Chapter 1298

“Chairman, Minister, the most urgent task now is to seek more orders and reverse the unfavorable situation!” Sukhoi general manager Mikhail Pogo said while looking at the two angry bosses.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Alexei Federov, general manager of the Mendyev Machinery Manufacturing Plant, sneered and said: “In this situation, where to look for orders? Who will continue to purchase our fighters? Up?”

For Mendyev Machinery Plant, once the MiG-29 order is lost, the manufacturing plant will be completely shut down.

He was even a little desperate.

Just because of the damn pilot drinking!

“That was the problem caused by MiG-29, Su-27 did not make a mistake. It will not affect the order!” Mikhail said coldly.

The competition between Sukhoi and Mikoyan has long been heated up.

Both parties have been vying for orders in China, and conflicts have long accumulated.

Under the current circumstances, the country’s economy is not working well, military spending is decreasing, and the country’s strategic focus is to compete with the Americans in the aerospace field. The Air Force orders fewer and fewer orders. Whoever gets more will definitely have fewer orders.

At the earliest, the Soviet military’s purpose was to make the MiG-29 and Su-27 be used as light and heavy fighters, but at present, the Soviet government with no money can no longer support the equipment of MiG-29 and Su-27 at the same time.

The huge refitting plan of the Air Force was simply unable to support the Soviet Union’s poor economy.

So far, the competition between Mikoyan and Sukhoi has not taken care of so much.

Whoever gets more orders can continue to develop.

According to the original plan, the Soviet army will purchase a large number of advanced fighters for replacement.

At present, the equipment is still less than half of the plan, but it is no longer procured.

Sukhoi has been looking for orders from internationally, and has many potential big customers, such as India and China.

On this, the competition with Mikoyan is also very fierce.

However, the Soviet Ministry of Aviation Industry, the Military Industrial Committee, and the Ministry of Defense did not approve the export of Su-27.

This is the Soviet Union’s top heavy fighter, and it is the integration of the Soviet Union’s highest military technology. Once exported, it is easy to cause technology leakage.

Especially the Chinese, they will definitely imitate.

Oleg Bakranov looked at them and knew that Sukhoi and Mikoyan’s people were going to work again. He coughed to divert their attention, and said seriously: “At present, it is necessary to investigate whether these wines are anyone. Deliberately poisoned.”

The meaning is obvious. Push the cause of the accident to Western countries to prove that the crash was not caused by a flaw in the design of the fighter, but by the Western intelligence agencies.

Only in this way can the reputation of the Soviet military industry be saved.

“Yes! As long as there is evidence that the intelligence agencies of Western countries did it, we can solve our current unfavorable situation!”

The eyes of the others lit up.

This kind of thing is definitely done by Western intelligence agencies.

“It’s normal for our domestic pilots to drink alcohol. It is impossible for them to have problems with a little alcohol! Only being poisoned…”

The Chairman of the Military Industry Council allows everyone to see the current crisis public relations approach.

Hearing Oleg’s words, others responded, and Mikhail directly gave the evidence they needed: “Chairman, Pugachev has detected methanol in his blood! Alcoholics who are addicted to alcohol know it. This is a highly toxic chemical, and it was also detected by a French hospital…”

Hearing this, everyone was shocked, General Manager Sukhoi.

They just wanted to guide public opinion on this.

But they gave evidence-they were poisoned!

Alexei Federov also stood up and added: “According to a report from Karilovsk, the pilot Laurentez also detected methanol in the flask that he carried with him!”

All the Soviets were shocked!

It was obviously poisoned.(Read more @

“Order the KGB to investigate this thoroughly! Conspiracy in the Western world!” The Chairman of the Military Industry Committee was angry.

Being really poisoned is not the same thing as planting them on Western intelligence agencies.

“Yes, it is definitely a conspiracy.” Mikhail said firmly. “According to the investigation, the ground crew maintenance team used to drink medical alcohol instead of methanol in order to save money!”

Medical alcohol is ethanol, which is not as harmful to the human body as industrial alcohol.

Methanol is a highly toxic chemical raw material. People who drink 4 to 6 grams will cause blindness, and more than 6 grams may even cause death.

No matter how powerful the Soviet drunkard, they would not drink methanol!

In the Soviet Union, many drunkards secretly drink medical alcohol. This is no secret in the Soviet Union.

The country has been prohibiting alcohol due to insufficient food production capacity.

The price of alcohol is already fixed.

Medical alcohol is a necessary disinfectant and it is easy to get.

Although ethanol is also divided into industrial alcohol and medical alcohol, no matter whether it is industrial alcohol or medical alcohol, the methanol content in it is very small.

Ethanol is the main intoxicating factor in alcohol, and it is widely found in wine, beer, whiskey, and other fermented and distilled spirits.

