Chapter 1487

The avant-garde air defense missile on the top launcher ignited at the moment the launch button was pressed. Several missiles were ignited almost at the same time, separated from the launcher, and rushed toward the fighter plane flying in the direction of the palace.


The fighter plane has adjusted its flight attitude, and is about to press the launch button to shoot the three MiG-29s in the Royal Palace of Kuwait with the cannon. At this moment, the lock reminder sounded almost at the same time.

“Anti-aircraft missile! Pull up! Pull up!”

A pilot cried out in horror.

Regardless of launching cannonballs at the Royal Palace of Kuwait, he quickly pulled up the joystick, trying to escape from this area.

The damn Kuwaitis deliberately lured them.

The Kuwaiti had anti-aircraft missiles arranged around the palace.

Every MiG-29 is locked by two to three anti-aircraft missiles almost at the same time, which makes their pilots go crazy…

No matter how hard the pilots work hard, the MiG-29 cannot pull up quickly at this moment.

They are flying too low.

Low enough to see people on the ground.

Some sharp-eyed pilots followed the trail of white smoke left after the missile was launched, and could even see the location of the unfolded Flying Shield-359 missile launch vehicle on the ground.

Even if they found out, the weapons and ammunition they carried had no ground attack missiles except for the cannon.

The Tikrit Division’s air force only needs to deal with the Kuwait Air Force.

But now, people’s ground air defense firepower is exposed. What else can they do besides calling their friendly forces to bomb them?

There is even no way to call for support from friendly forces.

All the pilots can only watch.

Because before the ground air defense system launched the missile, almost all MiG-29s were introduced into the range of the Feidun-359 air defense system near the palace.

As the first launched missile lifted into the air, a large number of missiles were continuously launched.

Some Feidun-359 operating officers kept pressing the launch button, and within a short period of time, they all launched more than a dozen air defense missiles on the entire missile launcher.

Kuwait lacks in training officers and soldiers to operate air defense systems, and they don’t even know that this is a weapon for precision strikes.

One missile, $150,000!

Now defending the capital, no one will consider the question of how much money.

Money, that should be considered by the government, not by soldiers.

All officers and soldiers of Kuwait’s air defense system now have only one consideration-to kill all enemy aircraft that invade their country’s airspace.

As long as the system reminds to lock, these officers and soldiers who have not undergone too much training will not choose the target at all, but directly press the OK button to let the missile launch like this.

In the eyes of these Kuwaiti air defense officers and soldiers who have not undergone much training and only learn basic operations, they only need to launch the missiles.

One missile cannot produce an effect, so use more missiles to kill the invading fighter.

The Flying Shield-359 scattered on the ground continued to fly towards the MiG-29 that was fleeing in the sky.

The MiG-29 pilots in the air were almost desperate.

The damn Kuwaitis led them into the encirclement. The ground-based anti-aircraft missile launch system confined them to a narrow encirclement. If they wanted to escape, there would be missiles launched immediately.

“Asshole, these damn Kuwaitis, do they think this is an anti-aircraft shell? They fired so many!”

In the small area in the sky, the MiG-29 pilot, who was initially locked by the ground-based air defense missile, roared.

Damn the Kuwaiti, there were hundreds of anti-aircraft missiles scurrying in this airspace in just an instant. These missiles have self-guided functions and can choose the best target in the air to chase.

The MiG-29’s system kept beeping the reminder that it was locked.

The pilot did not even care about how many anti-aircraft missiles were locked.

They can only continuously evade these air defense missiles that are chasing afterwards.

“Boom boom boom…”

Seeing that a missile was about to catch up with this MiG-29, the pilot thought quickly and found that there was no way to avoid it, and finally released all the last decoys.


The missile chasing not far behind exploded directly in the area of ​​the decoy bomb.

But the MiG-29 pilot who evaded a missile could not relax at all.

and also!

At least three missiles are locked to this MiG-29.

The pilot was even desperate.

They had never encountered such a situation before when they were at war with the Persians.

At that time, the Persians only used warplanes to intercept. The ground was at most with anti-aircraft guns, and occasionally some surface-to-air missiles appeared. There were simply not so many anti-aircraft missiles launched in such a small area.

Anti-aircraft missiles are not anti-aircraft artillery shells.(Read more @

These things will chase the fighters.

Either burn up the fuel and self-destruct, or kill the target…

Absolutely immortal…

“Stop the attack and move immediately!”

Seeing that hundreds of avant-garde air defense missiles were launched, the commander immediately issued an order.

Let these flying shield-359 that are in an attacking state quickly switch positions.

