Chapter 1505

Sergey did not guarantee that they were mercenaries.

Not a military commander.

What’s more, the combat effectiveness of Iraq’s domestic military is uneven.

“General, we belong to the special operations force, and we are not good at large-scale military confrontation and head-on confrontation… Special operations, also known as asymmetric operations… If you have business needs, we can recruit from the country with military command capabilities. Retired officer…”

When Kazim heard this, he was relieved immediately.

It is not that the Soviets are unwilling to help Iraq, but that the Soviets cannot help Iraq on the face of it.

This Ullah mercenary group separated from the river crab mercenary group is actually the secret support of the Soviets to Iraq.

Otherwise, Sergey could not guarantee that they could recruit mercenaries with military commanding talents from within the Soviet Union.

What the mercenaries do has nothing to do with the country where these soldiers originally served.

Sergey certainly did not represent the position of the Soviet government.

Hearing from Sergey that he could guarantee to help recruit various military commanders and various technical experts, Kazim was naturally relieved.

Kazim looked at Sergey and directly stated his needs.

“I need a group of mercenaries from the Soviet Union with advanced military command capabilities. Whether it is air force operations or ground armored group operations, they need to provide various opinions. Of course, special operations forces are also needed to help us obtain intelligence, etc…”

Seeing the embarrassment on Sergey’s face, Kazim said calmly: “In terms of price, it’s easy to say.”

Sergey looked at Kazim and shook his head with a smile on his face.

“General, it doesn’t matter what the price is, what we need is the opportunity to fight against the US imperialist enemy! Even if we don’t have money, as long as we provide us with enough weapons and ammunition, we will all accept your government’s employment… This is the Ullah Mercenary Corps The meaning of existence.”

The conflict with the members of the river crab mercenary group is getting more and more serious because of problems like Sergey and others.

They are Soviet soldiers.

Fight for the Soviet Union.

Fight against the enemies of the Soviet Union.

Kazim wouldn’t really be unwilling to give money, so he just stretched out his hand: “In this case, I wish us a happy cooperation. Please rest assured, the employment cost will definitely not be less…”

Sergey’s hand shook Kazim’s hand heavily.

Liao Dong and others knew very well that the Ullah Mercenary Corps separated from the River Crab Mercenary Corps had reached a cooperation agreement with Iraq, but they did not stop it.

Sergey told the news to the crab mercenary group and asked him to provide logistical support and intelligence support.

He also has another purpose, that is, he does not want the crab mercenary group to become their life and death enemies on the battlefield.

Liao Dong also did not refuse to provide support.

After the Iraqis and Sergey and others reached an agreement, Liao Dong did not expect that Saudi Arabia would actually send a special envoy to invite the head of the crab mercenary group to Saudi Arabia to talk to the Defense Minister Prince Sultan about cooperation between the two sides.

Saudi Arabia hopes to provide money for the crab mercenary group to help them defend against possible attacks by the Iraqi army.

Liao Dong attached great importance to this matter and went to Saudi Arabia in person.

“His Royal Highness, the Ullah mercenaries who were previously separated from the River Crab Mercenary Corps have accepted the employment of the Iraqi government…If we accept your country’s employment, we will turn against our former brothers. We don’t want to see this kind of thing…”

After understanding the situation, Liao Dong sighed.

The price given by Saudi Arabia is very attractive.

Sultan looked at Liao Dong and said, “Don’t worry about this, we know you. To hire you, you only need mercenaries to help complete some investigation tasks, provide intelligence support, train the army, check defense loopholes, and protect the safety of politicians. In terms of warfare , Your number is too small. Egypt will send one hundred thousand troops to help us defend against the Iraqi attack, while the Americans will send 240,000 troops, allied forces from the Western countries…So, you have little chance of fighting against the old Paoze on the battlefield. .”

The Chinese have always valued friendship.

Even if the Soviet mercenaries are separated, they will no longer be related to the river crab mercenaries, and may even become hostile parties on the battlefield.

Prince Sultan knew that these mercenaries from China would still value friendship.

They fought side by side with Soviet mercenaries and belonged to life and death.

Sultan naturally knew the attitude of the person in front of him.

Prince Sultan showed greatness. They weren’t trying to make the crab mercenary group and Soviet mercenaries fight to death on the battlefield.

Only mercenaries are needed to perform tasks that the coalition forces are unwilling to perform and the Saudi army cannot perform.

The combat power of the Saudi army made Prince Sultan reluctant to face it.

Liao Dong did not answer directly, but said to Prince Sultan: “His Royal Highness, I need to discuss this matter with the high level of the mercenary group.”(Read more @

Prince Sultan did not ask Liao Dong to reply to himself immediately.

Liao Dong knows that Saudi Arabia is generous in these aspects. He did not negotiate the price that Saudi Arabia is willing to give. Saudi Arabia gave 100 million US dollars as a guarantee. Others will be discussed depending on the difficulty of the task and the completion rate…

What worries Liao Dong the most at the moment is that fighting the Soviet mercenaries for their employers may cause the original brothers to fight to death on the battlefield.

The crab mercenary group did not want to fight.

The men of the mercenary regiment began to gradually abandon the war business.

Although they still help African governments to wipe out the anti-government forces, those anti-government forces have very poor combat effectiveness and are not considered combat in the true sense.

