Chapter 1470

Kuwait is not a military power in the first place, and because of its lack of armed forces, it does not have a lot of heavy artillery.

The anti-tank guns deployed along the border were all delivered urgently.

The artillery hasn’t received much training at all, so the accuracy is not very good.

For the T-72 tank with thick skin and flesh, the 12.7mm bullet of the heavy machine gun has no power at all, let alone penetrate the heavy frontal armor of the tank.

The Iraqi army has rich combat experience. The front tank is covering the weakly protected armored vehicles at the back, and there is almost no infantry action on the ground.

As for the armored vehicles, even if they were faster, they did not rush forward, but kept following closely behind the tanks.

Let the tank help them block the attack.


The tank in the front was firing continuously.

The anti-tank gun positions and machine gun firepower points exposed on Kuwait’s defensive positions were constantly overturned and destroyed by the sound of non-stop explosions…

Every time a shell explodes, a huge cloud of dust will be lifted, taking the lives of several Kuwaiti soldiers.

Facing the charge of the tank group, the positional defense is completely powerless.

Even if many anti-tank trenches were dug in front of the positions, they could not stop the advancement of the Iraqi armored forces at all.

What makes the Kuwaiti desperate is that in the attacking Iraqi tank unit, there are actually excavators transformed from tanks with the same brown and yellow desert camouflage paint!

These engineering tanks, under the cover of the main battle tank’s continuous gun advance, quickly advanced to the front of the first anti-tank trench, and quickly filled the trench with the front bucket…

Continue, the anti-tank trench will not have any effect.

Imrad hid behind the fortifications, watched the opponent’s engineering tanks appear, and immediately roared: “Quick! Get rid of those engineering tanks for me. You can’t let them continue to fill the anti-tank trenches!”

But the Kuwaiti have few anti-tank rocket launchers in their hands, and they don’t have many heavy weapons to stop the opponent from advancing.

Only rocket launchers and anti-tank missiles can solve these engineering vehicles.

So far, no anti-tank missile has been launched from Kuwait.

There were a lot of anti-tank missiles dispatched urgently, but because it took a short time to mobilize them, many soldiers only learned theoretical operations from the instructions and have not yet conducted practical operations.

“Sky Arrow, use Sky Arrow. Use anti-tank missiles from China!”

Najnon was also anxious.

After only a few minutes of fighting, most of the defensive firepower points of the entire position were removed.

The only thing that can stop the assault of the Iraqi armored group is the anti-tank trench.

If they continue to fill in, within a few minutes, they can only use flesh and blood to resist the tanks and armored vehicles of the Iraqis.

At that time, Kuwaiti soldiers could not stop the armored cluster at all.

In Kuwait, there are less than 100 tanks, and the number of armored vehicles is almost the same.

These armored forces are deployed in the rear defense, ready to be used at a crisis, and it is impossible to mobilize to the border.

It is impossible to use hundreds of tanks to resist the impact of hundreds or even thousands of tanks from Iraq.

What’s more, Kuwait is equipped with the retired M68 Patton tank from the United States, which does not have the ability to block one hundred.

With a team of soldiers, Jike quickly delivered anti-tank missiles to the frontline fighters, braving the gunfire of the Iraqis.

The Kuwaiti army, which had never experienced war before, at this time, some soldiers were so scared that they even forgot to fire their guns; some soldiers were holding their guns at the Iraqi armored cluster one or two kilometers away; some soldiers had even fired their guns. The bullets in the light magazines, but they still squeeze the trigger firmly, and the guns continued to reciprocate, making a “click, click” empty machine sound. Under such circumstances, the Kuwaiti soldiers still didn’t know how to replace the magazine…

“Imrad, immediately rectify all the soldiers. Everyone is in a daze. They are frightened by the war. They need the command of the commander…”

Major Najnon yelled at Imrad next to him, and then approached the soldiers not far from him, holding a Sky Arrow anti-tank missile, and staring at the Iraqi tanks that were bombarding positions in the distance. go with.

The soldier was frightened and stupefied, or something. The anti-tank missile launcher was held in his hand, and he did not make any launch actions.

Even though Major Najnon, known as the tyrant, ran towards him, the soldier still did not respond.


When Najnon was only a few meters away from the soldier, the soldier’s head burst like a watermelon.

Red and white, spilled all over the floor.

The yellow sand on the ground was instantly soaked with blood.(Read more @

Nagnon’s throat shook for a while, and his stomach instantly turned overwhelmed.

Almost spit it out.

“Sniper! Take care to avoid… the damn Iraqis, their snipers are coming up too.”

Nagnon lowered his body and snarled at the surroundings.

He had never experienced the situation before him, but he knew how to deal with it.

The entire Kuwaiti army has never faced such a situation…

The Iraqi army has rich combat experience. The tanks are brought forward with armored vehicles, and the armored vehicles will carry infantry accompanying the tanks.

