Chapter 1443

“Nothing is impossible, Mishavicowski personally came to our country, there is absolutely no small plan.”

Xie Kai looked at Mishavicowski who was getting off the plane and said to Zheng Yucheng beside him.

The Soviets came to China in An-124, and they were led by the Minister of Aviation Industry.

I am afraid that this is not only as simple as submitting the entire An-22 production technology to China.

Even if the delivery of the entire An-22 production technology is performed, Diminov, the head of the Ministry of Aviation Industry of Ukraine, should be responsible, not the Soviet Aviation Minister Mishavsky.

The An-124 and An-225 are both signature aircraft of the Antonov Design Bureau, and have nothing to do with the An-22.

The Soviets came to China in An-225, what else could they have besides showing off and showing off?

What’s more, An-124 has been to China several times, and it doesn’t make much sense to show off again.

Xie Kai didn’t understand what the Soviets thought.

Dad Xie Jianguo and Mishavicowski were originally classmates. Even if they haven’t been in contact for decades, the two parties have nothing to do with each other. Moreover, Xie Jianguo was responsible for the first purchase of the RD-33 engine.

After some greetings, China directly arranged the Soviet delegation to the guest house.

“Dad, what are the Soviets doing? What’s the purpose? Isn’t it as simple as delivering the full set of An-22 technology?”

Xie Kai took a chance to ask her father.

Xie Jianguo saw that there was no one around, and then whispered to Xie Kai: “The Soviets are here to seek technical cooperation this time. Didn’t the sensor of the Super-7A fighter have a problem before? The Soviets went back for a comprehensive inspection and found that the equipment was installed in the Su-27, The sensors on the MiG-29 all have the same problem. They hope to cooperate with us, we provide raw materials and technology, and they provide processing technology… and the two sides jointly research more advanced ones, we provide funds, and the results are shared by both parties. ”

Xie Jianguo’s words made Xie Kai a little surprised, and he felt that it was unexpected.

A few days ago, they also discussed whether the Soviets would import sensors from China.

Unexpectedly, the Soviets came so soon, and the head of the Ministry of Aviation Industry, Mishavkiss, would personally lead the team.

After understanding what the Soviets came from, Xie Kai was more confident to persuade the Soviets to let their An-124 help 404 transport the Super-7A complete machine and all its spare parts to Iraq.

Under such circumstances, the Soviets would certainly not refuse the opportunity to show the world their huge aviation manufacturing capabilities.

Xie Kai went directly to the 404 base and discussed the matter with Zheng Yucheng, Wang Guilin and others.

After listening to Xie Kai’s explanation, Wang Guilin felt that Xie Kai’s proposal was feasible.

It is not that the Soviet Union has an An-124, and they only have to provide a large transport plane to help the 404 transport the Super-7A fighter and spare parts to Iraq. With the huge transportation capacity of the An-124, there is no need to make a few trips.

“Using Soviet transport aircraft to transport fighters and spare parts to Iraq must be paid, even if it is only fuel costs… The Soviet Union cannot transport us for free.” Xie Kai said to everyone.

Zheng Yucheng frowned when he heard that he wanted to pay, obviously he didn’t want to pay.

The cost of air transportation is inherently high. Flying from China to Iraq to perform cargo missions can cost millions of dollars for a flight.

Wang Guilin said, “In the contract, we only bear the cost of ocean freight. Now it’s changed to air freight. The freight is dozens of times more expensive than ocean freight. Now there is a shortage of money, and we can do a lot of experiments with this money for air freight.”

Xie Kai looked at these two old guys with a stingy energy, a little speechless.

They are stingy to their bones.

“Why do you keep thinking about paying for yourself? The Iraqis are not in a hurry? Then let them pay. Anyway, they are a big oil country, and they dig two shovel of sand. There is plenty of oil underneath, so they can just dig out the oil for freight. Up.”

Xie Kai’s attitude is clear.

Since the Iraqis asked China to provide air transportation, they would let the Iraqis pay for the air transportation cost themselves, and the Chinese side would only help contact the transport plane.

“Let us bear the air freight costs, it’s too much! This is not in the contract.”

Kazim was angry when he heard that the Chinese asked them to pay air freight.

They have stayed in China for more than ten days since they came out of Iraq. During this period, although the Chinese were receiving and arranging hotels, the Iraqis had to pay for accommodation and even for meals.(Read more @

The Iraqis originally hated the Chinese people’s stingy habit, but now they have to pay for air transportation.

How can you do it?

Every time Chinese personnel visit Iraq, the Iraqi side treats them with delicious food and drinks.

When Xie Kai came to Iraq, Iraq provided top-notch food and accommodation for free.

As a customer known as God, Iraq, the God of China, is constantly stalking wool by the Chinese. The delegation spends a lot of money on board and lodging every day…

In order to get the fighter as soon as possible, the Iraqis endured it.

Fortunately, the Chinese shamelessly demanded that Iraq pay the air freight that the Chinese side had paid.

Even Ibrahim felt that China’s approach was too much.

