Chapter 1513

At the border of the Iraqi army display, when Kuwait faced the invasion of Iraqi army, Prince Fahd took Samak to personally seize the entire Kuwait’s national defense construction and army training.

Otherwise, their military’s combat capability is even worse, and the entire Kuwaiti defense line may collapse as soon as the Iraqi army rushes over.

At least it was impossible to resist the opponent for more than an hour at the border, and even taught the opponent a bitter lesson.

In order to improve the combat capability of the army, Prince Fahd sent members of the royal family and some reliable officers to the front line to supervise the battle.

Najnon, who shined on the front line, was sent by Prince Fahd.

And now, Najinon will serve as the commander of the Kuwaiti Defence Forces First Brigade.

Xie Kai looked at each other with emotion.

Because these local tyrants are too rich, the military’s combat effectiveness is ridiculously poor.

No matter how much advanced equipment and lack of rigorous training, the combat effectiveness is not that strong.

Xie Kai looked at Samakho, not wanting him to find that he envied the richness of the other country.

Kuwaitis should be envious, they even lost their country.

China has an army of millions and a complete industrial production system.

You can make all kinds of weapons by yourself.

“Samako, as a friend, I sincerely suggest that under such circumstances, you should let your seed instructors go to China to receive training from our instructors. Usually the same training as instructors will not be given any preferential treatment. When selecting seed instructors, When you talk to the trainees, you must tell them to be prepared to endure hardships, otherwise these people will eventually be eliminated by the rigorous training…”

Samak just looked at Xie Kai quietly, thinking.

China’s weapons and equipment are indeed simple to operate and powerful.

If you have rigorous training, your combat effectiveness will definitely be stronger.

“If you want to have a strong combat force, you need not only advanced equipment, but also a strong will, a hard-working spirit, and a determination to work hard. This is why our national army has been equipped with backward equipment since its establishment. , But never lost a battle…”

Xie Kai added in his heart that although the casualties were heavy, it dealt a more painful blow to the enemy.

The PLA’s powerful combat effectiveness is recognized by the whole world.

Western countries headed by the United States have fought with volunteer troops carrying millet and rifles on the Korean battlefield. It is very clear how tenacious and brave these armed soldiers are.

For the sake of the battle plan, even being burned to death or freezing to death will not be exposed!

The military of Western countries simply cannot do this.

Therefore, no army in Western countries is willing to face an army like the People’s Liberation Army.

“Xie Kai, my friend, thank you! I am willing to send our army to China for rigorous training…Of course, I will also emphasize to the trained troops that this time the leader will be Major General Najnon.”

Xie Kai also knew that Najnon was a ruthless person.

That guy was a few years older than himself, so he was a major general.

Xie Kai also assured Samako that it will adopt a national production alliance and integrate all Chinese production units to ensure that all deliveries will be completed within half a year.

Samako is worried about the delivery date promised by China.

But he believes that the Chinese are still very enthusiastic about the money in their hands and are reluctant to let it go.

“When the contract is ready, you can sign it directly. Don’t worry about our funds. His Majesty King Jaber has once again added 5 billion US dollars in defense construction funds…”

Knowing that the other party only has money to buy, in order to make the Chinese work harder to deliver the equipment, he directly threw another 5 billion US dollars.

“How many?”

The corners of Xie Kai’s mouth twitched.

MMP, big dog, this beautiful knife seems so easy to come.

At every turn, 10 billion dollars are smashed out.(Read more @

China is so large, with millions of troops, and its annual military expenditure is less than 10 billion U.S. dollars!

A small country like Kuwait actually spent tens of billions of dollars to build national defense.

If you don’t leave all of it, it’s hard to tolerate it.

Seeing Xie Kai’s eyes rolling around with Harazi, Samako knew that Xie Kai was tempted.

Just be tempted.

He was afraid that the other party would not be tempted.

The other party was dying to gather $5 billion in equipment, and now he was not afraid that the other party wanted more.

What can the other party sell?

Xie Kai really drools.

Taking down the other 5 billion U.S. dollars from Kuwait, the cost of introducing technology was solved by half.

“Samako, don’t rush to sign the contract. His Majesty Jaber of your country approved another 5 billion U.S. dollars. I think it is necessary for us to talk about this cooperation…”

Samako smiled, wondering what Xie Kai was going to fix.

“Xie Kai, it was very difficult for you to make up your equipment for the previous 5 billion US dollars… Are you going to sell us strategic weapons? Forget the remaining 5 billion US dollars, you have nothing to sell… even the armed helicopters You can’t provide heavy fighters…”

Although Samako is satisfied with the national defense solutions and weapons and equipment provided by China, he does not think that Xie Kai still has something to sell to them.

