Chapter 1459

Seeing Soros looked grateful, Xie Kai didn’t say anything.

Leo Vanta and others, if it were not for Xie Kai, it is estimated that they would not be rescued.

The Americans’ requirement for the mercenary group is to kill them, and it is the easiest way for the mercenary group to kill them.

These days, Soros communicated with Leo Vanta and others in detail, knowing that the Soviets had taken all the information from them.

Only a few situations related to their life safety were not accounted for, such as the funds in hand.

The amount of these funds is not too large, but they are all their own money, which has been vacated internationally in recent years, and naturally will not be handed over to the Soviets.

The river crab mercenary group rescued Leo Vanta and others. Before, they did not communicate with each other, and finally let them go. They were also unwilling to buy them a group of lives for more than one billion. For these financial experts, Good deal.

Soros has reason to suspect that Xie Kai’s additional 0 million comes from Leo Vanta and others.

Therefore, I am not grateful.

Xie Kai brought Leo Vanta and others to Xiangjiang, presumably to let them make money for him.

With Soros, Xie Kai didn’t say a few words, or even told him that Iraq would soon move to Kuwait and that international oil prices would rise soon.

Seeing the end of the year, if history does not go wrong, Iraq will take action against Kuwait in August 1990.

After the Chinese New Year, international oil prices will start to rise because of the lack of progress in the negotiations between Iraq and Kuwait.

When Iraq occupies Kuwait and the Americans start the Gulf War, international oil prices will rise by at least 50%.

After the United States starts a war, the price of oil will fall sharply within a few hours after rising on the day of the war.

At that time, it will be a big gain from shorting the international oil futures market.

After Xie Kai finished all this layout, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Just wait for Iraq to take action against Kuwait.

Unfortunately, I have to wait another 8 months!

For a while, Xie Kai felt that time flies too slowly.

Xie Kai feels that the days are difficult, and there is another reason. He is not sure that Iraq will choose the time of hands-on according to history.

His arrival has changed many situations in the entire world.

Iraq has a stronger military power because of its 404 exports of weapons and equipment.

Not only is it equipped with a huge number of 359 tanks, but also Feidan-359 short-range defense system, super-7A fighters, a large number of ground red flag tactical missiles, individual anti-aircraft missiles, individual anti-tank missiles… The consumption during the Iran-Iraq war has increased a lot of strength.

40 Soviet MiG-29s are also in place, and you may get more before the war…

As the third military power in the world, the Iraqi army may be even more swollen.

It is entirely possible that Silly Damu will start the war ahead of time, and it does not require much energy to clean up Kuwait.

Therefore, he cannot guarantee that history will happen as normal.

After entering 90 years, Xie Kai is even more anxious.

Not even paying attention to the domestic technical cooperation projects with the Soviet Union and the United States, and has been watching the progress of the negotiations between Iraq and Kuwait on territorial and oil.

But domestic news is lagging behind, and many things are kept secret, and it is not easy to figure out.

Xie Kai, who is getting more and more anxious, can’t calm down at all.

At the end of last year, the Berlin Wall was overthrown and the two Germanys were reunited.

Xie Kai breathed a sigh of relief when the time of the historical event did not change.

The Americans also launched an invasion of Panama at the end of the year, and declared the war over in just 15 days…

All these prove to Xie Kai that history has not changed.

After entering 90 years, the closer to that time, the more anxious Xie Kai is, afraid of problems.

The situation has changed a lot.

Even the United States and the Soviet Union have changed many policies because of his existence.

Originally in history, the Americans have now suspended their technical cooperation with China. Not only have they not stopped, they have expanded their technical cooperation.

404 is waiting for the outbreak of the Gulf War, and when the international oil price is soaring, make a living from the international investment market.(Read more @

The country paid for the purchase of technology from the Soviet Union and the United States, but when the technology was digested, the funds were extremely scarce.

Now, Xie Kai is not the only one expecting Iraq to take action on Kuwait.

There are also high-level Americans.

United States, White House.

The president looked at his senior officials again.

“The Iraqi government is constantly protesting the expansion of our rights in the Gulf region, which has seriously affected our national interests… Once Iraq and Kuwait succeed in the negotiations and the two sides reach an agreement, global oil prices will rise sharply. It will be a slow-growing economy for the United States. Bringing an immeasurable and serious impact…”

Lawn White, the White House’s senior economic adviser, is reporting to the president and senior government officials the severe impact on the U.S. economy.

With the end of the Iran-Iraq War, Iraq is rapidly regaining its strength, becoming stronger and stronger, and has been constantly challenging US interests in the Middle East.

Once the negotiations between Iraq and Kuwait are successful, the two countries that control more than 40% of the oil in the Gulf region are fully capable of causing global oil prices to rise sharply.

It will deal a very heavy blow to the already weak economy of the United States.