“Xie Kai, it was stated in the original contract that you were responsible for the transportation costs!”

Xie Kai looked at Ibrahim calmly, and the old guy really focused on their national interests.

Can you die without saying a word?

All of them were dismissed by the president, and they didn’t understand the reason for not pursuing their politics.

Xie Kai looked at the Iraqis and explained very seriously, “Everyone, in the original contract, it was indeed stated that we should pay for the freight, but it also stated that the shipping method was sea. Now your request for air freight, the high freight will naturally occur. You have to pay for it… Dozens of fighters are all transported by air, and the freight is not low. Our profit is low…”

Ibrahim looked at Xie Kai and really didn’t know how his face was so thick.

With more than 30 million barrels of crude oil, China has more than doubled its profits.

“It was your breach of contract that caused the current result. You should pay for the freight. Why should we pay for your mistakes?”

Kazim’s attitude is very firm.

Resolutely reject Xie Kai’s proposal that Iraq should pay for air freight.

Then he threatened Xie Kai, “If you are unwilling to pay the cost of air freight and do not want to deliver the fighter as soon as possible, please refund, and our fighter cooperation will be suspended!”

Kazim suddenly issued a strong threat, which caught Zheng Yucheng and Wang Guilin by surprise.

Although they did go too far in this matter, there was something wrong with Iraq’s sudden appearance of such a strong presence.

Xie Kai did not expect that the Iraqis suddenly became so strong.

This threat made Xie Kai a little surprised, too abnormal.

Xie Kai really couldn’t understand the confidence of the Iraqis.

Isn’t Silly Damn preparing to start a war against Kuwait? Without weapons and equipment, how could he feel safe?

The two sides couldn’t talk about it at all.

The Iraqis are not as eager as they were before.

Before long, Ibrahim took the initiative to find him.

See Xie Kai and go straight to the subject.

“Xie Kai, if you continue to use such tricks to seek greater benefits, it may affect the continuation of the cooperation. The Chinese military was originally dissatisfied with you, but now due to your mistakes, the delivery date is much later than the contract stipulated. Time, not only did you fail to take any remedial measures, you also made us bear higher costs, which is simply not feasible.”

Xie Kai looked at Ibrahim, he didn’t know what the old guy meant.

Ibrahim didn’t talk nonsense, and told Xie Kai directly, “When the Soviet Union terminated the supply of RD-33 engines to you, the military felt that there might be problems with the Super-7 fighter deal. Prince Pai Cousse personally negotiated with the Soviet representatives and signed The procurement contract for 120 MiG-29 fighters has been awarded, and now the first batch of MiG-29s delivered by the Soviet Union to the Air Force has returned to China…”

After hearing Ibrahim’s words, Xie Kai almost slapped herself severely.

Why did I forget such an important thing?

He has always believed that China has reached a warplane transaction contract with Iraq. China will provide Iraq with the Super-7 production line and even the Super-7B assembly line to Iraq. Iraqis will no longer purchase MiG-29s from the Soviet Union.

I usually don’t pay attention to this matter.

According to the original history, before the outbreak of the first Gulf War, Iraq did reach an agreement with the Soviets to purchase 120 MiG-29 fighters.

Although all fighters were manufactured, due to the outbreak of the war, the lonely Soviet Union turned to the United States, and all expert consultants were withdrawn from Iraq.

Iraq’s occupation of Kuwait was originally an invader. International public opinion completely condemned Iraq. Naturally, the Soviets did not dare to continue to deliver fighters to Iraq.

In the end, only 40 MiG-29s were delivered to the Iraqi Air Force.

Xie Kai originally remembered these things. In the past two years, there has been more and more cooperation with Iraq. In addition, they have always been taking the initiative in various contracts, so they don’t think there will be any problems.

Unexpectedly, history is still developing in accordance with the original trajectory.

When Xie Kai was overwhelmed, he gave him a slap in the face.

No wonder the Iraqis are so emboldened!

“Since there is a MiG-29, why are the senior officials of the Tikrit Division so anxious to get the Super-7A?”

Xie Kai raised his doubts to Ibrahim.

Ibrahim sighed.

“At the beginning there was a problem with our cooperation, and I was dismissed. At that time, the Tikrit Division had been expanded. They established an air force independent of the National Defense Forces. These air forces require the most advanced equipment. All pilots are the same. From the president’s hometown Tikrit, you know that the president is not at ease with the Air Force of the National Defense Forces. He knows the importance of the air force and has a huge air force development plan. The introduction of Super-7A is to equip this force. You have been too late to deliver, and the Super-7A combat capability is much worse than that of the SumiG-29. Therefore, at that time, His Royal Highness and the Tikrit Division’s logistics manager Kamal and others signed a contract with the Soviet Union. Introduced the MiG-29 fighter contract. The Soviet Union began to manufacture the MiG-29…”

Through Ibrahim’s introduction, Xie Kai understood.

When he was plotting to cheat the Soviets, the Soviets quietly robbed them of a business.

Fortunately, Xie Kai thought that the Soviet MiG-29 would be taken away by them.

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