Chapter 1490

The remaining Super-7A prepared for evacuation in the first time.

After climbing quickly and vertically, he constantly used various maneuvers to avoid air defense missiles chasing from all directions of the palace.

As Lieutenant Colonel Mufatas, who attracted the Kuwaiti ground air defense firepower from the beginning, the Super-7A fighter he was driving was targeted by more targets at this moment.

Both the Kuwaiti air defense commander and Prince Fahd gave orders to die.

Other goals can be ignored. The most coquettish and dazzling Iraqi fighter plane must be defeated.

It is not easy to train a good pilot, which is known to any country.

From the maneuvers of this fighter, it can be seen that the pilot of this fighter is absolutely experienced.

Those who fight are experienced.

“Asshole! Don’t chase after me!”

Lieutenant Colonel Mufatas became angry now.

The damn Kuwaitis actually fired missiles at him.

Around the Super-7A he was driving, at least seven anti-aircraft missiles locked his fighter plane.

The nearest one at the back was only a few hundred meters away from the fighter.

How to circumvent this special?

More terrifying than walking on the tip of a knife.

Seeing no anti-aircraft missiles appeared in the front, no one can guarantee that the ground will suddenly launch anti-aircraft missiles to fill this area, and Mufatas can’t take care of that much.

At this time, if you don’t evade, you can only be shot down by the air defense missile chasing behind.

As a pilot with more than four thousand flight hours, Lieutenant Colonel Mufatas made a decision in an instant.

The joystick was pushed forward violently, and the fighter jet’s nose fell down instantly and quickly dived toward the ground.

It seemed that the missile was about to catch up with the fighter plane. When the fighter plane dived down, it still maintained its original flight attitude. After flying forward for a certain distance, it adjusted its attitude and chased the fighter plane below.

The Super-7A dived down at high speed, seeing that it was about to hit the ground, Lieutenant Colonel Mufatas gritted his teeth and pulled the joystick to make the fighter level forward.


The missile that was the closest behind had no time to turn around and hit the ground and exploded.

The other missiles are also at a certain distance from the Super-7A of Lieutenant Colonel Mufatas.

This made Lieutenant Colonel Mufatas a little easier.

The Super-7A, which was flying almost close to the ground, was flying at an extremely fast speed. Seeing that there was a Flying Shield-359 parked in front of Lieutenant Colonel Mufatas, he locked and fired.

“Boom boom boom~”


A series of shells landed on Feidun-359, and the US$15 million air defense system was blown up.

Destroying a flying shield-359, Lieutenant Colonel Mufatas prepared to climb the height, and then evacuated.

Not far in front of him, a Kuwaiti lieutenant half kneeled on the roof, watching the fighter plane fly in, and squeezed the trigger severely.

Before that, he had already locked the opponent, waiting for the best launch time.


Mufatas saw a missile rushing quickly from a place less than a kilometer in front, and his whole body shuddered, and the fighter almost fell.

With a wealth of operating experience, Mufatas subconsciously pulled up the joystick and opened the afterburner, allowing the fighter to climb vertically violently.


At this time, another anti-aircraft missile flew towards the belly of the plane not far from the side!


Lieutenant Colonel Mufatas was desperate.

He never thought that one day in his career as a pilot would cause so many anti-aircraft missiles to chase him.

From the beginning to the present, the missiles he has evaded, plus the missiles he is still chasing, total more than 20.

Right now, a missile flew towards him from the side and was very close to him. At this moment, he was preparing to make a head-up maneuver to climb vertically. At this moment, another missile flew straight into the belly of the plane from the side.

The two missiles are too close to dodge.

In the other direction, several missiles that had been chasing the fighter plane also caught up.

If you want to evade, you can only move downwards, but once an evasive action is made, the fighter will lose its height and cannot level it again because it is too close to the ground.

If you don’t evade, you will be hit.

In this case, Lieutenant Colonel Mufatas had no choice.(Read more @

A mortal game!

In an instant, he made up his mind.

Even if you die, you can’t make the Kuwaiti cheap.

Pull the joystick again quickly to make the fighter spin backwards, and instantly it will fly upside down.

Ignoring the chasing missiles, the fighter plane was operated in this way and directly hit a building next to the Kuwaiti Royal Palace.

Seeing that the distance was getting lower and lower, Mufatas ejected himself.


When the missile was about to hit the Super-7A fighter, the fighter hit the palace building and exploded in the air.

“Boom boom boom~”

A series of missiles hit this building…

The other super-7A, after Lieutenant Colonel Mufatas attracted most of the firepower, quickly used its super mobility to get rid of the pursuit of air defense missiles and went away.

Prince Fahad looked at these fleeing fighters, his face was blue.

“Catch those pilots! Rebels, kill them!”

He saw the coquettish fighter pilot eject.

All 12 MiG-29s were defeated, and the 12 Super-7A fighters lost 7 and the remaining 5 fled…

The Kuwaiti did not want such a result.

They also suffered even greater losses, and even part of the palace was destroyed…

The Super-7A of Lieutenant Colonel Mufatas eventually crashed, but the Kuwaiti hated him even more.

