Chapter 1454

Mercenaries do not fight for the country.

Nor does it fight for dignity.

Only for benefit.

Whoever gives the money is the boss.

War hyenas fighting for money.

The crab mercenary group is not an international mercenary who only recognizes money and does not compromise, but with the participation of the Soviets, the development of the mercenary group has deviated from its original track.

Suddenly, the harmonious atmosphere became tense.

Sergey said nothing with a sullen face.

The meaning of Liao Dong’s words is very clear.

As the best sniper in the Soviet team, Grayev was unable to keep the sniper calm at this moment.

Keno, the machine gunner from the signal flag, stood up immediately and looked at Liao Dong with a murderous face, “You are ready to kick us away after you have used us?”

As a machine gunner, he has a burly body and a hot temper.

Keno stood up and stood up like an iron tower in the conference room, making the atmosphere of the entire conference room more solidified.

The temperature dropped several degrees in an instant.

They were all mercenaries who had been fighting on the battlefield, but Zhou Bin and others were much less hostile than the Soviets.

The mercenaries from China don’t care about Keno’s explosive temper.

Liao Dong didn’t speak, just watched quietly.

Luo Feng stood opposite Jinuo without hesitation, with a playful look, “Jino, do you want me to practice with you? Activities?”

Luo Feng’s words moved the corners of Keno’s mouth, and finally did not speak, and his momentum instantly weakened.

Chinese mercenaries are not as strong as Soviet mercenaries, and they are much weaker in strength.

The melee ability of fighting and other aspects is far stronger than that of Soviet mercenaries.

Keno used to bully Luo Feng who had no military service history before, and he bullied Luo Feng miserably every time.

But over the past year or so, Luo Feng began to get stronger and stronger, and even formed an absolute strength to crush a strong man like Jino, which made Jinuo never dare to fight Luo Feng again.

The mercenary regiment is divided into two factions, one is dominated by retired soldiers from the Soviet special forces, and the other is dominated by retired soldiers such as Liao Dong who first founded the mercenary regiment.

The internal contradictions of the mercenary group have become more and more serious due to the different concepts of the two factions, and there are even direct conflicts on many occasions.

This situation is not an exception.

The mercenaries from Iraq have followed the Soviets since the Soviets joined the mercenary group.

Tanzanian military veterans, tribal indigenous fighters who originally regarded Xie Kai as a chief, and Pakistani and other countries’ military veterans are based on Liao Dong and others.

Sergey naturally didn’t want to see him doing it right here.

Sternly scolded Keno, “Keno, step back!”

Grayev looked at Liao Dong and the others calmly, and asked, “Are you really planning to kick us away?”

Kicked away by the mercenary group, where are so many Soviet mercenaries?

Although Grayev’s expression was calm, his tone was murderous.

If they don’t give them a satisfactory explanation, obviously war will break out within the mercenary group.

Sergey looked at Liao Dong coldly.

“It was you who asked me to contact my comrades in arms. Many people gave their lives for the development of the mercenary group. Many were injured and disabled… Now you want to kick us away. Do you think it is appropriate?”

“What you are doing is really for the benefit of the mercenary group?” Liao Dong asked Sergey without showing any weakness.

It is a fact that the joining of retired Soviet special forces has allowed mercenaries to develop rapidly.

But they went everywhere to find the United States to do things with people in Western countries, which harmed the interests of the mercenary group.(Read more @

Zhou Bin was afraid that the two sides would tear their skin and eventually an internal war would break out.

They also knew that Sergey and others didn’t want to rely on the mercenary group, but wanted to borrow the mercenary group’s intelligence resources and a complete logistics supply system.

Directly open the door and said to the Soviet mercenaries: “After completing this mission, you went to Angola and built a base in Angola. The location of the base there has been taken. The logistics system and the intelligence system are shared… Since then, what have you done? The task is up to you… We are in an equal cooperative relationship… The commission for this task is also enough for you to build a base…”

The founders of the Crab Mercenary Corps could no longer tolerate the behavior of Soviet mercenaries.

The Soviet mercenaries were also unable to accept that the mercenary group only considered interests in certain tasks, and was unwilling to attack the interests of Western countries.

Parting ways is the best choice for both parties.

Liao Dong also added: “Sergey, we have lived and died together for many years. You sacrificed a lot of brothers, and the mercenary group remembers. But now you are fighting against Western countries everywhere, regardless of whether it is in the mercenary group’s interests… We are not afraid of opposing Western countries, but we need to consider the interests of the brothers of the entire mercenary group. Here, we have built a city. Once a serious problem arises, what should we do with so many people?”

Sergey and others can actually understand what Liao Dong said.

They clearly know that the River Crab Mercenary Corps does not exist as mercenaries in many cases, but can only be regarded as armed security personnel.

The Soviet mercenaries in the mercenary regiment always believed that Liao Dong and others had lost the bloodiness of soldiers and were afraid of war.

