Chapter 1452

“Did the Soviets relax?” Zheng Yucheng didn’t want to talk about it anymore, and made trouble when he thought about it.

If Xie Kai knew, he would have to struggle with things for the two women all day long.

If Sun Juan hadn’t given birth to a child, this would be nothing at all.

The key point is that Sun Juan also gave birth to a son.

Wang Guilin didn’t want to talk about it either. “The Soviet Union put forward a new plan. The Komsomolsk side would cooperate with us, so that it would be more convenient for everyone to cooperate. Both sides should conduct research according to the task allocation and form a team of both sides. some……”

Wu Ying’s incident also had a big impact on Xie Kai. On the surface, he was cruel and unsympathetic, but in fact, he felt very sorry for the girl.

But he also knew that he could not show any sympathy.

Sympathizing with other women is hurting his wife and son.

So that night, the base directly mobilized a C-910 and returned to the capital overnight.

Mo Qi didn’t ask Xie Kai much, or even what happened to Wu Ying.

I just feel sorry for Xie Kai.

“Has Mom come back this time?” Xie Kai asked Mo Qi.

He hasn’t seen his mother for a long time.

In recent years, with the continuous expansion of clothing factories, especially in the clothing cooperation with the Soviet Union, Liu Xu spent most of his time abroad.

Now with the implementation of the light industry product replacement technology plan, Liu Xu is even busier.

Mo Qi said, “I came back from the front line and was very busy. She called and asked me to carry my son to the airport. He held my son at the airport for a while, and the transfer was soon…”

Xie Kai was a little speechless: “I knew I shouldn’t have let her engage in a clothing factory.”

It seems that we need to have a good talk with the old man so that he can take care of his daughter-in-law.

Xie Jianguo was also very dissatisfied with Xie Kai who asked Liu Xu to contract the garment factory.

If Xie Kai hadn’t fiddled with Liu Xu to contract a garment factory, how could Liu Xu transform into a strong woman? I was so busy, I went home in the middle of the night and couldn’t drink the hot water…

In the past, the couple went to and from get off work at the same time, how much Liu Xu beat him.

It’s like now, a family of five people cooking in four pots…

“Xie Kai, mom gave you time to see grandma. Grandma is not in very good condition. She has made a will and left the house and everything else to 619…”

Xie Kai was stunned for a while, and it took a while before he came back to his senses, “I’ll go see grandma when I have time.”

To grandmother, Xie Kai doesn’t have too much affection.

Even if his grandmother in the previous life also left the house to him, she had visited it several times in this life… But he really didn’t want to see those relatives.

The previously despised situation will not recur.

Now when I go back, several aunts, uncles and even cousins ​​are all flattering to him…

For what, Xie Kai knows.

For some requests, he can even say hello, but he is not willing.

Those relatives are too powerful.

He never went back to see relatives from his father’s side, but relatives from his hometown still mailed all kinds of special products every year. My father went back once or twice and heard that the base had set up a factory there…

Because of their rise, grandmother was taken care of very well.

It’s not that Xie Kai doesn’t have time to go back, but that he doesn’t want to deal with various requests from relatives.

After being reborn in her forties, Xie Kai had very little experience with this kind of thing.

He grew up on the base and his parents were busy with work. Since he was a child, he was thrown into the nursery. He rarely had contact with his parents when he was growing up.

When he got married later, his parents were in a confidential unit because of him, and it was rare to see him once in a few years.

In the end, my father fell to work, and the work unit handled the funeral. Xie Kai could only watch. My mother retired early and lived with Xie Kai for a while, but it didn’t take long, and died of depression because of his father’s death.

Since then, Xie Kai has been almost alone.

It is precisely because of his problems that he has had several blind dates in his previous life. Even if he has lived with a woman for a period of time, he will eventually be kicked away by the woman-his EQ is too low.(Read more @

Even Sun Juan has always been single, Wang Hao and others have reminded him, but Xie Kai never reply to Sun Juan, even Sun Juan returned to China and he disappeared…

When thinking about these things, Xie Kai gets annoyed.

He really doesn’t want to face these things.

Fortunately, when he got home, someone was waiting for him.

It was Luo Feng who was waiting for Xie Kai and the others at the office.

Mo Qi was also pleasantly surprised when he saw Luo Feng.

“Luo Feng, when did you come back? Why didn’t you say hello in advance?”

The dark-skinned and robust Luo Feng is completely different from the past youthful and tender. He is lean and tough, and he reveals an aura of aura.

That is murderous.

Since Luo Feng was still waiting for Xie Kai at this time, Mo Qi knew that they had something to talk about, so he immediately said: “You talk, I’ll put the kids down and get you some supper. Your brothers have a drink and talk… ”

After speaking, I went out.

Xie Kai is in a bad mood. She knows that talking to Luo Feng will be much better.

Luo Feng looked at Xie Kai and grinned.

A mouthful of white teeth contrasted sharply with the dark skin under the light.


Xie Kai looked at the scar on his face and asked, “All right?”

