Chapter 1492

Three hours after the war, when the Iraqi army had already encircled Kuwait City, Sha Damu gave a public televised speech to Iraq and the whole world.

He disclosed to the world his secret conversation with April Glaspi.

Tell the world that although it was Iraq that started the war, it was the Kuwaiti royal family that really caused the war. Kuwait kept stealing oil from Iraq and increasing oil production in preparation to destroy the Iraqi economy.

At the same time, tell the world that their war is just.

The U.S. government has stated that this is an internal contradiction in the Arab world…

In addition, Silly Damu showed evidence to the foreign reporters present, a copy of the memo of the secret meeting between John Otto, the head of the US CIA, and the head of the Kuwaiti agent.

At the same time, the recording of his secret conversation with April Glaspi was released to the world…

All that Silly Damu did was to tell the world that Kuwait was too much, and that Iraq had to start the war after receiving the support of the United States in order to defend its rights and interests.

The whole world was in an uproar.

Soon after Sha Damu made a public television speech, the Soviet ambassador to Iraq Ditnikov hurriedly found Sha Damu.

The Soviet ambassador reminded Silly Damu with a serious face: “Your Excellency, we hope you will immediately stop the invasion war… This is a conspiracy of the Americans. If it continues, it will have a serious impact on the entire Middle East. The Americans will use the opportunity to expand the Middle East. Scope of interests…”

Silly Damu didn’t expect that the Soviet Union would have such an attitude.

Immediately looked at Titnikov dissatisfiedly.

“Mr. Ambassador, I have already explained that it was not that we invaded Kuwait, but that Kuwait caused the war too much. We only wanted to safeguard national interests. Moreover, Kuwait was originally a part of Iraq. We just reclaimed the country and there is no invasion. .”

Silly Damu was very upset.

If he is under his own hands, he will definitely be killed.

But the other party is the Soviet ambassador.

“Your Excellency, this is not my personal request, but a request from the Soviet government. The Soviet government wants you to weigh your interests. Once it causes an invasion by the US army, it will be bad for anyone.”

Silly Damu frowned and looked at the Soviet ambassador in confusion.

“Ditnikov, once the United States enters the war, is the Soviet government ready to stand by and watch this matter?”

He thought that the Soviet government would continue to stand firmly on Iraq’s side once a war broke out.

Unexpectedly, the Soviet government would admit it before the United States went to war.

The Soviet Union is stunned!

What about the strong Soviet Union?

Is the Soviet Union preparing to abandon their allies in the Middle East?

Titnikov sighed.

The attitude of the government was also something he did not expect.

“Your Excellency, on behalf of the Soviet government, I advise you to stop the aggression immediately. Although for the Soviet Union, war in the Middle East and rising international oil prices are a good thing, the Soviet Union is unwilling to fight anyone… Once a war breaks out, the consequences are really disastrous!

After the Soviet ambassador left such a sentence, he left the president’s office.

Seeing Titnikov’s back, Saddam’s face was gloomy and dripping.

He really did not expect the attitude of the Soviets to be so determined.

Is there something wrong in the middle?

The Soviet Union negotiated with the United States?

Silly Damu has forgotten that the present Soviet Union is unable to protect itself, and its economic difficulties are so difficult that it can no longer pay the army.

There is even no money to pay for the fuel costs of tanks and fighters…

Soon, silly Damu convened a high-level meeting with his cronies to discuss how the Soviet Union would respond if it did not support them.

Kazim looked at the president with a face of helplessness.

He did not expect that his worries became a fact.

“Your Majesty, the Soviets have been defeated in the competition with the Americans… Their economy is very sluggish. Although the war started and the international oil rises sharply, it is good for the Soviet Union, but the situation in the Soviet Union is not due to the rise in international oil. It can be resolved. If we continue to compete with the United States, the Soviet Union cannot support…We were ruthlessly abandoned by the Soviet Union!”(Read more @

Kazim is a sensible man, but the president does not believe that the Soviets will abandon Iraq, a traditional close ally.

The president has always believed that the Soviets have nowhere to help them.

“It’s okay, the Americans dare not do anything to us! Didn’t the American ambassador make it clear? This is an internal conflict in the Arab world…”

The United States has not yet expressed its position.

In the end, Saddam could only pin his hopes on the Americans and publish the recording of the conversation with the American ambassador, which was also to force the American government to stand on their side.

At this moment, after April Glaspi spread the news back to China, the president immediately called his staff to a meeting after dispatching the aircraft carrier battle group.

Iraq launched a war against Kuwait and it moved forward very quickly.

Except for being blocked at the beginning of the attack, Kuwait City has been surrounded by now.

The satellites of the United States have been staring at it.

Kuwait is about to enter the night, and the United States is still morning.