Seeing the true feeling on Liao Dong’s face, Sergey weighed it over and over before sighing.

“Don’t worry, we will work hard to complete this task, and we will leave it to you. However, we need to divide 50% of the commission this time!”

Liao Dong did not refuse, but nodded in agreement.

Others did not object to Sergey’s decision.

“In the future, we will build our own bases and will no longer use the banner of the crab mercenary group… In the tasks you perform, as long as it does not threaten the national interests of the Soviet Union, we will not become your opponents, so we also hope that you will not become Our opponent.”

In the face of other mercenaries, Xie Ergai would not say this.

In many cases, on the battlefield of international mercenaries, even father and son, if they are not in the same mercenary regiment or on the same side, they may become opponents.

It is normal for the mercenaries to fight side by side today, become an enemy tomorrow, fight for life, and even cooperate again the day after tomorrow.

That’s why mercenaries are called war hyenas.

Mercenaries are only for money, not for other considerations.

Crab mercenaries are not only for money, but not for the establishment from the beginning.

Through Xie Kai’s previous negotiations with the Tanzanian government, a large piece of land was acquired here. The river crab mercenary group built a city with factories and farms. The families of mercenaries are all in this city. .

In this way, this mercenary loses its original powerful combat capability.

With concern, the combat effectiveness will naturally weaken.

The Soviets were dissatisfied with this aspect.

Knowing the behavior style of the crab mercenary group, that’s why Sergey said this.

They don’t want to be the enemy of the crab mercenary group.

The premise is that the river crab mercenary group does not damage the national interests of the Soviet Union.

Liao Dong didn’t say anything, and he didn’t say anything about the guarantees of Sergey and others.

Unexpectedly, he parted ways with the Soviets so quickly, Zhou Bin sighed.

“In terms of combat, the Soviet soldiers are no worse than us, especially the fighting spirit who is not afraid of death…”

Soviet soldiers, like Chinese soldiers, are very bloody and not afraid of death.

Unlike mercenaries in Western countries, mercenaries from the Soviet Union, if they were not compelled, would not choose to surrender even if they knew that there was no chance of victory.

There are only the dead Soviet mercenaries, not the surrendered Soviet mercenaries.

Therefore, in the past two years, most of the casualties in the crab mercenary regiment were Soviet mercenaries.

Sergey was able to promise Liao Dong to join the crab mercenary group because Sergey and others were betrayed by his direct boss Dimikov Koltebasi.

In order to take revenge, Sergey took GRU and the elite of the signal flag remnants to join the crab mercenary group.

Even if they joined, these Soviet mercenaries were not completely loyal to the mercenary group.

Liao Dong didn’t care about parting ways with the Soviets at all.

“From the very beginning, we knew that one day they would part ways. They were Soviet soldiers and they considered the interests of the Soviet Union. Just like us, even if we can’t go back, we will never betray the motherland…”

Speaking of this, Liao Dong is a little lonely.

It’s too difficult to want to go back to China again.

In order for the Soviets to fight, even their family members could give up.

Seeing that several people were not in a high mood, Luo Feng said, “Everyone is fighting for the interests of the country. What was the purpose of establishing the mercenary group in the first place? Isn’t it to protect the country’s overseas interests? We just need to do our best, even if we Going back, there is no problem…”

“The existence of Soviet mercenaries has threatened our national interests. They will not part ways, but will bring destruction to the entire mercenary group… There is no need to regret it, we just need to do our own thing.”

Others just sighed, but no one tried to refute Luo Feng’s words.

After the Soviets came out, they headed for the barracks.

On the way, Keno asked Sergei dissatisfiedly: “Sergey, are we leaving like this? We have sacrificed many brothers over the years.”

“What else can we do if we don’t leave? The contradictions between our two sides are becoming more and more obvious. They are timid and unwilling to fight against the interests of Western countries. What is the point of staying?”

The original signal flag team leader Chekov expressed support for Sergey’s words, “Yes. After we leave, we will no longer be controlled by others…”

“In fact, it’s okay to set up our own mercenary group. If you want to be a Westerner, you can be a Westerner, and you don’t need to be blocked by them… That kind of war is more vigorous… Die on the battlefield for the country, This is our best destination!”

The grumpy machine gunner Keno also agreed to leave the river crab mercenary group.

Sergey ignored the people of the signal flag, but asked Grayev, “What do you think?”

“They are right. Even if we go out independently, we can’t stop our cooperation, especially their intelligence sources and logistics supply system…Of course, we can’t all rely on them. We can cooperate with the KGB. The KGB people have always Contact us and hope to cooperate. This time, with Vanta and others in exchange, they should not give up…”

Grayev and others belong to the elite GRU team.

GRU also belongs to the KGB’s most elite action team.

Even if it has been betrayed, the interests of the Soviet Union are still the first.

For the KGB, mercenaries from GRU have no good feelings.

That’s why Grayev said it was only working with the KGB.

“Then wait for their money…”

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