“It is reported that Saudi Arabia will also support cooperation between the two sides. Once Saudi Arabia joins, international oil prices will rise even more severely, which is not in line with my country’s economic development… According to the analysis of experts, oil is maintained at about US per barrel. Conducive to our economic development…”

Lawn White continued the introduction.

As the President’s economic adviser, he is very worried about the possible increase in oil prices.

Secretary of Defense Fircon looked at the president, “Congress is studying the reduction of the defense budget. If a resolution is passed, the military will face a very difficult situation in the future… Maybe we can find a chance to beat Iraq…”

The current situation is very unfavorable for the US military.

Congress feels that military expenditures are increasing, which is already unbearable for the US government, which is already in recession and the fiscal deficit is expanding.

As relations with the Soviet Union eased, the US Congress naturally did not want to continue to invest money in military spending.

Cutting the defense budget is the dream of countless taxpayers and politicians in the United States.

This is unacceptable to the US military and domestic weapons and equipment production and suppliers.

American equipment needs to continue to be upgraded.

How can Congress actually want to reduce military expenditures?

The president looked at his core staff and fell silent.

The defense suppliers who supported his rise to power are also worried about Congress cutting the defense budget. The giants of the arms companies have put a lot of pressure on the president.

The only thing that can make Congress change its mind is to start a war!

“The fall of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of the two Germanys may be an opportunity… Kuwait and Iraq have always had territorial disputes… Once Iraq launches an invasion of Kuwait, we, who have a military agreement with Kuwait, have every reason to help them regain their land. …”

A consultant said gloomily.

Everyone thinks this method is very good.

Subsequently, the President left with Secretary of State James Edison Baker, and the two had a close conversation for a while.

Iraq has now made all kinds of preparations, and the procurement of weapons and equipment has worried the United States.

Iraq does not start a war, and the United States wants to intervene without justified reasons.

If the United States has no reason to start a war against the Middle East countries, it is absolutely impossible to launch an invasion war against Panama.

Panama has only one canal.

The oil in the Middle East is related to the lifeline of the world economy.

As long as Iraq invades Kuwait or Saudi Arabia, the United States can help countries such as Saudi Arabia or Kuwait that have signed military mutual assistance agreements with the United States, safeguard the sovereignty of the invaded country, and send troops directly to the war.

“Only through a large-scale war can the Ministry of Defense get more budget. The Iraqis must be prompted to start with Kuwait…”

The Secretary of Defense Fircon also had the same idea.

The President did not know how he did not know. After he came down, in order to prevent the military from cutting its defense budget from starting to conspire, it was necessary to find ways to prevent Congress from cutting its already tight military budget.

Only when American interests are threatened in the face of war will Congress approve the appropriation of more military spending.

The Soviet Union is completely dead.

Actually, it’s not the same as before to challenge the United States.

The fighter planes are not as advanced as the United States. Although they have engaged in aircraft carriers, there are more than ten battle groups of American aircraft carriers…

On December 20 last year, the US military launched a war against Panama.

At that time, it was not only to safeguard the rights and interests of the United States in the Panama Canal, but also to force Congress not to cut military expenditures.

As a result, the strength of the Panamanian National Defense Forces was too weak, and the war did not last for a few days at all.

Even at the very beginning, Noriega commanded the Panamanian military forces to resist the U.S. forces, but from the outbreak of the war, Panama lost its ability to organize resistance in just eight hours.

Fifteen hours after the war, the US military had controlled most of Panama’s military camps and overthrew the Noriega government.

In the end, until 8:48 pm on January 3, 1990, Noriega surrendered to the U.S. military, and the war ended.

But the entire war only took 15 days, and the cost was only a few billion dollars. It was impossible to persuade Congress not to cut military expenditures…

Before the war, the US military only sent 27,000 combat troops to make the war more difficult.

However, with excellent equipment and poor training of the Panamanian army, this war did not achieve the goals of the US military.

Instead, Congress feels that the U.S. military is already the best military in the world.

Now use this as an excuse to prepare to drastically cut military expenditures.

Now, the only suitable opponent for the US military is Iraq.

Silly Damu has always believed that Iraq is the third largest military power in the world, and its ambitions have greatly affected the interests of the United States in the Gulf region.

This is a stumbling block.

The eight-year-long Iran-Iraq War has weakened the Iraqi economy and destroyed oil fields.

Iraq owes tens of billions of dollars in foreign debt. Not only does it need funds to restore its oilfields, it also has to repay its foreign debt… Iraq’s oil production is not enough, so naturally there is not much money.

Kuwait has been asking Kuwait to reduce oil production and providing Iraq with funding support for post-war reconstruction and so on.

The Iraqis are harming the national interests of the United States.

As oil prices rise, the most seriously injured is the United States, the largest oil importer.

Fighting Iraq is the most suitable choice for the US military.

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