“We must immediately prepare to send American troops to maintain peace and stability in the Middle East and ensure that national interests are not affected…”

The president has long wanted to do something against the Iraqis.

After waiting so long, the damn Iraqis finally made a move.

In the United States, the military has already been prepared for a long time, and their respective troops will be transported to the Middle East waiting for the war.

The U.S. Department of Defense began planning when Iraq began to send troops to the border.

Secretary of Defense Fircon looked at the President with a relaxed expression.

“President, please rest assured, the army is ready to be dispatched at any time…”

The president is very excited.

“This is a good opportunity for us to expand our interests in the Middle East, but we must not be too eager. Not only do we participate in the war, but we must also bring our allies to participate in the war, otherwise we will be accused of hegemonism… Our European allies are all importing from the Middle East. crude……”

Everyone else knows what the president’s purpose is.

As a result, it will be difficult for Congress to cut US military spending.

Deputy Minister of Defense Ansnio was anxiously reminding the excited military leaders: “Should we communicate with the Soviets? Iraq is a traditional ally of the Soviet Union. Once we do something against Iraq, the Soviets may My own interests also mobilize the army…”

Ansnio’s concerns are not unreasonable.

The Americans are unwilling to go to war with the Soviet Union.

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Faircon, the defense minister.

“Ansnio, you worry too much. The Soviets are simply unable to continue to fight against us. They haven’t even settled their own domestic affairs…Where can they still have the energy to intervene in Middle East affairs?”

The president also smiled.

“Ansrio, it is impossible for the Soviets to intervene in this matter, and they dare not start a war. Once a war breaks out with us, the collapsed economy of the Soviet Union will not be able to support it… Otherwise, the Berlin Wall will not be overthrown last year. It’s…”

The Soviet government became weaker and weaker.

Last year, the Berlin Wall was overthrown, and now, Sachu Germany is no longer part of Soviet control.

No one raised any more objections, after all, it took a long time to prepare.

If you don’t fight wars or mobilize the U.S. military on a large scale, which will consume more funds, Congress will soon approve a reduction in U.S. military spending.

In that case, the biggest loss is the Ministry of Defense.

Secretary of State James Addison Baker was a little embarrassed. “Iraqi President Silly Damu made a public speech, saying that we supported the invasion to start the war…”

“How can the outside world believe what he says? We should expose the ugly face of the fool to the international community. The Iraqis are clearly invading and occupying Kuwait’s oil fields… When has our government interfered in the internal affairs of the Arab world? The US government does not Interfere in their internal affairs, but you must safeguard the national interests of the United States!”

The secretary of state immediately understood what the president meant.

He planned the matter back then.

Before April Graspey’s mission, James Addison Baker personally recalled to talk secretly.

Now that the results have been seen, the U.S. troops that are ready are about to go to the Middle East.

Naturally, I won’t just give up like this.

“James, contact Saudi Arabia immediately and let him make arrangements.”

The United States has military bases in Saudi Arabia, but sending large-scale troops to the Middle East must use Saudi Arabia as a springboard.

Although Saudi Arabia has a good relationship with the United States, it must at least seek the consent of the Saudi government to send troops.

At this moment, the Middle East is already arguing.

King Jaber of Kuwait has arrived in Saudi Arabia and made a public televised speech in Saudi Arabia to the world.

The king personally condemned the invasion of Iraq to the whole world, pointing out that silly big wood was slander, and the Kuwaiti government has been committed to solving the problem through negotiations with Iraq.

It is the foolish Damu who disregarded the friendship of Arab brothers, disregarded world peace, deliberately launched wars, and caused great harm to the people and so on.

At the same time, the Kuwaiti royal family called on the United Nations to help Kuwait be the masters, and asked the United Nations to ask the silly army to withdraw from Kuwait immediately.

As the king of a small country, he can only hope that the United Nations will solve the problem.

After the speech, the king saw April Graspi again.

Looking at King Jabir, the American ambassador comforted him: “Your Majesty, please rest assured that the United States will never sit idly by. We will urge Saddam to retreat immediately. If he does not retreat, the U.S. military will help the peace of the Middle East. Fighting…”

Jabir looked at April Glaspi and wanted to slap the dead woman.

If it weren’t for her, how could Silly Damu go to war against them?

“Madam Ambassador, at the beginning, the U.S. government asked for further increase in oil production and lower oil prices, thus angering the Iraqis. Our country was occupied by the Iraqi army…”

The king is now clearly deceived by the Americans.

It is impossible for the Americans to help them regain the country.

April Glaspi didn’t care what he did.

As long as the mission is completed, American troops will reach the Middle East soon.

“Your Majesty, please rest assured that the Iraqi army will withdraw soon! If it does not, the US army will take action against them. The President has sent two aircraft carrier battle groups to the Middle East…”

Hearing the arrival of two US aircraft carrier battle groups, King Jaber was relieved.

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