The infantry is also equipped with a sniper.

The main combat mission of the sniper is to help the armored vehicles clear the surrounding hidden firepower points and remove the threat.

On the Kuwait side, the situation on the entire defense line is in chaos.

The continuous anti-tank trench not far from the Kuwaiti defense line is being quickly filled by engineering tanks in the Iraqi armored forces.

In just three minutes, Iraq’s engineering tanks have filled two anti-tank trenches.

Seeing that the anti-tank trench can’t stop the enemy for long, once the armored vehicle crosses the anti-tank trench, the entire line of defense will completely collapse.

Kuwait will not be able to stop Iraq’s offensive.

Najnon had no longer cared about the ups and downs in his stomach. He endured his discomfort and crawled towards the corpse of the soldier whose head was shattered.

There, there is an anti-tank missile.

He can only hope that these anti-tank missiles will work.

Around, the shells continued to drag down with a stern whistling sound, throwing up patches of dust.

The fire when the shell exploded constantly flashed.

The Iraqi tanks are still roaring, the muzzle of fire is constantly flashing, and the Kuwait line of defense is constantly being lifted up by clouds of smoke, leaving behind huge black craters with curling smoke…

On the entire line of defense, counterattacks rarely occur.

The anti-tank artillery fire and heavy machine gun firepower that counterattacked at the beginning were just a few minutes away, and there was no movement at all.

Finally, Najnon got the anti-tank missile that had been installed in the launch tube.

The first time I got the missile launch tube, I didn’t even care to wipe off the blood and dirt on the launch tube.

Kneel directly on the ground, praying for God’s blessing.

Afterwards, Nagnon quickly squatted on the ground, put the launch tube on his shoulder according to the instructions, and turned on the aiming device…

Follow the instructions he wrote down and start the operation.

The operation was very unfamiliar at first, and even how to find the target and how to lock it had to think about it for a while.

It’s too late to read the manual at this time.

What’s more, many things are not specifically introduced in the manual, and there is no instructor to teach them how to use it.

After several minutes of groping, the latest shell landed more than ten meters next to him. The mud made his head all over him, and he did not move.

Finally, Najinon pointed the red box on the display of the aiming device on the launch tube at a tank, quickly pressed the button, and the red cross head began to flash. There were two choices, especially Chinese characters.

Najnon didn’t understand the meaning of Chinese characters at all, so he directly clicked on the second option, which is more convenient.

If he knows Chinese characters, he knows that these two characters are called “Gongding”.

Time is already very urgent, and he can’t care about anything else. After knowing to lock the target, he pulled the trigger without hesitation.


With a slight noise, a slender missile popped out of the launch tube.

After the missile broke away from the launch tube, it made a “boom~”, and a ball of flame was ejected from its tail, and it flew quickly toward the distance.

After Najnon fired the missile, he kept his eyes fixed on it.

What made him desperate was that the missile flew towards the sky after leaving the launch tube.

“Damn the Chinese, you actually sell such rubbish to deceive us. Lao Tzu is going to fight tanks, not planes…”

Najnon is about to cry.

Damn the Chinese, deceived the Kuwaiti Ministry of Defense!

Where can a missile flying into the sky hit a tank?

In Najinon’s memory, only anti-aircraft missiles flew into the sky.

Najnon looked at the missile still flying upwards, crying.

The sound of guns around has nothing to do with him.

The damn Chinese, selling fakes, so that the entire Kuwaiti defense line does not have any heavy weapons to withstand the iron torrent of the Iraqis…

The anti-tank missiles that the Chinese boast so much are actually rubbish.

Fortunately, Prince Warhead still placed great hopes on this.

“An anti-tank missile is sold by the Chinese for 180,000 U.S. dollars, a 50% increase in price, and a missile reaches 270,000 U.S. dollars… Such an expensive missile will fly into the sky when hitting a tank, huh…”

Najnon became dull all over.

He took out the gun from his waist and prepared to solve himself at the last moment.

But at this time, he was surprised to find that the missile in the sky had actually begun to turn around.

The missile originally flew into the sky, but when it reached a certain height, it suddenly adjusted its posture and began to dive down.

The warhead is down, and the flame-bending tail is up, as if falling from the sky.

Under the acceleration of gravity and the full work of the engine, the missile made a sharp sound of breaking through the air, and only the white smoke left at the tail could still see its trajectory.

A beautiful broken line was left in the sky.

“Hoo~ son~”

The stern sound of breaking through the air resounded through the battlefield, covering up the rumble of artillery fire…

On the Kuwaiti border, countless Kuwaiti fighters who were beaten up and hid behind the fortifications praying to God to save them, saw a magical scene with their own eyes-a missile flew out from the position, first flew obliquely to the sky, and then Turning instantly at a position hundreds of meters or higher above a tank, it fell straight, producing a piercing sound.


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