His fighter was not shot down by anti-aircraft missiles, but he finally chose to hit the ground.

Rao is that the other fighters have already left. The super maneuverability demonstrated by the Super-7A in the air, as well as the coquettish flight attitude and trajectory, also left an indelible impression on all the Kuwaiti people I saw.

The air defense commander breathed a sigh of relief, and these damned fighters finally disappeared.

If there is another batch of fighters, the air defense system that has already hit air missiles will no longer be able to withstand the threat from the air.

This batch of fighters is much more flexible than the previous batch of MiG-29 fighters that entered the sky above the palace.

The six fighters that were shot down consumed hundreds of anti-aircraft missiles.

Feidun-359, which has not been destroyed, has not much ammunition in the bomb bay.

The air defense alarm in Kuwait City did not disappear with the departure of the Iraqi fighter plane, but sounded even more sternly.

“Immediately replenish the flying shield-359 ammunition and issue all anti-aircraft missiles to the troops.”

Prince Fahd requested that the missiles used by the Feidun-359 in stock be issued to the air defense soldiers who have destroyed the ammunition and only have the launch tube in their hands.

The missile used by Feidun-359 is no different from that of the Qianwei single-man portable air defense missile.

The difference between the two is the launch method.

In order to further strengthen the air defense force, the prince can only order the Feidun-359 stock missiles to be issued to the air defense forces.

Only in this way can the air defense force of Kuwait City be stronger.

The Feidun-359 radar system lock is much stronger than manual lock, and the launch system consumes missiles too fast and can’t resist it at all.

Doing so can at least expand the defense area.

After giving the order, Prince Fahd issued another order to the staff nearby: “Contact Samak immediately and ask him to negotiate with the Chinese about the introduction of fighter aircraft. The Kuwaiti Air Force needs such fighters to defend its airspace…”

Prince Fahd had seen the Super-7A fighter flight performance at the Paris Air Show, but felt that the ammunition load was too small to suit the development needs of the Kuwait Air Force.

The Super-7A fighter pilots pioneered the dragon’s head-up maneuver, which shocked all audiences.

Many people think that this kind of maneuver has no actual combat effect.

Over the Kuwaiti Royal Palace, the Iraqis constantly used the dragon’s head-up maneuver to evade the siege of anti-aircraft missiles launched by the Kuwaiti army, and caused heavy losses to Kuwait.

Prince Fahd naturally believed what he saw.

This type of fighter is used to control the air, and for Kuwait, it is far more effective than a fighter with a more comprehensive combat capability.

Kuwait urgently needs this flexible fighter to strengthen its air defense capabilities.

“His Royal Highness, the Iraqi bomber unit is about to arrive under the protection of fighters. Please go to the underground bunker immediately.”

Prince Fahd did not refuse.

Entering the underground bunker was not because he was afraid of death.

In Kuwait, members of the royal family are needed to command the entire army to resist the invasion of Iraqis.

When the king persuaded, the prince also used the same reason.

At the same time, the prince ordered all the troops to avoid air strikes, and Feidun-359 was hidden, looking for opportunities to attack enemy fighters.

Most of the Feidun-359 air defense missiles have been empty and are waiting to be supplemented.

When Samarko purchased Feidun-359, because the 404’s own ammunition base was not enough, Samarko couldn’t help it even if it wanted to purchase more.

Except for the dozens of missiles it carries, each Feidun-359 only has less than a base ammunition reserve.

In the face of large-scale bombing by the Iraqi Air Force, there is simply no way to preserve strength without being damaged.

As long as the air defense firepower is exposed, it will be bombarded by the Iraqi Air Force.

Now it is necessary to preserve the air defense missile system with little combat effectiveness, and after the ammunition is replenished, the Iraqi fighters can be sneaked on.


The air defense sirens in Kuwait City sounded more sternly.

On the ground, it can already be clearly seen that a large black spot appears in the distant sky, and these black spots are constantly zooming in.

All Iraqi bombers!

Iraq launched a general offensive on Kuwait.

The air defense capability was almost completely destroyed. In the face of Iraq’s large-scale air strikes, Kuwait City can only indulge in the bombing of Iraqi warplanes.

Countless people hid at home and prayed, praying that the damned Iraqis would not bomb civilians.

“Boom! Boom! Boom…”

The explosion sounded continuously in Kuwait City.

Soon, the whole city was lit up with raging fires and billowing smoke.

For a time, the explosion sounded throughout Kuwait City.

On Highway 80, the Iraqi armored forces began to rapidly advance towards Kuwait City.

Under the cover of the Mi-24 gunship, dozens of 359 tanks of the Youth Officer Corps moved forward quickly and soon caught up with the T72 tank unit in front.

After learning that the tanks of the Youth Officer Corps had caught up, Colonel Tillard immediately ordered the troops to speed up.

“Immediately speed up and rush to Kuwait City at the fastest speed, and we must not let the young officer corps surpass us!”

Even if there were less than 20 tanks left in his hand, Tillard was unwilling to give up the first opportunity to enter Kuwait City to the young officers and corps.

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