There are not only MiG-29s in the air, but also Super-7A. The Iraqis’ Super-7A is in the outer area.

Once these fighters raided, Feidun-359 could not hold it at all.

Feidun-359 consumes missiles too fast.

If you continue to launch, a set of system-loaded missiles can be launched in only 8 seconds…


The MiG-29 pilot, who was chased by three missiles, had superb skills. He just used a roller maneuver to dodge an air defense missile chasing behind him. Seeing that the other two missiles were chasing, they rolled and avoided again. But from the side, a missile chasing another fighter jet changed its target and hit the fuel tank.


The pilot ejected instantly.

The entire air is chaotic.

The pilots of the Tikrit Division were all drawn from the air force.

But they found that no matter how exquisite technology and rich experience, there is no way.

Ground air defense missiles are launched desperately as if they don’t need money.

Everyone knows that this is a precision-guided missile, not an anti-aircraft artillery shell that uses a number of barrage to strike air targets.

The Iraqi pilots were almost desperate enough to cry.

It is not only the Iraqi pilots who are desperate, but also Kuwait’s own pilots.

“Asshole, why do you fire missiles at us? Go chasing the enemy!”

The pilot of an A-4 attack plane roared in tears.

Two of the anti-aircraft missiles launched by them themselves were chasing him.

damn it!

These missiles do not argue with the enemy. They not only fight the Iraqi invasion fighters, but also fight the fighters they defend.

They have persisted until now, and have not been shot down by Iraq’s invading fighters, but now they are facing the pursuit of launching missiles by themselves.

With the flexibility of the A-4, which is not originally designed for air combat, it is almost impossible to avoid these air defense missiles, which are so coquettishly moving.

“These missiles are attacking our own fighters?”

Prince Fahad, who was standing in an open space in the palace staring at the sky, looked stunned.

Are these Kuwait air defense officers and soldiers frightened?

We are both foe and foe.

“Asshole, I let you attack the Iraqi fighters, not our own air force!”

The prince called the air defense commander.

The commander was helpless.

“His Royal Highness, these defense systems do not have an identification friend or foe system… After those missiles are launched, we can’t control them. We can only remotely control these missiles to self-destruct…”

They are not familiar with the operation of this air defense system at all.

It doesn’t take long for the equipment to come back.

Even if they are taught by Saudis, there is no way to get acquainted with them quickly.

There is no identification friend or foe system, officers and soldiers who are already anxious and red-eyed, as long as the system reminds that the target has been locked, they will press the confirm button to launch the missile.

It doesn’t even care whether these targets are already being chased by missiles.

The officers and soldiers just press the launch button.



Two more missiles hit the target.

One MiG-29, one A-4 attack aircraft.

“Then give me self-destruction of the missiles that attacked our fighters!”

The prince’s heart was bleeding.

Kuwait has established an air force for more than ten years, and in such a short while, only seven are left.

Continuing on, the remaining seven A-4 attack planes will all be killed by their own missiles.

The officers and soldiers of Feidun-359 who had already begun to transfer could not tell which missiles were pursuing the missiles of their own fighters.

You can only guess based on your feelings and the flight trajectory displayed by the radar, and then detonate some anti-aircraft missiles based on your feelings.



A series of missiles suddenly exploded in the air.

Some were chasing missiles behind the A-4 attack aircraft, while others were detonated following the MiG-29 missiles.

These missiles have been chasing behind all fighters, whether they are Kuwaiti or Iraqi pilots, cursing the air defense forces on the ground while quickly evading them. At this moment, the opposing sides, even if they get a favorable attack position, did not. Fire at the enemy.

A slight negligence will be hit by an anti-aircraft missile.


The Kuwaiti did not expect that when these missiles were detonated, two MiG-29 fighters fleeing indiscriminately were affected by debris from the self-destruction of the missile warhead.

One volley exploded, and the other swayed and fell to the palace with billowing black smoke…


The MiG-29 smashed heavily on a building in the palace, which collapsed in an instant, and eventually turned into a pile of rubble.

“His Royal Highness…”

The shock wave of the explosion almost overturned Prince Fahd.

“Immediately organize fire fighting!”

Regardless of his comfort, the prince asked his men to immediately stop the fire fighting.

“Order all pilots, eject, and give up the fighter plane!”

Seeing that there are not a few Kuwaiti fighters left, the prince can only give orders.

As long as you have money, you can buy warplanes.

You can buy as much as you want.

Pilot training requires too much time and cannot be solved with money.

As long as the pilots are there, the Kuwaiti Air Force can quickly rebuild and quickly form combat effectiveness.

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