The main business of the mercenary group is to help African countries’ military combat capabilities and combat command training.

Neither Zhou Bin nor Luo Feng and others in the mercenary regiment were willing to go to the Middle East to fight.

Once a war between Saudi Arabia and Iraq breaks out, they will definitely be required to fight, and even in many cases they will be forced to fight.

No matter how well said before the cooperation, there are always surprises in the ever-changing battlefield.

“It’s best to ask Xie Kai’s opinion on this matter, he agrees, let’s do it.”

Zhou Bin, who had always been calm, saw that everyone was embarrassed and could only make such a suggestion.

Xie Kai doesn’t want everyone to continue working hard. The purpose of the mercenary group is to protect the interests of domestic investment companies in Africa and protect their safety.

Everyone can’t make a choice, so let Xie Kai, the boss behind the scenes, make the choice.

“Commander, he should really be asked his opinion on this matter. He doesn’t want the mercenary group to continue fighting. Although there are still frequent wars in Africa, we have been accepting combat operations. After all, the opponents we face are relatively weak…”

Everyone in the mercenary regiment knows that, except for the 32nd battalion of mercenaries, there are few armed forces in Africa that can fight against them.

Many anti-government armed forces in Africa do not even have heavy firepower. They are confronted head-on, and the anti-government armed forces are not opponents of the mercenary regiment at all.

It’s even harder to face the special operations that the mercenaries are good at.

Liao Dong nodded and said, “Then let people ask Xie Kai’s opinion.”

Unexpectedly, the high-level of the crab mercenary group had just sent people to find Xie Kai, and the new CIA director Sheldon Radillon came to the door in person.

“We hope that you can accept Saudi Arabia’s employment to help Saudi Arabia defend against possible Iraqi attacks…”

The CIA director said straightforwardly.

Liao Dongxu squinted his eyes and looked at the other party, “Mr. Director, in this respect, the CIA is an expert. We are just mercenaries, with limited capabilities…”

The Director of the CIA came to the door in person, and Liao Dong didn’t doubt that it was impossible.

I have cooperated with the CIA before, and the Americans have always been uneasy and kind, and they can do nothing to achieve their goals.

The current situation in the Middle East is more in line with the interests of the United States, and the United States is sending troops to Saudi Arabia.

At this time, the CIA director personally came to hope that the crab mercenary group would accept Saudi employment. What was the purpose?

“Many businesses are not suitable for us to take action. In many cases, our military and special operations forces cannot fully balance… You are a mercenary regiment, which is more flexible than the deployment of the military…”

Liao Dong looked at Sheldon Radillon and sneered, “Under the CIA, there are a lot of mercenaries doing dirty work, right?”

The other party actually wants the crab mercenaries to do the dirty work for them, what are they thinking about?

The Americans didn’t need it, they actually came to pit the river crab mercenary group.

“Don’t worry, the CIA will also pay you a share for the salary, how much Saudi Arabia gives…”

Anything abnormal is a demon!

There will never be a pie in the sky!

The director of the CIA actually told them that accepting Saudi employment, the crab mercenary group will receive a double salary from the Saudi Ministry of Defense and the CIA.

“Sir, what mission do you need the mercenary corps to perform?”

Given such a large price, the other party would certainly not be doing charity.

“You only need to accept Saudi employment to perform the tasks of the Saudi government. When necessary, we need you to provide information…”

“Let us betray the intelligence of the Soviets?”

Liao Dong looked at Sheldon Radillon, thinking that the other party was doing a good job with this abacus.

Just like this, the Director of the CIA will never come forward.

Sheldon Radillon shook his head directly.

“Knowing that you Chinese attach great importance to friendship, I just hope that when the U.S. military needs your cooperation to perform some tasks, you can cooperate as much as possible…”

Liao Dong did not reject Sheldon Radillon’s proposal.

The same did not agree to his request.

Xie Kai is thinking about how to sign an agreement with Samako these days.

Samako proposed that Kuwait’s future national defense construction, what kind of army to build, what equipment it is equipped with, and even the combat functions of the entire army are provided by 404 as a reference plan. This is extremely favorable for Xie Kai.

After seeing the combat effectiveness and command mode of the Blues, Samak was even more tempted.

Xie Kai is very embarrassed.

In a country as small as Kuwait, the size of the military will not go anywhere.

It is not easy to get their military equipment to reach 5 billion U.S. dollars, even if the other party is willing to increase the price by 50%.

Kuwait has no need for such expensive equipment as warships and nuclear submarines.

While he was worried about how to keep Kuwaitis with 5 billion U.S. dollars, members of the mercenary group appeared in front of him.

“Saudi Arabia hired a river crab mercenary group, and Iraq hired the Soviet Ullah mercenary group separated from the river crab mercenary group?”

Xie Kai frowned upon hearing the news.

Looking at the report Scorpion, “Don’t Liao Dong and the others know that it is very likely that the two sides will meet on the battlefield?”

Xie Kai didn’t know the name of the person in front of him.

In order to contact him, the river crab mercenary group arranged a contact person in Xiangjiang.

Contacts are constantly changing, and everyone is codenamed Scorpion.

Why is it called a scorpion?

Xie Kai is not clear.

Liao Dong, as long as they are happy.

It was just like when I had to ask the mercenary group to be called river crab.

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