Chapter 1448

“George Soros? How could he work with you?”

It took a long time for Xie Kai to ask.

Soros’s name, he is like a legend.

Anyone who often surfs the Internet in later generations almost knows who Soros is.

Soros successfully blocked the pound sterling in 1992 and made huge profits of more than one billion U.S. dollars. In 1997, he triggered the Southeast Asian financial crisis, which cast a shadow over the economic development of the Asian Tigers.

These two games are Soros’s most successful classic cases, and his fame shocked the whole world because of these two blockades.

Soros also blocked the Hong Kong dollar in 1997, but was finally hit by the Hong Kong government backed by the mainland government.

The failure to block the Hong Kong dollar caused Soros to suffer heavy losses, and that was his only miss.

Qi Zhengshan was shocked and satisfied when he saw Xie Kai.

The boss is too enchanting and he is under a lot of pressure.

“Soros is secretly wanted by the Soviet and American intelligence agencies. We don’t know what activities he was involved in that caused the intelligence agencies of the two countries to arrest him, but he is now desperate…”

Xie Kai immediately understood that Soros must have been betrayed because of his involvement in the Vantaa Project.

There is no evidence in history that Soros participated in the Vantaa project.

The only evidence is that Soros’ iron buddy Mark Rich, a man of the international gold market, participated in the Vantaa Project.

Soros has a close relationship with Mark Ritchie and a good relationship with Leo Vanta. It is entirely possible for Soros to be involved in this.

Xie Kai has listened to Soros countless times and read numerous reports about him on the Internet, but he still doesn’t know much about him.

“Isn’t that old guy doing his best to take care of the charity business? He doesn’t even care about the Quantum Fund…”

It is estimated that taking care of charity is to provide cover for the implementation of Vantaa mission.

“We have our own investment institution. Just set up a small investment institution. There is no need to hand over the funds to them…”

Xie Kai does not want to hand over the funds to Soros to take care of.

Soros took the initiative to seek refuge, there may be a problem in the middle.

Himmlet felt that Xie Kai had made a mistake, and hurriedly explained: “BOSS, Soros wants to join our team…”

Xie Kai was even more bewildered.

Soros actually wants to join Qi Zhengshan’s fund company. Is this to rely on himself?

This is not a joke!

Soros is an already famous international financial crocodile.

In 1960, Soros made his first experimental investment in a foreign financial market, buying Allianz shares, which tripled in value after a short period of time. Since then, the reputation began to grow wild.

After Egypt and Syria invaded Israel in 1973, Egypt and other countries lost the war with backward weapons. Soros believed that the United States was also behind in weapons and equipment, and began to invest heavily in the shares of the US Department of Defense order contract company, which brought him greater profits.

After the establishment of a quantum hedge fund, various operations have made no mistakes.

“How can such a person take refuge in himself? It is impossible to say that he does not know that there is someone behind Qi Zhengshan.”

Xie Kai couldn’t help being wary.

The relationship between Soros and the US government is definitely not that simple on the surface.

“Many times, no matter how wise investors are, they have not grasped the news at the first time, and it is impossible to analyze market trends. Soros can also make money through internal information provided by the US government. Just like us.”

Xie Kai said seriously to his men.

“Like this time, if Iraq wants to take action against Kuwait, there is no sign of any signs in the world… The equipment trade between us and Iraq was set before the end of the Iran-Iraq War a few years ago. The MiG between Iraq and the Soviets -29, it was also purchased very early. Silly Damu purchased on a large scale, but in order to

It hasn’t been 90 years, Iraq is already preparing to do it, and the United States is even plotting to get Iraq to do it.

It has been less than a year since Iraq invaded Kuwait.

What if Soros got the news?

Zheng Yucheng and Wang Guilin are not people in the financial world, and they don’t know Soros’ reputation.

Song Yanjin, who had not said a word, began to introduce Soros to the two.

Xie Kai asked Qi Zhengshan and Himmlet from the side, “Do you think he is reliable?”

Himmlet shook his head.

Qi Zhengshan also felt that Soros’s refuge was unreliable.

But in order to earn more money, Qi Zhengshan thinks it doesn’t matter.(Read more @

“Boss, no matter what his purpose is, as long as he can help us make money. Soros and the others play hedge funds, and maximize profits are many times better than me. Even Himmlet can’t compare with him… ”

When Himmlet said this in Qi Zhengshan, he not only did not express dissatisfaction, but nodded affirmatively, saying that he really couldn’t compare with Soros.

Soros has been in the international financial market for decades!

Xie Kai was not relieved when he handed the huge amount of capital to Soros who suddenly took refuge without knowing the purpose.

“Boss, Qian Duoduo and Li Li seldom show up in the company and let them control the funds. We provide the information, and Soros will perform the specific operation. This kind of operation is relatively safe. After analyzing the risks, I and Simlet I think I can use this time to test them first…”

Qi Zhengshan didn’t want to give up such an opportunity.

Watching Soros’ operation is also an opportunity for them to learn.

The biggest beneficiary of Soros’s blockade of the pound sterling and suppression of the fast-growing Southeast Asian economy is the United States.