As long as you don’t drink too much medical alcohol, the problem won’t be too big.

There are too many alcoholics in the Soviet Union and the economy is not good enough. Many people simply cannot afford alcohol.

A bit of a highly toxic chemical material like methanol can cause serious consequences and even death.

Alcoholics in the Soviet Union would never drink such highly toxic chemicals to poison themselves, unless they don’t want to live anymore.

This fact makes it unacceptable to all the high-level Soviets.

The two pilots are lying in the hospital. Everyone already understands the situation. How to negotiate and how to eliminate the negative impact of the crash on the Soviet military industry requires a good operation.

After all, the impact of the crash was too serious for Sukhoi and Mikoyan!

India, which was negotiating the introduction of MiG-29 fighters with Mikoyan, directly rejected the Soviet Union’s proposal for further negotiations when seeing the MiG-29 crash.

Their domestic MiG fighters originally had to drop dozens of them every year, and then they introduced the MiG-29 that the Soviets all fell. Isn’t that just looking for death?

Other potential buyers also expressed the need to reconsider.

The current result is a huge disaster for Mikoyan.

Sukhoi’s Su-27 was originally strictly restricted and not allowed to be exported.

But under the current circumstances, as long as Sukhoi can get the order, the Soviet Union can’t take care of that much.

The Soviet Union needed foreign exchange, and needed orders to start a huge military factory.

Unable to start work, it will starve many people to death.

Under such circumstances, the Ministry of Aviation Industry and the Military Industry Committee are preparing to investigate the matter and trouble Western countries. At the same time, they also indicate to both parties that as long as they can obtain orders, they will persuade other relevant domestic departments to provide convenience for foreign exchange earning.

The economic situation of the Soviet Union no longer allows the military to continue to provide more funds to purchase more equipment.

The entire Soviet Union, also because of economic problems, began to consider disarmament, save military expenditures, and withdrew from the war quagmire of Afghanistan.

Therefore, the Soviet Union even agreed to sell the Su-27 for money.

“Minister, we hope to start negotiations with the Chinese.” Mikhail Pogo looked at Misavichvsky, the Minister of Aviation, knowing that he had a great relationship with the Chinese, and hoped to get his support. “China has always shown strong interest in our Su-27. As long as orders are obtained, other countries will easily change their views on the Su-27.”

The whole world knows that the Chinese are shrewd.

Purchasing all kinds of weapons and equipment is absolutely cost-effective.

The Minister of Aviation has a good relationship with China and has always been in touch, hoping that the Soviet Union will export advanced fighter jets and engines, and even some advanced technologies to China.

Exporting is not because of personal relations, but from the perspective of national interests.

The Western world is also exporting to China all kinds of advanced technologies that China needs. If the Soviet Union does not export, China will import from the Western world.

Only by exporting the technology needed by the Chinese can we obtain more funds from China to make up for the Soviet fiscal deficit.

Unfortunately, the Soviet leaders did not buy into his proposal.

Sukhoi’s most likely order is China.

Misavichowski nodded, “The Chinese Air Force has indeed shown a very strong interest in Sukhoi fighters. They are no longer satisfied with equipping MiG fighters. Today their Super-7A performance is too amazing. But this is a light fighter. Under such circumstances, only the Su-27 can get orders from China. Of course, it cannot harm the national interest because of personal relationships!”

In the hospital next to the airport, a group of Soviet executives squeezed into the hospital.

After rescue, both pilots were out of danger.

However, the pilot of the MiG-29, Laurentez, is likely to become a vegetative person due to excessive intake of methanol, and the chance of waking up is very small.

Excessive intake of formaldehyde, and after being sent to the hospital, the doctor did not know the cause, and treated it as drunk, which led to such consequences.

Pugachev, the pilot of the Su-27, said that the wine was poisonous as soon as the plane landed.

The hospital directly dealt with the poisoning, which not only saved Pugachev’s life, but also diluted the methanol that was not too much in Pugachev’s body.

With the arrival of the Soviet executive team, the KGB has intervened in this matter and embarked on further investigations.

In the afternoon, the Ministry of Aviation Industry of the Soviet Union and the Military Industry Committee held a global press conference in the hotel where they were staying, and announced to the media around the world the reasons for the crash of the two fighters: Poisoning caused the MiG-29 fighter plane to crash, and the Su-27 almost crashed.

At the press conference, the Soviets admitted the fact that their pilots were drinking.

And tell the whole world that in the Soviet Union, there has never been a plane crash because of the pilot drinking.

If it were not for Pugachev’s excellent skills and strong willpower, the Su-27 would also crash because of pilot poisoning.

Throughout the press conference, the Soviets pointed directly at the US CIA, the French Military Intelligence Agency, and even the British MI6…

The world is in an uproar!

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