unfavorable situation we are currently in. Otherwise, the national interests will be seriously affected…” Capos looked at the Thunderbirds with a serious face.

Especially the captain Kamal.

If the Su-27 also crashed, it would be a good thing for the Americans.

The flight display time of Su-27 was very short, but it attracted customers deeply.

“The performance shown is not good enough, and F-16 exports will be seriously affected. According to the news, Pakistan has negotiated with China to increase the purchase of super-7A. Saudi Arabia and the Egyptian Air Force have also expressed strong interest, and even Greece The military has also expressed interest in the Chinese fighters…” Cappers usually doesn’t pay much attention to these issues.

But this time the air show is too unusual.(Read more @

Important high-ranking officials of the Egyptian and Greek air forces have appeared, and even high-ranking officials of the Saudi tyrants have also appeared.

It is basically impossible to sell to these customers at a high price in accordance with the original reduced version of the F-16.

No one is stupid.

The performance of Chinese fighters is amazing. Although the shortcomings are equally obvious, many air forces do not need too much combat distance. They need fighters with stronger aerial combat capabilities.

“Execute the flight plan in accordance with Plan C. After the formation flight show, directly use confrontation to highlight air mobility…” Kamal was not convinced that the Secretary of Defense personally suspended the flight plan.

In this way, people feel that they are inferior to Soviet pilots.

Must find the place.

Everyone looked at Kamal, wondering what he meant.

Kamal said calmly, “The previous performance was still in accordance with our original plan, starting with a nine-plane formation, gradually reducing the number of fighters, and at the end, leaving two aircraft to fight in the air to show the excellence of the F-16. Performance. In the end, I will dive at a high speed, pull up when I get close to the ground, and do the Chinese dragon’s head-up maneuver at a height of 1,800 meters…”

As the captain, Kamal’s flying skills are undoubtedly the most superb.

Similarly, he is also one of the few people who have served in the performance team for two years and survived.

In order to retrieve the honor he lost in the flight show in China.

The Thunderbirds once lost their honor because of him, and now he must get it back.

“Kamel, are you sure?” Capos looked at Kamal.

He understands Kamal’s mentality.

Kamal nodded, even if he is not sure, he has to do it, right?

“In this case, let’s implement it in accordance with this plan.” Capers said nothing. “Once the Chinese get enough orders, they will make greater breakthroughs in their fighter technology. We must prevent them from getting orders. No Orders, they don’t have funds to invest in R&D. They can only develop slowly.”

Capers regretted why the defense did not pay attention to Alex’s analysis earlier.

The performance of the Super-7A fighter seems to be more powerful than what they have obtained.

Capers also had the idea to talk to the Chinese and ask them to upgrade the fighter planes provided to the Americans, so that the United States could have a stronger imaginary enemy force.

In particular, Su-27’s performance today made him, the Minister of Defense, feel more pressured.

Want to stop China’s development?

It’s easy.

China has no money. As long as they can’t get international orders, the problem will not be big.

Similarly, the Soviets would not provide the Chinese with engines because the Chinese took a large number of orders.

It will be time to see how the Chinese play.

In any case, the F-16 must be very strong.

“In this case, everyone prepare, the national interest depends on you!” Capos said to the members of the Thunderbirds flight team with a serious face.

Soon, members of the Thunderbirds flight team boarded the F-16 show aircraft painted in red, white and blue.

The spectators who had been waiting on the scene were impatient to see that the American flight team finally slipped from the tarmac to the runway.

“If you don’t have the ability, just leave it, waste our time…”

“I was scared by the Chinese and the Soviets. Go back soon…”

In recent years, as the Soviet Union has become more and more sluggish, conflicts of interest between Americans and European countries have become more and more intense. In particular, Americans have robbed European countries at every turn, making the Europeans’ days of nourishment unable to compare with the United States. , Europe’s former powerhouses are all struggling now.

Therefore, Europeans have always been a little unhappy with Americans.

Finally, the nine F-16s parked on the runway began to take off quickly at a distance of only about two meters each, and the scene was quiet.

The Thunderbirds aerobatic team has always been a frequent visitor to Europe, and Europeans have long been tired of watching their shows.

Watching the thrilling flight performances of the Chinese and the Soviets, and watching the multi-aircraft formation performances of the Thunderbirds that made the audience enthusiastic before, it began to become dull.

The initial formation of nine-machine darts quickly transformed into a nine-machine diamond formation, and then a fighter jet left the field and turned into an 8-machine triangular formation. In all formations, the distance between the fighters and the fighters is extremely close, and it looks like they are connected. Together.

But the audience on the ground did not buy it.

Until the end, there were only two F-16s left in the sky. The two F-16s continued to add force and made various maneuvers. The wings continued to pull out the vortex in the air, and the audience on the ground was quiet. Come down.

In the sky, two F-16s were chasing and fighting almost desperately, and various classic large-scale maneuvers were constantly being staged.

The audience on the ground finally cheered.

They hope to be a powerful U.S. Air Force that leads Western countries against the Soviet Union.

The maneuvers of the Soviet pilots were sweaty, while the Americans were playing around. How could it be done?

“Orient, get ready, I will start the Imaman maneuver right away, you use the barrel to avoid…” Kamal began to become nervous at this moment.

This is a very dangerous action. The fighter plane must approach at a very short distance and at a very high speed when it is in the air, so that spectators on the ground will mistake it for a collision.

Once this is completed, another F-16 will climb into the clouds in a vertical climb, fly around from a long distance, and land.

The rest is Kamal performing high-speed dives and cobra maneuvers in a stand-alone aircraft.

Every action is extremely thrilling.

“Received, it has reached the predetermined position, and the speed has reached…”

The other F-16 pilot answered.

Kamal didn’t talk any more nonsense, and directly used the afterburner, pulled up the nose of the F-16, and began to roll while climbing vertically…

The other fighter found that its position was a bit wrong. At this time, the engine stalled!

“Evade! Flying birds collided with the plane, the engine stalled…”

But before he finished roaring, Kamal’s Imaman maneuver was just half completed, and he was rolling vertically…

“Oh, God……”

The audience on the ground does not know how many times they have called God today. The tragedy in the air cannot be avoided…

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