Luo Feng saw Xie Kai staring at the scar on his face, “Well, I had a fight with someone from Camp 32, and the bullet rubbed my skin, but now it’s more masculine, isn’t it? European women like me like this. of……”

The two brothers grew up together, so it is natural that a man is not a woman who tells each other when they meet.

“Did something happen over there?”

No one notified Xie Kai when Luo Feng came back, and even the 404 person didn’t get any news.

If nothing happened, how could Luo Feng return to China?

“I also just came back today. Anyway, I am also a child of the base! It is much more convenient to come back. It is not easy to come in now if you want to come in outside…”

Later, Luo Feng told Xie Kai that the domestic protection against people coming in from outside is very strict.

Luo Feng also thought of a lot of ways and used Fang Qiang’s special channel before returning.

The situation is similar to what Zheng Yucheng told Xie Kai at the beginning. The domestic secretive protection of foreign intelligence agencies has always been very strict.

Through Luo Feng’s introduction, Xie Kai has a more intuitive understanding of domestic protection.

It could be called an intelligence black hole by the Western world. Later, even mercenaries dared not accept any business related to China. Without strict protection, it would be impossible.

“The CIA has been urging Brother Dong, asking us to help solve the people in Vantaa.”

Xie Kai did not speak, but directly listened to Luo Feng’s report.

“The sky-high remuneration of 200 million U.S. dollars was given over there. Before this, it was rare to help certain countries suppress rebellions so high…”

“What did Liao Dong say?”

Xie Kai wants to know what Liao Dong thinks about this matter.

When Luo Feng came back to report this matter, there must be a problem.

In fact, Xie Kai wants to know more about the internal situation of the mercenary group.

The crab mercenary group was established because of him, but he rarely took care of it.

As the veterans of the Soviet GRU and Signal Flag special forces joined the river crab mercenary group more and more, the control of this mercenary group by Liao Dong and others began to become weak.

“Brother Dong wanted to take up this task, but Sergey and the Soviets felt that the development of the mercenary group in Africa was enough, and there was no need to enter the Soviet Union to do these things…”

Seeing Xie Kai’s doubts, Luo Feng reluctantly sold the truth.

“In fact, the Soviets are unwilling to cooperate with the Americans. Whenever the Soviets catch any opportunity, they will do it with the Americans. On the African battlefield, as long as there are rebels backed by the intelligence agencies of the United States and Western countries, even if the government has nothing. Money, they also want to take over… and there are government forces supported by those forces, they even want to support the rebels, and there have been many conflicts with us… In recent years, the mercenary group has become more and more famous in Africa and in the West. The country has also sent more elite veterans…Both sides regard Africa as a battlefield…”

Luo Feng’s introduction made Xie Kai finally understand the current situation of the mercenary group.

The GRU special forces subordinate to the KGB suffered a big loss in the hands of the crab mercenary group on the battlefield in Afghanistan.

In the Middle East battlefield, GRU was abandoned by his superiors and eventually joined the mercenary group as a last resort.

Although the mercenaries from the Soviet Union completed the missions sent by the mercenary regiment, the Soviets were naturally unwilling to cooperate with the Americans.

Especially the retired elite Soviet soldiers.

From the beginning of entering the army, even before entering the army, these people regard the Americans as their enemies. It is naturally not easy for them to help the Americans solve their problems.

Seeing Xie Kai sinking into thought, Luo Feng fell silent and stopped disturbing Xie Kai, waiting for him to give himself advice.

Luo Feng took out a cigarette and handed it to Xie Kai.

Xie Kai did not refuse, now he smokes a lot less.

“Brother, what do you say?”

“Do the Americans just give money? They only ask for the killing of those who participate in the Vantaa project, and there is no other requirement?”

Xie Kai wondered why the Americans were looking for the river crab mercenary group?

Based on the intelligence network of the United States and the Western world in the Soviet Union, which has been laid for so many years, even if the system is destroyed by the Soviets, it is still capable of solving the person in charge of the Vantaa project in the Soviet Union.

Knowing that the Soviet veteran mercenaries under the River Crab Mercenary Corps will not deal with them, they will fight each other when they meet, and they will do everything possible to kill each other. How can they fight for the national interest of the United States?

The CIA still seeks to cooperate with the River Crab Mercenary Corps and proposes to let the Soviet mercenaries go back to help the United States solve problems.

Have to consider their intentions.

“The bastards of the CIA have always used all kinds of methods to the extreme. As long as they can achieve their goals, they are willing to pay any price…Of course, it is very likely that the people who help will be eliminated after the task is completed, especially if they are not under their control. People…”

Luo Feng is also a senior in the mercenary group, and Liao Dong trains him as his successor.

Many people think that he is the spokesperson of Xie Kai. In the past two years, Luo Feng has grown rapidly.

Luo Feng naturally knows the CIA’s style of doing things.

Xie Kai looked at Luo Feng and asked, “Could it be possible that the CIA is still preparing to destroy the mercenary group, do they have that ability?”

Luo Feng shook his head, “It’s not that the CIA has that ability. As long as we persuade the Tanzanian government, once the Tanzanian government suspends our cooperation, we are in danger…After all, we belong to the foreign army of the Tanzanian Ministry of Defense.”

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