Originally, Xie Kai never thought about these problems.

When I think about it now, I feel that Soros is helping the United States fight a currency war. After all, countries that are not under the control of the United States develop too fast and will affect the US market.

When Qi Zhengshan told Xie Kai that the Soviet Union and the US CIA intelligence agencies were secretly arresting Soros, Xie Kai doubted the other’s purpose.

The Soviet Union and the United States quarreled with each other and accused each other of espionage. The Soviet Union did not point out the secret currency war launched by the United States against the Soviet Union.

The Wanta plan is not known internationally.

At this time, the United States should protect the relevant personnel of Vantaa. How could it be arrested?

Qi Zhengshan’s attitude makes Xie Kai a little dissatisfied, this guy is completely a lunatic, doing all he can to profit.

The naming is not allowed, and I still want Soros to join.

Joining Soros can indeed bring greater benefits to himself, but it is also likely to bring greater dangers.

Qi Zhengshan suggested that Xie Kai’s absolute confidants, Qian Duoduo and Li Li, control these funds, and worried that Xie Kai suspected that their motives were impure.

Xie Kai didn’t care if Qi Zhengshan had any ideas, but worried about Soros’s purpose.

“Where is Soros? Can I see him?”

As soon as Zheng Yucheng and Wang Guilin heard that Xie Kai wanted to see Soros, they immediately requested that the other party go to China to meet Xie Kai.

They are afraid that if Xie Kai goes abroad, he will be killed by Western intelligence agencies.

Xiangjiang will return for a few years, and there are spies from all over the world in that city.

Xie Kai shook his head. He didn’t want Soros to understand his relationship with the domestic military.

Although he knows that doing so is to hide his ears and steal the bells, such things are also normal internationally.

“Let Zheng Quan arrange it.” Zheng Yucheng said beyond doubt.

Soon, Xie Kai went to Xiangjiang in secret.

Zheng Quan actually arranged Xie Kai in a small hotel not far from the Kowloon Walled City.

In this place, Xie Kai found many familiar faces, all of whom he met when he first came to Xiangjiang to promote game consoles.

Everyone has a bulging waist.

On the night Xie Kai arrived in Xiangjiang, Qi Zhengshan and Himmlet brought Soros, who was almost 70 years old, to see Xie Kai.

Soros was full of energy and face.

“Mr. Soros, admiring your name for a long time!”

When Soros was still looking at Xie Kai, Xie Kai spoke up.

Soros did not expect the people behind Qi Zhengshan and Himmlet to be so young.

The dressing of the young man in front of him is no different from that of the street gangsters in Xiangjiang.

Dyed yellow hair, dressed in hippie costume, with a nose ring…

Moreover, Xie Kai speaks fluent German!

Soros, who has mastered many European languages, naturally understands German.

He also found that Xie Kai had no German accent at all-pure and fluent, just like a German.

“Hello sir, I didn’t expect you to be so young!”

“Are you involved in the Vantaa Project?”

Xie Kai is straight to the point.

When Soros heard Xie Kai directly ask if he had participated in the Vantaa project, the shocked expression on his face flashed away, and he quickly returned to normal.

Since they can guide Qi Zhengshan and Himmlet to invest in markets around the world, there must be a huge source of information.

It’s useless to deny it. If the other person asks, he will know.

Soros nodded, “I’m only a part of the fund provider, and I’m in some trouble now.”

With the arrest of Leo Vanta, whether it is Soros or Mark Rich, or even some other international financial crocodiles, everyone involved in this plan is on the Soviet Union’s secret arrest list.

In order to ensure that more information is not leaked, the CIA is also preparing to secretly control them.

“Mark Rich is also in Xiangjiang?”

Xie Kai was a little surprised.

Although Xiangjiang is still under the jurisdiction of the British government, it will return to the mainland in seven years, and the British government’s control is constantly weakening.

Xiangjiang is completely the junction between the Western world and the Eastern world. All countries have intelligence relay stations in Xiangjiang.

They dare to run to Xiangjiang.

Aren’t you afraid to kill them at the KGB in Hong Kong? CIA has more energy in Xiangjiang.

For a while, Xie Kai was more suspicious of the other party.

Looking at Soros with a calm face, Xie Kai said directly: “I don’t trust you.”

Soros naturally knew that the other party would not trust him.

Said to Xie Kai: “Sir, facing the number one on the American president’s kill list, I don’t expect to gain your trust from the beginning. I am not looking for them without purpose. My purpose also has my conditions.”

Qi Zhengshan and Himmlet were a little embarrassed.

Soros hadn’t said this to them before.

Xie Kai paid attention to both of them.

Looking at Soros calmly, “If you have any conditions, you can bring it up.”

“Now international financial and investment institutions are all staring at the Oriental Stock God. Once Qi Zhengshan takes any action, they will rush to follow and have a great influence on the international market… I hope they can cooperate with us when the huge plan we have planned starts to be implemented. Do it!”

“Block the pound?”

Xie Kai asked Soros with a shocked look on his face.

This world is really getting more and more exciting…

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