It’s already very difficult to spend $5 billion in 404.

Adding two 053H3 guided-missile frigates, he also knew that the other party was trying to collect 5 billion U.S. dollars in equipment.

In the past, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia bought these frigates for only US$200 million each.

Now their purchase price has reached 300 million U.S. dollars per ship.

Xie Kai is actually eyeing their other $5 billion in funding.

Don’t be afraid of being crushed to death!

“No, no, no, Samako, we are not talking about weapons and equipment. We have provided you with weapons and equipment suitable for your use. Strategic level weapons and equipment are not suitable for you…”

“Then what else can you sell? Atomic bomb?”

Samak looked at Xie Kai suspiciously.

Xie Kai was startled when he heard it.

I really dare to think about this product in front of me.

Actually want an atomic bomb.

“No, Samakko, even if you give you that stuff, you are more likely to cause war. There is no possibility for that thing. No matter how much money is given, no country in the world will sell you…your country It is now occupied by the Iraqis. If they cannot continue the occupation, Iraq will surely destroy all kinds of infrastructure and oil fields…”

Samak looked at Xie Kai, and his heart swelled.

He knows the character of Sha Damu. After determining that he cannot maintain the occupation of Kuwait, Sha Damu will definitely destroy their oil fields in order to prevent Kuwait from continuing to produce oil.

The destruction of Kuwait’s oil fields is in Iraq’s interests.

The high price of national oil will seriously affect the Western economy.

When the Americans helped Israel and imposed an oil embargo on the United States, it caused a global financial crisis.

Now that Iraq is under economic sanctions, oil cannot be shipped out, and Kuwaiti oil can no longer be exploited…

“You know, our country’s infrastructure projects have always been known for high quality and high efficiency. I think I can talk about your country’s post-war reconstruction project cooperation… Whether your country wants to build skyscrapers or extinguish oil field fires, etc. It belongs to the business that our engineering unit is good at… all kinds of infrastructure will definitely be more efficient and cheaper than other countries, and the service will be more attentive…”

Samak was dumbfounded.

Almost scolded it, what is this special defense contract?

He never expected Xie Kai to be so shameless.

Xie Kai actually proposed to one of the defense ministers that he wanted to win the infrastructure project for Kuwait’s post-war reconstruction.

“Xie Kai, your proposal is very good. Unfortunately, I am only responsible for military affairs. If your country is willing to help us build military bases after the war, we will be very much Welcome… Regarding the construction of the national economic infrastructure, this needs to be discussed with our domestic relevant departments…”

Rejected by Samako, Xie Kai didn’t give up at all.

“Samako, the construction of a military base is part of the contract. For other aspects, I think it can be discussed first. Once your country drives out the Iraqi army and restores national sovereignty, our engineering team can enter the site directly. No We can’t make preparations after signing the contract. Your reconstruction will be much slower after the war…”

Xie Kai is determined to let Samako put the other 5 billion dollars into 404’s hands.

Even in the previous cooperation, he dug a huge hole for the other party, but now, it is obviously not suitable to talk about this.

It may even affect the cooperation that has been negotiated when the other party is suspicious.

“Our entire base, as well as the army’s command and training ground, are all built in the mountains. We have an experienced and professional engineering team to carry out this construction. They can not only help your country build secret military bases and underground commands. The basic military facilities such as the Ministry of Defense and the economic foundation of a country are also closely related to military projects… As the Minister of Defense, you also have the right to make suggestions, don’t you?”

Samak was really dumbfounded.

He always knew that Xie Kai was shameless.

But I never thought that Xie Kai would be shameless to such an extent.

For the sake of money, don’t have a face at all.

Regardless of whether Samako is willing or not, in order to convince him of China’s strong infrastructure construction capabilities and prove China’s construction speed and engineering quality, Xie Kai dragged Samako to a special economic zone in the south to visit various buildings representing China’s speed.

Especially the International Trade Building.

This 160-meter-high, 53-story landmark building was completed in just 14 months.

Moreover, it set the world’s fastest construction speed of one-story building in 3 days.

Xie Kai pointed to these buildings and introduced the situation of the buildings to Samak and other Kuwaiti representatives.

“Ten years ago, here, there was still a wasteland… Now, the city is very huge… This is the speed of China, this is 7 years ago, three days of one building, now two and a half days can be built… …At that time, the fastest time for Xiangjiang to build a first-story building was 5 days, and the United States took 4 days… In China, there is a saying: Time is money, efficiency is life! Therefore, your country wants to restore its economy as soon as possible after the war. We will undertake all kinds of projects in your country, which best meets your needs. The sooner you complete the infrastructure construction, the faster you will be able to generate economic benefits…”

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